View Full Version : Computer Problem

out n about
18-11-2015, 10:46am
Hi all we are having a problem with our macbook pro on which we do all our photo editing... I was hoping that someone on site here may be able to suggest something other than what we have tried. The problem started when I was editing pics on lightroom, I was pushing through with the edits and in a fairly warm room, the computer just crashed and I thought I may have over heated it so let it cool down and although it has restarted a few times since it keeps on crashing and ending up with either the white screen of death or the black equivalent. We are running El Capitan on a late 2011 15"macbook pro 2.7mhz intel quad core processor, 16 gig ram and 1gig radeon graphics. We have ran the apple hardware test and it says all is OK, we have erased the disc and done a complete reinstall of el capitan and although it booted up after the reinstall it crashed again as I started using Lr again. I would appreciate any suggestions you may have.
Thanks Colin

18-11-2015, 12:15pm
Do you mean formatted the disk? If not formatted, then have you given it a good malware scan?
- Just in case there's a nefarious reason for this. If LR seems implicated, how does it go with some
other heavy-hitting software? Any particular error messages?

18-11-2015, 3:24pm
might be an issue with the new operating system and lightroom. Adobe website says there is a conflict with Lightroom 6. suggest you google and follow site advice.

18-11-2015, 3:28pm
might be an issue with the new operating system and lightroom. Adobe website says there is a conflict with Lightroom 6. suggest you google and follow site advice.

Phew, you're right! I just searched "conflict with Lightroom 6" and there's a LITANY of problems!!! - ALso with Win OSs.

Mark L
18-11-2015, 7:46pm
So you're assuming that Lightroom 6 is being used, and I'm assuming that what ever's being used hasn't had a problem until know (and if so, did you change anything recently)??

18-11-2015, 7:50pm
Well, let's assume that in their fit of pique at mod tech G and C did not actually say, either.

18-11-2015, 9:22pm
I had similar issues with Lightroom CC about 2 weeks back as well. Lightroom subsequently issued an update that fixed things but for a while I couldn't import anything.

out n about
19-11-2015, 7:58am
Thanks guys ... Am we did format the hard drive and did a reinstall of lion and then el capitan and it did seem to be running a bit better (ran a video at 8 times speed with no hiccups) then downloaded Lr and then imported our pics from time capsule backup 23000 odd and still no problem but as soon as started a bit of editing the system crashed... we too have read of potential conflicts with Lr 6 as well as some issues with el capitan. We would do another disk format but have ran out of bandwidth only 8gig a month so we have taken it to the shop.. hopefully all will be revealed. Thanks again

19-11-2015, 8:41am
There was a note about switching off some piece of functionality in the latest lightroom that would cause it to crash. I think it was the Show Add Photos dialogue under preferences but my crashing was occurring on import. Maybe it's trying to regenerate the previews which is where it is crashing. You can try switch that to manual and see if it helps manually generating previews in smaller batches.

out n about
19-11-2015, 9:05am
There was a note about switching off some piece of functionality in the latest lightroom that would cause it to crash. I think it was the Show Add Photos dialogue under preferences but my crashing was occurring on import. Maybe it's trying to regenerate the previews which is where it is crashing. You can try switch that to manual and see if it helps manually generating previews in smaller batches.
Thanks MissionMan i will see what happens when I get it back from the shop... hopefully early next week. If I am still having an issue I will try your suggestion and let you know.