View Full Version : Photoshop on Hi-Res Monitors - Font Size

14-12-2015, 12:56pm
Folks. A bit of a heads-up before you splurge on either Photoshop or a hi-res (more than 1920 x 1080) monitor.

Ah, yes! I recently got a Toshiba laptop with a 4K display (3840 x 2160 pixels). Tremendous views:):nod::party7:

Couldn't wait to install the free Adobe Photoshop CS2...

When I did, the Toolbar and the palette text were minute!!:eek: - Even smaller than this text. - About half again.
As a BONUS, some of the text in the palettes overlapped and became unreadable - read "invisible"!

MUCH searching on Internet points to a known problem with NO solution evident, just lots of laments. Here are two such links:

For more of the same, do a Google search on "system font size in photoshop too small".

And so I thought it was due to just living in the past with CS2, but it extends to current versions including CC versions.

Strangely, though, it does not seem to affect Lightroom:confused013

Hey! If anybody has found a silver bullet it'd be worth more than gold:rolleyes:

Happy to hear of solutions, but will grudgingly accept laments and commiserations:(

Apart from that I'm not unhappy at having got the laptop.

Steve Axford
14-12-2015, 1:49pm
If you use back level software, then you have to forgo any other upgrades. Photoshop CC doesn't have that problem, but Adobe will not fix CS2 or CS3 or CS4 or anything that is backlevel. The same applies to any new cameras that you get. If they use new RAW images then they will not work. I think that has always been the case.
You can use your display at 1920x1080.

14-12-2015, 1:55pm
Yes, that's my workaround, Steve: use it at the lower resolution. But according to the links I read it is widespread across all
versions. I think you have a fairly hi-res monitor. Do you only run the CC version?

Steve Axford
14-12-2015, 3:15pm
When I first got it, I had that problem but within a week Photosghop CC had a new version out. Lots of products had that issue initially and I had to make sure I had all the latest versions, but after that, no problem. It was a bit of a shock initially as I couldn't read a bloody thing, but now I've forgotten the frustration. Now I have to put up with using CaptureOne as LightRoom doesn't convert the Sony Raw files yet. Next month I suppose. When you upgrade one thing, then lots of others have to follow.

14-12-2015, 3:43pm
Am, Mate, you've now got the you-beaut 3840 x 2160 lappy. Do you think the time may be right to update your PP program from the 2005 release of PS, the CS2, to something that will allow you to enjoy the high tech goodies of your new Toshiba.

It hurt when I first signed up to give the price-gouging thieves at Adobe $9.99 of my hard earned pension every month, but I promise that time, and all the latest and greatest PP tools, will ease the pain. :lol2:

14-12-2015, 3:53pm
Hmm! I get the drift. Right, well you've both confirmed it's not in the CC version.

14-12-2015, 4:12pm
Well my Dell 2560x1440 is not up to the specs of your new toy, or Steve's either, but I don't remember any problems.

I did find that my new best friend is CRTL/Scroll. :nod:

14-12-2015, 4:29pm
Ta Kev. Maybe the posts I read about CC were old and it has since been addressed. It was mainly people
with your screen res who 1st complained.

I now run Photoshop in 1920x1080 mode on that machine. The Windows and some other text is not as crisp (say 90%) as in
4K mode, but the images are perfect.

14-12-2015, 4:48pm
I think that Win 10 comes with a “Magnify” tool that you can use to magnify a defined region on the screen. Its like a magnifying loupe at the end of your mouse pointer. You can turn this on/off via the Task Bar. A bit fiddly, but it may get you up and running until you get a better solution?



14-12-2015, 4:54pm
Am, Mate, you've now got the you-beaut 3840 x 2160 lappy. Do you think the time may be right to update your PP program from the 2005 release of PS, the CS2, to something that will allow you to enjoy the high tech goodies of your new Toshiba.
It hurt when I first signed up to give the price-gouging thieves at Adobe $9.99 of my hard earned pension every month, but I promise that time, and all the latest and greatest PP tools, will ease the pain. :lol2:

Kev makes an interesting point, time to move forward :D (Not that I've done that yet, after Xmas I reckon) :o

I @ M
14-12-2015, 5:04pm
Am, simple kwestchun mate, why do you live in the dark ages and not employ a lower resolution screen for the tools palette and have the image being edited on the you beaut new screen?

I @ M wanders off shaking head at people who use dinosaur technology at 2050 prices in the form of anything a$obe anyway. :p

14-12-2015, 6:22pm
Yes. That is my work-around for P'shop: 1080p res. It works. At least everything else works properly.

Now come on, folks. What's all this talk about moving into the 20th century (let alone the 21st:eek:). What's wrong with the stone age, I say.:nod:

Steve Axford
14-12-2015, 6:50pm
Don't worry, Am. I think I was using CS 2 when I started using a 4K monitor. I knew I would have to upgrade at some stage. You've done well to last as long as you have. If you want 4K, you need new software

14-12-2015, 6:57pm
:( :nod: :(