View Full Version : Happy new year everyone

30-12-2015, 4:42pm
i would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their constructive comments on my posts during the year.
i'm of to the Philippines 31st December for 5 weeks.
i hope to get some nice and interesting images while there
i hope that the coming year gives everyone all that is good, and that the photography gods shine on you and help you get many WOW
factor shots

30-12-2015, 4:45pm
Ta Muddy. And the same to you.
And have a good trip/time away.

30-12-2015, 10:05pm
Happy New Year... :)
for the first time I am having a quiet one this year..
decided not to party on or go to the cricket in Adelaide with the heat.
so down the beach with my hubby and dog for the sunset with my new camera :)
then home for a relaxed quiet one after such a crazy few weeks :)
be safe all and happy snapping

02-01-2016, 10:50am
Happy New Year to you too Mudman and all at Ausphotography, enjoy your trip. I had a quiet one after going to the speedway at Avalon Wednesday night and leaving at 12:30AM for the 6hr drive home I was too tired to stay up and party.

02-02-2016, 6:08pm
sounds like a great way to go Jeanette
i just got home a few minutes ago, how's that for keen

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you getting old Keith?
i thought you rev heads were raggers from way back

02-02-2016, 7:13pm
So one might ask, "What have VIEW seen?":D

03-02-2016, 8:26am
i am still jet lagged Am, but will start processing shots as soon as possible.