View Full Version : Who's using Capture One Pro 9 now?

Ross the fiddler
11-01-2016, 9:59pm
I recently got around to upgrading from COPro8 to Pro 9 but have yet to play with the layers, but the colours seem to be pretty faithful for my Olympus ORF raw files.

I know Larry in Queensland is using it & thanks to him I went for the upgrade. :nod:

BTW, I've updated to 9.0.2 but don't know where to find (online) the details for what each update adds. Any help there?

Lance B
11-01-2016, 11:25pm
I am using Capture One Pro 9. I have been using Capture One since about 2004, it's the best RAW converter out there, IMO, both in results and workflow.

Ross the fiddler
12-01-2016, 4:15pm
Thanks Lance.

To answer my own question on update information I found it on the download page, https://www.phaseone.com/en/Download.aspx

And in the Documentation box there is the Release Notes (for 9.0.2) PDF. http://7fe726ba7ab35f43f237-3edeb37f3cf7c4dec48387edc64c5c49.r93.cf5.rackcdn.com/English/Capture%20One%209.0.2%20Release%20Notes%20(Rev%201.3).pdf

13-01-2016, 8:48am
I changed to Capture One 8 when I got my D810 and Nikon's Capture NX2 was discontinued. I am very happy with it, and have recently upgraded to CO9. The training videos on the web site are very useful.

13-01-2016, 12:43pm
i have started using it for the last two months and find it great to use and the tethering is excellent and the workflow is a breeze compared to ps
cheers macca

Steve Axford
13-01-2016, 1:37pm
I am using Capture One Pro 9. I have been using Capture One since about 2004, it's the best RAW converter out there, IMO, both in results and workflow.

Unfortunately C1 is not better in workflow for some users. I use LR because C1 does not connect to Helicon Focus or to LRTimelapse. I have read reports that suggest that it will also not handle very large numbers of photos. I have 35,000 on my active LR database. I do believe that C1 may be marginally better than LR in some respects, but the lack of connectivity is a serious drawback for some users.

13-01-2016, 6:05pm
I'm considering the switch but will only do so when I upgrade my laptop this year since that's the next piece of technology due in my cycle.
Have read some reports of superior conversion but inferior library system (and many other reports that say otherwise) so I'll be evaluating when it comes closer to the upgrade.
But just registering interest in this thread to hear opinion from others.

Lance B
13-01-2016, 10:39pm
Unfortunately C1 is not better in workflow for some users.

I offered an opinion, that's all.

I use LR because C1 does not connect to Helicon Focus or to LRTimelapse. I have read reports that suggest that it will also not handle very large numbers of photos. I have 35,000 on my active LR database. I do believe that C1 may be marginally better than LR in some respects, but the lack of connectivity is a serious drawback for some users.

I have probably twice that many photos, however I do not use "catalogue", but "sessions" and I've had no issues using COP9 in this regard. I do not use it as a cataloguing system, preferring to use my own system. As for other plug-ins or whatever, I use Photoshop after I have done most of the processing in COP and use it for use with plug-ins like Noiseware etc. Helicon Focus I use as a standalone.

Steve Axford
14-01-2016, 8:56am
Just my opinion too, Lance. I was forced to change from Capture1 to Lightroom a few years back because of time lapse. It took me a while to get used to the new product, but when I did I realised that the workflow (at least for me) is much better in LR. This may be due to the type of work I do, but it has made my life a lot easier. Having to use several different products as stand alone, was a real pain in the arse and it integrated with PS much better. I have many more than 35,000 photos as this is just what I keep in the active catalogue which is essentially last years work.