View Full Version : IS This Believable

06-01-2016, 7:19am

Nikon has unveiled the D500
The Camera we where waiting to succeed the D300s
Waiting for the fanfare to start


06-01-2016, 7:50am
It has been announced on the Nikon site, the D500 and D5.


06-01-2016, 8:17am
Yes I do see that is just after so long waiting at first thought i thought it wasnt so
Good to see the DX expanding for the extra benefits ....interesting to note that theres a 200 raw files can be shot continuously
All Hail the D500 to infinity and beyond :)


12-01-2016, 9:10pm
The D850 on Utube was a misleading info at time of CES 2016 opening.
Several D500 and D5 prototypes has been distributed and tested in the field.
Read in soc.media about specs and performance, and if u hav' €2400 somewhere in an old sock, why waiting buying the D500

13-01-2016, 8:30am
Personally I think the specs are perfect for who they are marketing this for. However I have doubts over the price; USD$2000 for a DX body, especially when its closest Canon rival, the 7D2, is around $500 less depending on where you look. It's dangerously close to D750 territory, yes you lose the fast shooting and AF system but its still no slouch, and you get all the low light, IQ and DR benefits that come from a full frame sensor.

I guess time will tell with this one.

14-01-2016, 11:16am
Yep - Sods law is alive and well

I had been hanging out for the ridiculously overdue D400 for so long that I eventually gave up on DX and moved up to the D810
No surprise then when they announced the D500 a couple of months later - aaargggh

Very very happy with my D810 and I still use my trusty D300s as a second body or for when I really want the 'reach'

I'd really like to see some new blood at Nikon - I think the marketing guys aren't the best custodians for the Nikon legacy and have released a confused product line in recent times. (IMHO)