View Full Version : Adding D7200 + Tamron 70-200 2.8 VC to my kit

01-11-2015, 11:32am
I currently shoot using a FujiFilm X-T1 and have a 35mm 1.4 , Zeiss 12m 2.8 and cheap 50-230mm slow zoom.

I largely shoot animals, generally dogs and often dogs in action and am finding the X-T1 a bit frustration at focus tracking and in low light acquisition.
I was keen to get the 50-140mm 2.8 Fuji lens but will likely be stuck with the same frustration.

This lens is around $1800 + so it's a fair investment into the system.

While the D750 looks like a great value option it's a bit price restrictive, that and I like the added reach a crop body gives. Though reduced subject isolation and especially in the case of the D750 low light performance is a bit of a downer.

So I think the D7200 isn't a bad option? Coupled with the Tamron, which buy all the reading of done is well regarded and great value, even some about for $700 second hand, the combo of a new D7200 (can't find any second hand) and Tamron 2.8 may come in only marginally dearer than the Fuji 50-140mm 2.8 on it's own, new (again non second hand).

The D7200 lacks a few things which would annoy me as a sole body, ie lack of tilt screen which I find massively useful on the X-T1, but using it largely with just the 70-200 view finder only would be fine.

From what I've read it's image quality and sensor are pretty much top of the APC options, the X-T1 is also highly regarded and back to back comparisons quite close, hence why I've considered the Nikon over Canon options, which seem to be a step back from Fuji or Nikon image quality.

I've already read that while on paper the Nikon focus 'specs' aren't quite a 7Dii , in actual use people find their 3D/Subject tracking a focus system better? Is this true in anyone experience?

I'd be keen to hear anyone using the D7200 and even with that lens combo for similar type purposes and if the idea of having two bodies of different brands somewhat for different types of shooting is a good one, or if I should maybe try sell the Fujifilm stuff and move too a single system?

Jorge Arguello
05-11-2015, 4:58pm
I am not sure if you are a bit confuse on what you wrote.
Me I ask, From where did you get " the D750 low light performance is a bit of a downer"?

05-11-2015, 6:41pm
Dan, from the reviews I've read the D750 is very, very good in low light.

Hang the Tamron 70-200mm f2.8 off it, put the camera in DX mode, and you have an extremely capable 105-300mm f2.8 set-up.

06-11-2015, 9:35am
Jorge, sorry that was terrible English. What I was trying to say is while the D750 falls short in reach, and the D7200 excels here, it's a 'downer' that the D7200 by comparison falls short in low light.

Yes I've been doing plenty of reading about the D750 and D7200, the D750 certainly is great in low light, a good 1 stop, maybe 1.5 stops better than the D7200. So I guess shooting action that is the difference between 1/800th and 1/400th or more, which is substantial.

The more I think about it the D750 makes sense, it's just the added cost to overcome. I would be likely satisfied and know not really going to get much better (without spending 3x the price) for years too come though.

15-11-2015, 10:07pm
I ended up sourcing a used Tamron 70-200 2.8 VC and new D750 + lowepro toploader for $3k total. Having already had a play, I'm quite impressed. Huge step up in focus performance from what I'm use too, but the low light ability and the unreal way one can push the shadows is awesome. As per the examples below impossible to achieve with the X-T1 and any lens option, be it in focus or lighting.

Feels good to have a much better suited tool for the job as they say.

1/640th at iso 8000 and still clean and punchy, I'm guessing the D7200 would have been struggling at that point.
https://farm1.staticflickr.com/673/23007749126_5c4122e162_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/B47JeL)DSC_1172.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/B47JeL) by Dan P (https://www.flickr.com/photos/121288486@N08/), on Flickr

1/800th & ISO 3600 and just nailing focus on the eyes with a shallow DOF.
https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5800/22615456857_18c4385367_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/Ass8pX)Striker on the boardwalk (https://flic.kr/p/Ass8pX) by Dan P (https://www.flickr.com/photos/121288486@N08/), on Flickr

16-11-2015, 9:46am
As they say, the proof of the pudding is in the eating.

And judging from your first outing I think you have a lot of lip-licking ahead of you. :th3:

16-11-2015, 4:13pm
Looks like you will be really happy with your purchase. The 70-200 f/2.8 is my favourite lens. It virtually never leaves my camera if I can help it.

John Humpo
26-11-2015, 9:08pm
Keen to get the same Lens for my D7100, the shots you have taken are very good clear & sharp, well done!

30-11-2015, 7:13am
I think you'd be very happy with the lens on the 7100. Will certainly help keep your wallet substantially thicker but your gear a little lighter vs the branded option.

03-12-2015, 8:34pm
+1 for the Tamron 70-200 being a great lens. I shoot 90% of the time with mine. IT is just nice to use and capable of so much. I use it for portrait work, production shots at the local theatre and dance shots of my daughter. You simply can't go wrong with it.