View Full Version : Newbie x 1 excited to be able to watch, read and learn

18-10-2015, 12:45pm
Hi ...Julie here from Western Australia. Total newbie to photography and excigted to have found this forum. I work away a lot so very spasmodic in internet connection and time to get involved.

18-10-2015, 12:49pm
That is one thing you will be doing here, is learning. No matter how long you are here, it is all learning.

18-10-2015, 12:55pm
Welcome aboard, Julie.

(Shh! Secretly, The Grump likes learning:D)

Whenever you ARE within internet range, DO log on though. Joining in here is the key.

If you go to the Library you'll find a lot of interesting stuff (to learn).


18-10-2015, 12:57pm
Hi thegrump ... I can't wait to see others pics and get into the forums and read some of the threads.

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haha ameerat42 ... I am sure thegrump loves learning.

I will log on when I can but I sometimes work in remote places and have very limited or dodgy connections. Just mentioned to explain why sometimes I may not be active. :) Heading over to the library ... thanks Am

18-10-2015, 1:04pm
Welcome aboard, Julie.

(Shh! Secretly, The Grump likes learning:D)

Whenever you ARE within internet range, DO log on though. Joining in here is the key.

If you go to the Library you'll find a lot of interesting stuff (to learn).


That is because the more I learn
The more I know
The more I know
The more I forget
The more I forget
The less I know
So why bother.

That was one the side blackboard in my 4th form Maths class. 1964. I have not forgotten that.

Oh....It is true, for me and my brain anyway

Mary Anne
18-10-2015, 1:45pm
Hello Julie and Welcome to AP. Join in when you can and will look forward to seeing what you post on the Forums.

18-10-2015, 1:55pm
Thank you Mary Anne ... have lots of questions but will search the forums first to see if it has already been covered. :)

18-10-2015, 2:14pm
Welcome to AP. See you and your photos on the forums soon.

18-10-2015, 2:15pm
Welcome Julie :)

18-10-2015, 2:32pm
Thank you Rick ... I am trying to race through housework and hoping that this rain we have is going to can our job tomorrow so I can read and browse more. haha

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THank you very much cricket :)

22-10-2015, 5:08am
Welcome Julie to AP :)

22-10-2015, 7:25am
Thank you bitsnpieces

Mark L
22-10-2015, 8:03pm
Welcome aboard Julie,
You've found a good place to play and learn and help others. (yep, you can say "I like that because ......... ." might help to have a new impression)

... have lots of questions but will search the forums first to see if it has already been covered. :)

Don't search to much. You might find the answer to the question that is a few years old. Good for you but there may be others wondering the same thing that don't search. Might also be some insights from newer experienced members. So, got a question, just ask and see what happens.:th3:

See you around AP

22-10-2015, 9:04pm
Hey Mark

Thanks for your kind words and good advise. I just didn't want to be a nuisance with reposting on things that have already been covered, although as you say it might help someone else and we may come up with a new look on something. :) I lost all my photo's from my laptop courtesy of my cat resetting it for me. lol They are floating around somewhere on a card and I will have to hunt them down. I recently had a computer built so that when I do editting I am getting a better idea of what really is as opposed to images I get on my laptop. So, am starting to accumulate some gear. THanks again and catch you on the boards.

Mark L
22-10-2015, 9:15pm
^ another reason for me to not like cats. :lol: (no wish to offend, but ... ;):))
Buy a HDD and backup them photos up every so often.
Nothing wrong with being a nuisance either. It kind of helps forums work sometimes. (if you reply to this I'll try not to reply to your reply in case you think I'm being a nuisance. :D;))

22-10-2015, 9:25pm
haha well I will be a nuisance and reply to your reply :D Yes, I was negligent and didn't back up any files. Really need to find out what sort of system I want to use. I am thinking I will get a few external drives for my new computer; just a thought at the moment though. Cats rule! Rescued Porky when he was 3 weeks old and the vets were going to put him and his 2 siblings to sleep. He just has always had a love for sitting on the laptop and it wasn't so bad when he was only 3 weeks old (maybe my fault for allowing it). :)

22-10-2015, 9:46pm
Julie, it is all trial and error for me here as well. I give up trying to find things and just ask eventually. I have never been on a forum before and have real trouble finding my way around things but I am slowly working it out. I always back up to a portable hard drive too. I also have another I back up to for "off site storage" as I would hate to lose everything in a fire or such.

Mark L
22-10-2015, 9:51pm
Now your backup options seems like a good question to ask somewhere once you check AP out.
I promise not to post again in your intro thread. Don't want to be a nuisance.;)

Cats rule!
Good on you for rescuing an animal of any sort (maybe ;)). You have Porky and we have Nosey to muck up our computers.:)

22-10-2015, 10:09pm
Hey cricket ... I am slowly finding my way around the site also. THanks for the heads up on your methods of storage. Most of my original files are on a card so no real loss and I am just learning about file compression. so much to learn!!

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Thanks Mark, we lost one of the kittens but the sister managed to find her forever home and Porky just is still with us. So guess he also has his forever home too. Nosey looks like he is onto things!!