View Full Version : Arrogance

30-10-2015, 3:30pm
Hi all,
Now I may cop a bit of heat from this, but I have noticed in my photography adventure period, that the more other people get noticed or praised with their photos, the more they become arrogant. Don't get me wrong, I know its not all, but I have noticed a lot lately, and whilst it doesn't impact me as such, but just trying to interact with some people proves difficult some times. I used to enjoy finding a group of other photographers and go out for shoots, but even then that became too competitive, like it was a job and the first person to get the better photo wins the money, but now I am finding it is more peaceful and enjoyable being a "lone wolf"

Has anyone else noticed this or is it just me?

Cheers all

(Not trying to be a di#k about it with this thread either, just merely and observation)

30-10-2015, 4:27pm
Hi Ausfitter.
The few couple of times I've been with others I have not found any "arrogance" as such. We seem to just go our separate ways, take our own pics,
talk about them (why, etc)...

I mean that's what I've found so far. Maybe I should get out more:o:D

30-10-2015, 4:40pm
To be honest I have noticed the opposite. In recent times I have started doing photography trips - touring with like minded travellers and I can say I have met some of the most interesting, highly skilled and gifted photographers. In almost all cases these people are more experienced and far more talented than myself, but bend over back wards to help me improve.

Maybe it is the genre you are specialising in, but all in all those interested in wildlife have a genuine passion about caring for the planet and come to appreciate the beauty of nature. There are bad apples in every barrel but so far touch wood I have not been affected by them.

Just my own experience.

30-10-2015, 4:58pm
I spent some time on I think http://www.stampboards.com/. I am pretty sure that is the one. Talk about Arrogance. You could not spell a word incorrectly, punctuate, or ask a silly question. You would get hauled over the coals. One time I disagreed with an administrator and received a months ban. One time I placed 3 identical stamps of different shades and asked if someone could verify the shading. Got me in big trouble, they wanted to know what SG #s etc etc. If I had known that info I would not need to ask the question in the first place. NO! There is no arrogance here.

I @ M
30-10-2015, 5:10pm
that the more other people get noticed or praised with their photos,

It's a facebook thing ---- :D

And yes, to a degree I have seen a similar attitude displayed over the years.
Thankfully there are more of the type who enjoy simply sharing knowledge and social times with other like minded people than those who receive a few likes on facebook and are convinced that they are the reborn Ansel Adams.

30-10-2015, 5:36pm
Arrogant people come from all walks of life. Photography is no different. I find I take better photos alone than I do in a group. I tend to be to social in a group and not concentrate. So if I am at a beach doing a sunrise, and someone else turns up, I will be polite but may not be all that chatty, cause I have some goals in mind for what I want to get from the shoot. So perhaps that may come across as arrogance, but it was not meant to.

My point is that what you see as arrogance, may in fact be that the person just doesn't want to be all that chatty, most disputes of any sort result from miscommunication more than any other cause.

30-10-2015, 5:36pm
Thanks for your input guys :-) Just wanting to clear up though, I am not referring to people on this forum, as I have not had a great deal to do with anyone, and the ones I have, have been fantastic. I@M has pretty much hit the nail on the head, the biggest network I find is FB, and that is where I find the people with the most arrogance. I would be happy to find like minded togs that would take the time to help push the limits and better my skills, but so far I have had pretty much the opposite. Maybe I need to just take a big, no massive step back from FB.

30-10-2015, 6:08pm
Ah now FB and the web in particular is a different kettle of fish. Here i find we have bullies - these are people who can say and write the most amazing things they would never have the nerve to say in real life. These people i take with a grain of salt - they are not real, they are merely hiding behind a computer screen and have found a new lease of life with the event of FB and other forums.

30-10-2015, 6:29pm
AH FB, the place to get likes. Don't dare to try and give really good CC, cause anything constructive is met with disdain. All they want is Ooohs and Ahhhs and WOWS. etc

30-10-2015, 8:44pm
I gave CC on a forum on FB and got dragged over the coals for deflating an ego, don't do it anymore unless asked.

Mark L
30-10-2015, 9:18pm
I've met maybe 10 AP members and none of them were arrogant in any way (though one can be a bit confusing :))
'spose it depends on the company you keep. FB seems like the company you have when you don't have any other company.:confused013
Time to organise an AP meet around Brisbane. Then you can all post photos here and bag each other with good humour.:)

31-10-2015, 8:46am
I used to organize regular meets for AP members and have never found any of them to be arrogant. It was quite the opposite in fact - we used to help each other out with settings, composition ideas, technical issues. After the meets we used to go to a local cafe and have breakfast or we would make a picnic of it.
Like Rick, I used to find that I would take better photos on my own but I really enjoyed the camaraderie that we shared at our meets. Unfortunately, all those members seemed to have moved on from AP and I miss them all very much.
A large number of togs on FB are there for promoting themselves or their tog business - it makes sense that they don't want to have proper CC as it would not look good for themselves / business.:(

31-10-2015, 8:57am
I count myself pretty lucky, then.:nod: Nobody on AP falls into that category:angry34:, and... I suppose...
the worst I could say is we have a crop of Agapanthus flowers growing along the front, but even they suffer
from "tall poppy syndrome", and have their heads plucked off by passers-by:(

31-10-2015, 10:18am
Why is anyone on FB. I go there to play a few games and receive messages from my daughter or find my son. I converse with a few people "I like", if they were arrogant, rude or any other, I would simple remove them from my friends list.

Mark L
31-10-2015, 8:09pm
Why is anyone on FB. I go there to play a few games and receive messages from my daughter or find my son. I converse with a few people "I like",

Seems like you gave a few good answers to your question (or maybe "Why is anyone on FB." wasn't a question).

31-10-2015, 10:25pm
Punctuation can make or brake a sentence, or make it change the meaning altogether. I do not report to be perfect in my spelling or punctuation far from it. But sometimes you can read a statement from someone and make multiple meaning from it, or no meaning at all, depending on punctuation. Having said that. Why is anyone on FB ????????????

01-11-2015, 6:04am
FB = Faecesbook, the biggest pile of poo on the planet !!!

Geoff Port
01-11-2015, 6:47am
Thanks for your input guys :-) I@M has pretty much hit the nail on the head, the biggest network I find is FB, and that is where I find the people with the most arrogance. I would be happy to find like minded togs that would take the time to help push the limits and better my skills, but so far I have had pretty much the opposite. Maybe I need to just take a big, no massive step back from FB.

Yep the same has happened to me on FB. I fixed the problem really easily. I now don't go to FB. FOR ANYTHING. Pics of peoples meals and new socks are really boring.;);)

01-11-2015, 8:09am
FB = Faecesbook, the biggest pile of poo on the planet !!!

I knew there was a reason I didn't get it:p

01-11-2015, 11:56am
I guess you just have to expect that different spaces on the internet are going to have a different dynamic.

On a site like this that centres on sharing your work with others, these arrogant types you speak of are likely to pull their head in or not use it.

On their Facebook page they are more likely to feel they are in their domain and even the most constructive CC may be viewed as akin to coming into their house and picking apart their work they hang on the wall.
The place for giving and expecting to receive honest CC is probably not Facebook, you go else where for that.

I'm not a big follower of people's photography in their own web spaces for that reason, they can be as arrogant as they want in these places as far as I'm concerned, but they need to expect it reflects on themselves and they have to back it up with quality work.
Ones I do follow are not like this at all and I imagine that works more in their favor.

If you want to see the real tools of photography you need to go to the sites that are not interested in pictures, just the technical gear aspects of taking them.
The flame wars in these places can be epic and highly amusing from the side lines in how these people come across. :)

01-11-2015, 12:11pm
Thanks guys, I appreciate the time taken to give your input and can definitely say that there is in no way any "arrogance" that I have come across on this forum. Its true that a lot of people on FB seem to think that what they put up are perfect photos, and don't like any criticism other than the "ohs and ahs" and generally just trying to big note themselves. I was hoping FB would be a little bit more grown up in the way of helping others, but it is not the case. Ultimately I think for myself in regards to photography and FB, its time to take a step back.

Thanks all :-)

Mark L
01-11-2015, 9:40pm
.... and can definitely say that there is in no way any "arrogance" that I have come across on this forum.
Well it's about time you looked up all my photos and went "ohs and ahs" and told me how bloody good I am . Go on, do it. :lol::lol:
Be careful what you say.:D

02-11-2015, 8:01am
My photos are incredible. No arrogance required. :p

In all honesty though, I think there are those who post photos for validation of how good they are, and those who post for feedback on how they can improve. Those who fall into the former are not the ones you want to post feedback to because it goes down like a lead balloon.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

02-11-2015, 5:49pm
This probably explains why I'm still so astonishingly humble.

02-11-2015, 6:48pm
This probably explains why I'm still so astonishingly humble.

Look who's boasting:D