View Full Version : Sigma Art 24mm 1.4

06-01-2016, 8:32am
Just wondering members thoughts and what you think of your own 'real world' tests on this lens? I already have the 50mm ART and think it's brilliant on my D800e.

Lance B
06-01-2016, 9:34am
It seems to be a fantastic lens according to a few people that I know who have it. There is a poster over at DP Review, Mike (anothermike) who I have shared many Private Messages with as we discuss the various merits of certain lenses, that has done some testing on many wide angle and short telephoto lenses. He is a very well respected contributor over there. Here are his thoughts on the Sigma vs Nikon 24 f1.4:


He has also done some tests on the 24 f1.8:


Now, you need to bear in mind that he is mostly shooting at landscape apertures, like f8, and landscape distances, he does make this point in his reviews but it again worth noting. If you use these lenses for other purposes as well as landscape shots, like shooting at the wider apertures like f2 for subject isolation and focusing closer in than at landscape distances, then you may need to look at other resources as he really doesn't cover that area very much at all. He also doesn't cover things like bokeh very much as this is more for the wider-aperture-close-in-with nicely-blurred-backgound type photo. We have discussed this over Private Messages extensively over at DPR and I have come to the conclusion that I will keep my Nikon 24 f1.4 as it better covers my preferences which is a mix of close in wide aperture shots and also landscape shots. Whatever the case, I am sure that either the Sigma 24 f1.4, Nikon 24 f1.4 or the Nikon 24 f1.8 will be great lenses.

06-01-2016, 2:41pm
Thanks so much for the links Lance. It was difficult to find real world testing online and your link to Mike's was a beauty for anyone considering this lens. :nod: I have noted in my research that the Sigma isn't weather sealed, compared the Nikon, so that may be a small factor in the Nikon's favour when out shooting in different conditions.

06-01-2016, 3:00pm
fyi Sigma have a new lens coming out, the 20mm f1.4 ART

Lance B
06-01-2016, 9:55pm
fyi Sigma have a new lens coming out, the 20mm f1.4 ART

Better than that, it's already available. :)

06-01-2016, 10:35pm
Has anyone used the sigma or nikkor for astrophotography?

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