View Full Version : Lifes problems got in the way.

18-11-2015, 3:29pm
Hi all, got the dreaded inactive email the other day. After a disastrous end to our Cape York Trip in June July. (A dodgy head repair on the Maverick I had purchased last year let go, dumping the water , overheating and seizing the engine 10 minutes out of Laura FNQ). After flying home I begged, borrowed and sold anything I didn't need and eventually raised enough to fly back to cairns, have the car bought from Laura and have a reconditioned motor fitted, but the problems weren't over yet. The changeover motor had the wrong sump on it and had to be returned to the re-conditioner to have the correct one fitted. 2 days delay. Next the radiator was beyond repair (possible cause of the original problem with the head) Another $500 and 1 more day, the thermostat housing was badly corroded and required welding and machining as replacements are not available, another $100. Motor finally fitted Friday afternoon. Oops it's blowing bubbles out the side of the head, Tow truck back to the re-conditioners, head off, new head gasket fitted, still blowing bubbles at 10:30 Pm, not working over weekend so Monday morning they chased up a genuine head gasket, only 1 available in Aus and it's in Perth, another 2 days, the motel bill is getting huge and money running low. I finally get the car back Wednesday night too late to head off so make up my bed in the back and camp overnight in cairns, enough money left for about 1200-1500K's then a 3 day wait for my pension money. Another 5 days and I am finally home. I haven't felt like doing much over the last few weeks and the inactive email was the kick start I needed. Did the local Christmas market last Sunday and sold a few prints and got orders for a couple more and 2 tentative Shearing shed shoot bookings. So I am now ready to get back into it - Photography that is.

18-11-2015, 3:34pm
Gosh, Keith! How utterly parfettick! What do people cobble together and charge money for??

Did I say "Welcome back"? - Er, no, so welcome back anyway.

18-11-2015, 6:50pm
Sorry to hear Keith. Nothing like car trouble to drain one's cash. Hope you sell plenty more prints to get that wallet back into shape.
Welcome back.

sent from Earth via tapatalk

19-11-2015, 5:27am
Welcome back seems like not enough after the drama you have been through. I think you need to put a tail on your vehicle. It seems be going through some of its nine lives in a hurry of late.

Mary Anne
19-11-2015, 7:39am
Goodness you and your vehicle have been in the wars lately Keith and sorry to read that, though its good to see you are back here.
So Welcome Back :banana::banana:

19-11-2015, 7:34pm
sorry to hear Keith and welcome back

thank you for your welcome and lovely to see you again :)

Mark L
19-11-2015, 10:12pm
I want to travel more and my better half refuse to. I'm not showing her this thread.:)
Hope things get better Keith. It's all an experience anyway.:th3:

Steve Axford
20-11-2015, 4:50pm
That would knock the stuffing out of you for a while. Glad to hear that you're back on you feet again.

21-11-2015, 8:39am
Atleast 2016 is here almost time for a new resolution

21-11-2015, 5:12pm
That sounds like a saga, always a concern when things go wrong in the remote areas. Better luck next time.

22-11-2015, 11:05pm
welcome back

23-11-2015, 12:03am
Thank you all for your comments and well wishes. I have just done the 3rd service since the reco motor was fitted 11000Km ago and everything is running well, so now to start planning the next big trip.