View Full Version : Spoil for choices

22-12-2015, 1:58pm
Since I dont have funds for the Nikkor 200-500mm f/5.6
and with plenty of alternatives
I wish to ask members ( Lance and Co ) about real world advantages pro's and con's
With examples if any member have to show

I have the 300mm f/4 VR PF with a Tc X 1.4 II and it goes like the Stig but crave extra reach

My thoughts are which will give me more either

D750+300+TC 1.4 +DX mode
D750+300+TC 1.7 + FF Mode
D750+300+TC 1.7+DX Mode

I want to play around with BIF both mechanical bird and blood and bone birds


Lance B
22-12-2015, 4:56pm
I don't think the 200-500 is the best lens for BIF as it is a little slower to focus than a prime. Yes, it can be used, but there are possibly better alternatives like your 300 PF VR and 1.4x TC route. In FX mode this is 420mm and f5.6, not that far off 500mm f5.6 which is the long end of the 200-500. However, I cannot say whether the 300 + 1.7x TC would be better than the 200-500 as I have not used that combo for birding other than for a couple of static shots and these were in good light and stopped down quite a bit to f9. If you would like to try and meet up one day and try the 1.7x TC on your 300 PF, you are more than welcome. We can also compare it to my 200-500.

D810 + 300 f4 PF VR + 1.7x TCII, f9, 1/200sec, iso635


crop of above:


D810 + 300 f4 PF VR + 1.7x TCII, f9, 1/200sec, iso400


crop of above:


22-12-2015, 5:49pm
Prime example for you Lance as I thought the 1.7 would be a goer perhaps the 1.4 in Dx mode would be enough
With the Dx mode on the D750 ...why is the file size lower ....Is there a way to image the size file
Thanks for the invite ....perhaps sometime in Jan if your free we'll check the diary


Lance B
22-12-2015, 6:19pm
Prime example for you Lance as I thought the 1.7 would be a goer perhaps the 1.4 in Dx mode would be enough
With the Dx mode on the D750 ...why is the file size lower ....Is there a way to image the size file

I am not sure what you mean?

Thanks for the invite ....perhaps sometime in Jan if your free we'll check the diary

No problems.

22-12-2015, 6:34pm
I meant using the DX crop factor with the TC 1.4 to give me a 630mm focal length

Lance B
22-12-2015, 7:07pm
In Dx mode, your file will be about 11Mp. In Fx it is 24Mp.