View Full Version : Warning: More SPAM Email - A Quick In-Box Check

15-12-2015, 7:18am
Guys. Once again it has happened!

Today I got MORE SPAM from MYSELF!! Others have also reported mail from "ME".

The tricky thing is that the titles sometimes look reasonable, but the general rule is to CHECK FIRST BEFORE OPENING.
(And the follow-up rule is: If in doubt, delete it!!)

The following PIC shows a technique for checking the sender's email address WITHOUT OPENING the
email itself... (This is for "webmail" services like Yahoo and Optus Webmail. G-Mail not tested, so somebody can.)

You simply hover the mouse over the Sender's name in the In-Box. If it is NOT from someone you know then
you can delete it straightaway. (See picture below.)

Hover mouse over Sender's name...

15-12-2015, 7:33am
Can't say I'm surprised you received an email from yourself. Guess that's one better than sending yourself Xmas cards. :)

15-12-2015, 7:44am
UPDATE: Just verified the same method works with GMail.

15-12-2015, 7:58am
I didn't get any spam mail from 'ME' but I did get one from 'YOU'. :lol2:

Deleted and blocked.

I @ M
15-12-2015, 8:59am
Exactly what is it that is in that box of pills that you want me to buy and why would I need a Rolex when I have a perfectly good Seiko Am?

15-12-2015, 3:50pm
That particular trick works for nearly all types of email software......just saying :D

It even works for outlook and any M$ email programs AM

15-12-2015, 4:01pm
Ta. I didn't know, as I only use html mail clients, ie. webmail types. (I don't like the idea of using Outlook as
it saves all your mail on the HDD.)

17-12-2015, 12:51am
Where does it save it on the Hard Drive, as my wife uses Outlook (fn windows) and cannot find any deleted mail at all.

she paid for Outlook and I tell her she is paying twice :(

17-12-2015, 7:32am
Eden. In various places depending on the operating system.
Look for *.pst files (a kind of database). Oh, and they might be hidden, so include "hidden files"
in your search.

Hmm! Looking at Google with: "where does outlook store files", or so helps.


Oh, I don't know if there's a cloud service for it now???

17-12-2015, 4:17pm
Oh, I don't know if there's a cloud service for it now???

Office365... But it still does store mails locally... your advice about .pst files is still valid.

Mark L
18-12-2015, 10:02pm
Yeah I've been getting this spam from you in the last two days again. It's not a big worry since I've learned to ignore your proper non-spam emails anyway.:lol2:;)

19-12-2015, 7:04am
Well, if it's any "consultation", I've been getting spam from a "contact" as well. So have all
his own contacts, he tells me. I have alerted him too, so who knows?!!