View Full Version : Been away

Barry H
12-11-2015, 10:54pm
Hi all,

I have been away for awhile, so not so active on this forum, hope to rectify that.

I am a Canon shooter with possibly way too much gear (if that is possible) my main interest is Portrait, Landscape and Nature photography.

I consider myself to be an Intermediate photographer, who is keen to develop more and better skills.

I am currently studying Lighting ratios for Portrait work.

I look forward to being able to contribute in some small way to this forum, and hope to be able to pick up some helpful tips along the way.


Barry H

13-11-2015, 7:04am
Welcome back Barry

Mary Anne
13-11-2015, 9:21am
Hello Barry and Welcome back.

14-11-2015, 2:51pm
Welcome back Barry!

17-11-2015, 4:04pm
Welcome back Barry. I'm another who has been away for quite a while....life has a funny way of keeping you busy.

17-11-2015, 8:04pm
hey there :)