View Full Version : Back ... Finally!

21-12-2015, 9:39am
After an extended bout of illness that nearly put a stop to everything, I'm home and (semi) active again, but quite mobility limited. This creates interesting challenges ... Not being able to kneel or sit on the ground, unable to look upward without holding on to something, etc ... In how to go about formerly mundane photo opportunities.

ah well. Guess I'll become an indoor, seated portrait and still life photographer :D

21-12-2015, 9:42am
Welcome back, Reds.

Take it easy. Maybe just give some CC, etc.


Mary Anne
21-12-2015, 1:43pm
Good to see you back, and yes take it easy, still life and portrait would probably be ideal for you.
Easy to stay active on here seated, and CC is the way to go

Mark L
21-12-2015, 10:50pm
Glad you’re able to get back here and good luck with everything you have to deal with.
To take your mind off some things, and give you a reason to take some photos that are within your capabilities, why not think about getting involved in next tears weekly members challenge .... http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?143461-The-2016-Members-Challenge-Themes

22-12-2015, 5:54am
Welcome back. Hope your health continues to improve.