View Full Version : Best Photography Stores in Melbourne? And Photo Clubs?

04-11-2015, 7:32am
I will be house-sitting in Melbourne (in Brighton) from 20 December to 5 January. I like poking around in camera stores, so I was wondering which are the best camera stores in Melbourne.

While most Photo Clubs are probably hibernating over the Christmas period, I was wondering if there are any Photo Clubs to visit while I am there.


04-11-2015, 8:12am
I went here (http://www.michaels.com.au/) twice.

(You won't want to to know when, so don't ask:eek: OK, you didn't ask for it: 1990 - BC, AD, no matter:D)

04-11-2015, 1:36pm
You're not wrong about the hibernation. Most clubs won't be operating over the Christmas break. Might be better off looking for interesting places to photograph while you're here - and that'll depend on whether you have transport or not.

04-11-2015, 8:25pm
We are already planning on taking lots of photos as well :-)
We have started a pinterest board: *removed: refer to the site rules, in particular rule #4*

Where are some other places we should be going to take photos?

04-11-2015, 9:54pm
In respect to the camera stores, there are 3 (4 if you count JB HiFi) within 150m of each other in Elizabeth St in the City.

Check out the camera Museum at Michaels, its free and worth the browse.

Mary Anne
04-11-2015, 10:00pm
Google is your Friend there it knows everything..

I @ M
05-11-2015, 4:47am
From my experience with the Melbourne stores, the Vanbar outlet usually has plenty of gear to drool over on display.


07-11-2015, 6:53am
Thanks, folks, much appreciated.

07-11-2015, 7:01am
Now we have helped. Looking forward to actually seeing some of your photos up for CC soon and perhaps some advice and CC to other members as they have been so good at answering the questions you post.