View Full Version : Birding on a budget

17-10-2015, 8:57pm
Recent excursions to places with many birds that I wanted to photograph, plus meeting up with people with HUGE lenses, has got me hankering for something a bit better than my 250mm lens. I have looked around a bit, and the Sigma APO 150-500mm f5-6.3 DG OS HSM seems quite good and is the cheapest I have found so far (can get it for under $900).

I'd welcome comments and suggestions, but given that I want to keep it as cheap as possible, are there many (any) alternatives?

17-10-2015, 9:25pm
My only comment would be to carefully consider the maximum aperture offered by any prospective lens.
Depth of field is crucial for great bird shots.

17-10-2015, 10:54pm
Recent excursions to places with many birds that I wanted to photograph, plus meeting up with people with HUGE lenses, has got me hankering for something a bit better than my 250mm lens.

Lesson No 1 .... Don't mix with people with big lenses. It's contagious. :lol2:

I'm not into bird photos particularly, but I do photograph animals. I find being close to humanised animals tends to cause them to interact and want to approach me. That is a problem, so I wanted a bigger lens to be able to stand further away.

As everything here is strictly low budget, there were not a lot of options. I ended up with a second hand 100-400mm canon lens, which I notice quite a few bird photographers use. My choices were that lens, or the one MarkL uses, a Sigma 120-400mm. Price wise I had to pay about $100 extra for the canon, but, in return it was lighter. Having older arthritic hands, I thought the extra price for a lighter lens was worth it.

For taking animals, the 100-400 Canon has definitely been worth while. At the 400mm end, the images are excellent, and it has made my life much easier. The unexpected consequence was I now have a growing collection of bird photos, because there are plenty of birds around here :) I have to recommend it for photographing birds. It amazes me how much detail it can produce in a little bird sitting at the top of the oak tree.

Luckily I don't mix with anyone with even bigger lenses, so as yet I've haven't started lusting after anything bigger :D If I do, I'll probably try a teleconverter first.

17-10-2015, 11:31pm
Sigma 150-600 C is what I have and am very happy with it, fully programmable too.
Look at my bird pics to see results, with Nikon D750.


18-10-2015, 7:34am
Sigma 150-600 C is what I have and am very happy with it, fully programmable too.
Look at my bird pics to see results, with Nikon D750.


Hmmm. A very similar lens. Other than the extra 100mm, not sure what extra I would use. I'll have to do some research and comparison.

- - - Updated - - -

Lesson No 1 .... Don't mix with people with big lenses. It's contagious. :lol2:

I'm not into bird photos particularly, but I do photograph animals. I find being close to humanised animals tends to cause them to interact and want to approach me. That is a problem, so I wanted a bigger lens to be able to stand further away.

As everything here is strictly low budget, there were not a lot of options. I ended up with a second hand 100-400mm canon lens, which I notice quite a few bird photographers use. My choices were that lens, or the one MarkL uses, a Sigma 120-400mm. Price wise I had to pay about $100 extra for the canon, but, in return it was lighter. Having older arthritic hands, I thought the extra price for a lighter lens was worth it.

Lesson learnt to late :(

I am wondering now, just how much advantage the extra 100 or 200 mm is, between 400/500/600mm. I don't want to get a 400, and find it isn't majorly better than my 250 - and end up wishing I had a 500 or 600. Some of these birds I was chasing, are really tiny and skittish - so they sit a long way away from me :)

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My only comment would be to carefully consider the maximum aperture offered by any prospective lens.
Depth of field is crucial for great bird shots.

At my budget, they all seem to be f/6.3 at the long end. This seems to be the specification that drives the price up steeply.

Mark L
18-10-2015, 7:51pm
My only comment would be to carefully consider the maximum aperture offered by any prospective lens.

I'm not so sure about that. If you get close to the bird you might not want the lens wide open. You want all the bird in focus. If your further away from the bird and having to crop heavily, again you may not won't the lens wide open. While most "better" lens work well at the extremes f/8 is generally still close to their sweet spot and gives better IQ (for that cropping)

- - - Updated - - -

I am wondering now, just how much advantage the extra 100 or 200 mm is, between 400/500/600mm. I don't want to get a 400, and find it isn't majorly better than my 250 - and end up wishing I had a 500 or 600.
To some degree that depends on how good the lens you have now is and how much you are prepared to spend. I moved from a kit lens that went to 300mm to the sigma 120-400. So I'm only getting a bit closer to the birds,

For taking animals, the 100-400 Canon has definitely been worth while. At the 400mm end, the images are excellent, ...... It amazes me how much detail it can produce in a little bird sitting at the top of the oak tree.

And that's it. My kit lens just couldn't deal with the crops (like the birds you've recently posted) but with the better lens at 400mm I can crop to what I would never previously consider.
So the lens you mentioned will sure do the job it that's what you can afford. And there is a reason a lot of birders use the lens farmmax bought (though for people like us there's not a big difference between the Cannon and Sigma for what we want to do.)

18-10-2015, 8:37pm
Don't overlook the crop factor of your camera.

A full frame 100-400mm lens is going to give you an effective 160-640mm on your 600D. And most 150-600mm lens don't actually reach 600mm, most only getting mid to high 500mm's.

And that 300mm f4 I mentioned in another of your threads will give you a very sharp 480mm lens.

18-10-2015, 8:41pm
The Σ150-600 comes in 2 varieties, the "C" and the "S". The "S" stands for Sports and costs more.
Here are Σ's links for each one.

The C: http://www.sigmaphoto.com/150-600mm-f5-63-dg-os-hsm-c

The S: http://www.sigmaphoto.com/150-600mm-f5-63-dg-os-hsm-s

Have a good read of the differences and read reviews before you decide (on anything, actually).

There's good intention in the comments above, but I reckon that good AF is a very important issue, and that wrestles with good
image stabilistation.

The trouble with Taztek's statement is that not many lenses of this ilk will have "great" aperture - you really have to pay for that.
The Σs max out at f/6.3 at f=600mm (and sure, f/5 at f=150mm). To get good DOF with f=600mm you need to rely more on the
subject distance than aperture. From practical experience though (and I'm not claiming great bird photography), f/8 and something
like 20 metres to subject gives good DOF. Anyway, you can check with the many on-line DOF calculators available.

I have a Σ 50-50 OS DG. It hunts for AF for birds in flight - ie, it can be slow. Everything else is quite good, though, - like birds in trees.
It just snaps quickly to focus for these (using centre spot) so I reckon the latest batch should be even better. I don't know what it would be
"equivalent to" in the 150-600 iterations, the C or the S.

Anyway, good luck, and perhaps a "good lark" or two.

- - - Updated - - -

Don't overlook the crop factor of your camera.

A full frame 100-400mm lens is going to give you an effective 160-560mm on your 600D. And most 150-600mm lens don't actually reach 600mm, most only getting mid to high 500mm's.

For Field of View only, not for image size.

18-10-2015, 8:45pm
For Field of View only, not for image size.

Can be quite advantageous when shooting birds from a distance.

18-10-2015, 8:46pm
But how? Need to explain for less experienced users.

18-10-2015, 8:54pm
If you wish to highlight a small bird in a FF shot you often have do do a massive crop, not so much with a smaller sensor.

18-10-2015, 9:34pm
There's good intention in the comments above, but I reckon that good AF is a very important issue, and that wrestles with good
image stabilistation.

From my limited experience I would have to agree. I find I cannot focus manually fast enough on the small fast moving birds. I set the camera for centre spot auto-focus, and that seems to work best. The Sigma 18-250 I currently use is quite fast (faster than the Canon kit lenses anyway). As long as I prefocus it to somewhere near the distance of the target bird, it adjusts quickly for the final bit when I need a fast shot.

- - - Updated - - -

Don't overlook the crop factor of your camera.

A full frame 100-400mm lens is going to give you an effective 160-640mm on your 600D. And most 150-600mm lens don't actually reach 600mm, most only getting mid to high 500mm's.

And that 300mm f4 I mentioned in another of your threads will give you a very sharp 480mm lens.

Yes but it's all relative isn't it? I already have 2 lenses that go to 250mm (eff. 400mm). If I lash out on a new one, I don't want just a small increase - hence looking at 500 (eff. 800mm) or more.

I have to say, so far, the sub $1000 price of the Sigma 150-500mm is looking attractive. It seems to review quite well too.

Mark L
18-10-2015, 11:10pm
I have to say, so far, the sub $1000 price of the Sigma 150-500mm is looking attractive. It seems to review quite well too.
Can you rent this lens for a couple of days to test it out and put your mind at ease. But why waste the money.:)
There's always so many ifs and buts.
If you're happy to buy that lens at that price (which is a fair enough price and and a good lens) then you should be happy, and forget them ifs and buts once you buy it.
Once you get used to it you will be amazed at how much better your bird photos become.:th3: and if your not, sell it.
You may have to get used to the weight but it doesn't take long for them little muscles to get it.

18-10-2015, 11:49pm
WP, I have the feeling that you are at that stage in your photographic journey where a 'not too bad' photo is no longer good enough. If so, I believe that the 7 or 8 year old 150-500mm Sigma will disappoint you.

For not too much more money you could have the newish Tamron 150-600mm VC, and that reviews very, very well. I have two Tamrons, the 24-70mm f2.8 and the 70-200mm f2.8, and can't speak highly enough of them.

And I'm definitely not a Tamron fanboy as my Sigma 150mm f2.8 is the sharpest lens I own.

And I mentioned the 300mm prime lens because I'm of the opinion that a good prime is always going to give far superior results than a zoom that is trying to do it's best at a multitude of focal lengths. Oh, and having a lens with longer nominated focal length is no guarantee of better quality images at distance as there are many more factors that came into that equation.

19-10-2015, 1:45am
Some great discussion here.

I have a 120 - 500 Sigma and find that so long as the light is great, the Fstop is 8 to 10 and I haven't fully racked it out to 500 mm (400mm is sweet) I can get a nice shot or two of birds. I also like how light it is to carry. It has vr which makes a world of difference too with sharpness.

However the shallower apertures are quite soft. This creates limitations when the light is not great as you have to keep your speed above your distance (eg 500 mm needs speed of 500 plus) and that's just for targets sitting still. BIFs need s1200. Also the overall image can look quite scrappy as I can't use a shallow dof without losing IQ.

I also have a Sigma 2.8 300mm. It is heavier. The bokeh is gorgeous but it doesn't have the reach and can get quite heavy as a walk around.

I have trialed a teleconverter . It reduces IQ and mean you lose a Fstop or 2 depending on the magnification, however since most my images are just on the web, it's not big deal. (I am hoping to get one to keep for Christmas.)

Anyway, hope this helps a little and good birding to you. :p

The 600 mm Tamron does sound interesting.

19-10-2015, 5:04am
I have a 120 - 500 Sigma and find that so long as the light is great, the Fstop is 8 to 10 and I haven't fully racked it out to 500 mm (400mm is sweet) I can get a nice shot or two of birds. I also like how light it is to carry. It has vr which makes a world of difference too with sharpness.


WP, I have the feeling that you are at that stage in your photographic journey where a 'not too bad' photo is no longer good enough. If so, I believe that the 7 or 8 year old 150-500mm Sigma will disappoint you.

For not too much more money you could have the newish Tamron 150-600mm VC, and that reviews very, very well. I have two Tamrons, the 24-70mm f2.8 and the 70-200mm f2.8, and can't speak highly enough of them.

And I'm definitely not a Tamron fanboy .....

JoPho and Cage have summed it up concisely here.

Whatever lens you're thinking of getting, don't think of it's focal lengths as the manufacturer states it, think of it more so with a few mm's of focal length taken from the long end if IQ are important.
And it seems FL is about as important a topic as you can discuss for birding.
Like JoPho said, generally as you start to reach the long end of any zoom lens, they start to drop IQ.
Any drop in IQ means lower resolution, which will be important when you crop(which seems to be a regular preoccupation for bird photographers).

So while it's tempting to go with the lens you can afford now, like Cage said .. at this stage in your photographic journey .. it may be more prudent to find the extra $s for either the newer Tamron 150-600 or Sigma 150-600'C' model. Both of those aren't all that much more expensive to the lens you've currently decided upon, but should give better IQ at the long end of the FL range!

19-10-2015, 7:48am
Wets. You had better shift your focus to the later 150 - 600 Σs. :D
I would agree about the older 150-500 lens. Not worth it compared to what you can now get, even if dearer.

19-10-2015, 8:09am
So, rather than reply individually to all the points raised, I'll just say, I think I am convinced to go a little better. I was not appreciating that the image quality would be so much better than the 150-500mm Sigma, so I will spend some time comparing the Tamron and Sigma 150-600mm offerings.

19-10-2015, 10:00am
Thought you might be interested in this...

I have this lens but I am not qualified to give an expert opinion. I find it satisfactory and does give good reach. Hunts a bit at times when trying to focus but this could be attributed to operator error. You will always be wanting more reach no matter which lens you buy. The best photography is done with the lens you have now. JMHO cheers Brian

19-10-2015, 5:58pm
..... I was not appreciating that the image quality would be so much better than the 150-500mm Sigma, so I will spend some time comparing the Tamron and Sigma 150-600mm offerings.

Y'know the old saying ... when in doubt, just ask somebody!
And to underpin the importance and relevance of that old saying .. always be in doubt when you're about to spend some $'s, no matter how many of them you're spending!
So when you're absolutely, positively under no illusion that you have no doubt about spending those $'s on something .. well you know you only have to ask 'on the quiet'

Anyhow .. to give you a bit of an idea on any differences that could be reasonably expected between various lenses, take a look at TDP(link below)

TDP link to Sigma 150-500 vs 150-600C @ 500mm (http://www.the-digital-picture.com/Reviews/ISO-12233-Sample-Crops.aspx?Lens=683&Camera=453&Sample=0&FLI=5&API=3&LensComp=990&CameraComp=453&SampleComp=0&FLIComp=6&APIComp=2)

Firstly: (and very important) never take just the one review site as gospel that this is the definitive answer!
Secondly, look up other sites that do reviews, and sharpness isn't the only performance aspect to consider. Focus precision/speed/etc are important, as well as other optical qualities such as chromatic aberration control, and stuff like that.
So with that above link, what you do is to view the image as it is with your mouse cursor NOT over the image, and you see the image from the 150-500 lens.
Then hover your mouse over the image, and it instantly switches to the 150-600 C lens(at 500mm) so you get an easy way to appraise the visual differences.
(ps. I checked the link and it works, but I accidentally set the 150-500 lens to f/11 where the 150-600 lens is at f/8 .. you can change them to the same value via the drop down menus)
As you hover(or not) over the image the small arrow in the centre indicates which lens is displayed!!

What you want to look at/for:
Note that when the 150-500 lens image is on screen it looks blurrier, badly at the edges compared to the 150-600C lens, but a little in the central area too.
I don't think that it's that much more blurry by comparison, the difference you see looks to be predominantly contrast .. or micro contrast.
Contrast is what we perceive as sharpness. The 150-600C lens has more contrast, and hence looks a lot sharper(plus that fact that is is sharper to boot).
But if you sharpened the 150-500 lens image you'd see a bit more 'sharpness'(ie. contrast).
But there's nothing you can do about the edges tho .. that's blurr pure and simples! :D

If you click through the lens model name drop down menu, you can alter either of the lenses to be viewed to something else(eg. the Tammy 150-600 if you're interested).

Just going from this site, I'd say the Siggy is slightly better 'overall' but not just that it's IQ or CA performance is better, but knowing other things about the Sigma lens such as the USB dock compatibility to allow you to tweak the lens in other ways that suit you better .. etc. (plus possible future firmware updates if needed .. )
I thin it's a better long term proposition anyhow.
But that doesn't take into account $$$'s!.
So to counter that, if the Tammy 150-600 was (say) $500 cheaper .. then this would add more weight to the equation. $500 saved now is better than not having saved it and you still get a damn good lens in the Tammy(
Also note that the Sigma USB dock sells for about $100 or so .. and for me is a no brainer if I get a compatible Sigma lens. Once you have the USB dock it works on all compatible Sigma lenses.

ps. my next ... bank balance emptying event .. will be for the Sigma 150-600 S version of this type of lens
(I know I shouldn't .. but I need too :D)

pps. there are a few other sites that have some info on the lenses you're interested in too.

hope that helps.

19-10-2015, 6:13pm
hope that helps.

Sure did. A great way to see some differences It also confirmed what most reviews seem to be saying about the Tamron at the 600mm end where I will be using it a lot- away from the centre, it is softer, and even shows more CA.

19-10-2015, 6:19pm

Mark L
19-10-2015, 8:55pm
Are you going to use the photos for ..... ?
Are the $$$'s really important?
If you're going to be the best bird photog with the best equipment, dream on. I'm sure they are not your dreams (yet;)).
So you can do all those ifs and buts. There's nothing wrong with some older lenses. If they work they work.
So here's my older siggie 120-400 at 400mm and how it works (with better PPing skills the first would look better). The second was the starting point. It's just to demonstrate what you can do without spending to much money. Suspect the 150-500mm would do the same job (don't have to crop as much)


I suspect you'd be happy with that as you start your journey to becoming the best bird photog.:D;)
We can get caught up with the technical but for what most of us want to do there is plenty of good stuff out there. Just decide then enjoy.

19-10-2015, 9:23pm
It's not about making money, winning competitions, or anything like that. It's just that, over the next year or two, I will be doing a lot of travelling and camping in National parks and remote sites - like I did recently. I really enjoy going for walks and trying to take photographs of wildlife, especially birds. Posting the results here, and showing them to friends, is a bonus as well.

It's something really interesting to do. By definition, I guess, a hobby. Like all hobbies, we like to get better at them. So, I decided I wanted something better than my current lens, to make it easier to get nice pics.

If something comes up secondhand, or on sale, at a good price, I might grab that and be very happy with it. I've only been thinking about this for about a week. Plenty of opportunity left to change my mind a 3rd or 4th time :)

19-10-2015, 9:38pm
I would consider second hand, I think you need at least 400 for the birds. The 400 5.6L though old technology is still a great lens and would serve you well. You would be limited in low light... I am biased as I love prime lens for birds, but I do know the new 100-400 F4 is really good (but I think that would not be in your budget).

I know a few birders who have purchased the Tammy 150-600 and are very happy. Wish all the best in you search for that elusive lens :)

20-10-2015, 12:06am
+1 for Shelley's comments re prime lens.

The 400mm f5.6 L lens do pop up. http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Canon-400mm-f5-6-L-lens-/331685134282?hash=item4d39f97fca:g:~GUAAOSw9mFWIfKR

20-10-2015, 10:23am
WP -

I use a Tamron 150-600mm on a D800 and as a reasonably-priced option I think it's fantastic when used in GOOD conditions. I stress GOOD conditions as in low light the auto-focus hunts a bit (as I guess most lenses do).
I use it hand-held most of the time, occasionally on a monopod and although most users seem to think the sweet spot is at about 550mm/f8, I find myself shooting mostly @ 600mm/f6.3 with higher ISO to get the shutter speed up and although it will never rival a 600mm prime, I am very happy with it.
It can be had for a few hundred less than the Sigma equivalent and whilst that's a bit over what you want to spend, I think you would be very happy with it.


20-10-2015, 12:57pm
@ AK

Thanks for the TDP link.

Using it has pretty much reinforced my decision to go with the Tammy if I decide on a zoom. Comparing the centre sharpness with the Siggy 'S' I couldn't see too much appreciable difference that a tweak of contrast couldn't overcome.

20-10-2015, 2:01pm
WP -

I use a Tamron 150-600mm on a D800 and as a reasonably-priced option I think it's fantastic when used in GOOD conditions. I stress GOOD conditions as in low light the auto-focus hunts a bit (as I guess most lenses do).
I use it hand-held most of the time, occasionally on a monopod and although most users seem to think the sweet spot is at about 550mm/f8, I find myself shooting mostly @ 600mm/f6.3 with higher ISO to get the shutter speed up and although it will never rival a 600mm prime, I am very happy with it.
It can be had for a few hundred less than the Sigma equivalent and whilst that's a bit over what you want to spend, I think you would be very happy with it.


I am quite sure either the Tamron or Sigma 150-600mm would make me happy. As for the budget, well, maybe I should believe in Karma. About a month ago, I decided not to buy a bigger outboard for the tinny. Seems this has earn't me brownie points, so when I mentioned increasing my lens budget to enable me to buy one of these beauties, it actually went down OK with the bank manager wife.

Of course this means I had to decide between the Sigma and Tamron. Some reviews said the Sigma auto-focus hunts less, so that was also important for me. Maybe some day, I'll use the USB dock, so another tick for the Sigma.

Did you notice the use past tense? Yep, I have pulled the trigger and bagged a lovely Sigma 150-600mm F5-6.3 DG OS HSM Contemporary. Couldn't be happier. Just had a session near a local creek, and got some great shots (for me anyway). Will be posting them soon.

Thanks to all who helped me decide. Please don't tell me how many times I changed my mind :) - but every new bit of information helped me a lot!

- - - Updated - - -

aah, look what my new lens did http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?142511-Azure-Kingfisher-with-new-lens&p=1320758#post1320758

20-10-2015, 2:03pm
Well, CONGS for deciding! Now we'll all wait for your test results.:D

- - - Updated - - -

Oh, why the dock?

20-10-2015, 2:07pm
Oh, why the dock?

Not something I will use immediately, but you can create custom setups and select them with a switch on the side of the lens. Also, you can upgrade the lens firmware as updates come out.

- - - Updated - - -

Well, CONGS for deciding! Now we'll all wait for your test results.:D

Check the link I added above. I couldn't be happier with the lens.

20-10-2015, 2:31pm
Yes, I saw. VG.
Just been out taking pictures of Sol (with special filter, so don't get any idearrs) and got the text on the police helicopter logo.
I expect you to do better.

Mary Anne
20-10-2015, 10:08pm
Congrats on the new lens may you have many happy hours shooting the Birds.

20-10-2015, 11:57pm
Well done on the test shots. I would highly recommend the dock. Not only for custom settings, but to fine tune the focus to your camera at about 20 different points.

21-10-2015, 7:31am
Well done on the test shots. I would highly recommend the dock. Not only for custom settings, but to fine tune the focus to your camera at about 20 different points.

I can see how that would be useful. Also, the computer geek in me is saying I should have one :)

21-10-2015, 11:00am
This the stuff the dock can do.


Enough for any Geek to play with. :)

23-10-2015, 12:52pm
..... Some reviews said the Sigma auto-focus hunts less, so that was also important for me. Maybe some day, I'll use the USB dock, so another tick for the Sigma.

Did you notice the use past tense? Yep, I have pulled the trigger and bagged a lovely Sigma 150-600mm F5-6.3 DG OS HSM Contemporary. .....

Just some info for 'ya.(but I'm 99.9% sure that it may not apply to you *)

Sigma issued a new firmware update for that lens for Canon (http://www.sigma-photo.co.jp/english/new/new_topic.php?id=543) (as well as for the S version and a later update for the S version only for Nikon).

They do state in the update info area that the firmware update is for when the lens is attached to the Sigma teleconverter TC1401 to make AF more accurate.
So you probably don't need it.

But it reinforces the point that Sigma have taken the best path forward when it comes to lens hardware.
Such a simple device as the USB puck to connect the lens to, update firmware and all done .. in only a matter of minutes and without fuss.

OTOH, Nikon(and all others) are still stuck in the dark ages of funghi-ology... treating us like mushrooms and idiots thinking we know nothing, and that only they know everything.
ie. Nikon's (other and latest) debacle with respect to lens firmware update requirements for the (otherwise nice sounding) 200-500/5.6VR.
Mongo had recently posted about his ordeal with that lens. The recent news and Mongo's ordeal has put me off Nikon lenses now(plus all the other issues they've had) and where Sigma have any lens even only closely resembling a Nikon variant .. I'm almost certainly opting for the Sigma version anyhow.
I did that many years back with the 50/1.4 I got(the old non Art Sigma 50/1.4) where even tho the Sigma was more expensive too, I still preferred the performance(overall, not just IQ) of the Sigma lens.

This recent ability for updating and tweaking the lens via the USB dock, only added to my bias now for thirdparty lenses(which I've always tended to have anyhow) .. and especially Sigma branded.

.. anyhow off my soapbox and just some info for' ya as to how handy that USB dock may be .. eventually! ;)

23-10-2015, 1:11pm
Thanks Arthur. Wow, using the Sigma at 600mm with a teleconverter. Never even checked if that was possible. Light levels would need to be good.

Anyway, nice to know they are updating their gear like this.

23-10-2015, 2:05pm
Yeah, I think it makes it an f/9 @ 840mm(so pretty close to 900mm).

But what you could do with it is say set lens to 500mm(where IQ sharpness will be slightly better than at 600mm!) and set aperture to f/11(for both IQ increase and DOF!!)
This then will hopefully give you OK IQ, but at 750mm now.

I had a quick peek at TDP, and while they have used the 1.4 tc on this lens, they only did so at 600mm(ie. 840mm) and IQ is "ok" but not so great .. more dreamy looking than unsharp.
But I'd like to see this TC on this lens at 500mm instead just to see if IQ still holds up well.

23-10-2015, 2:20pm
So if the 2X compromises image quality then "Thread Title" <= cost of (Σ150-600C + Σ2X).

= A potentially big disappointment.

f/13 will be your widest aperture, and what were you saying in the ETTR thread about compromises?

Definitely try one out in a shop first:eek:

23-10-2015, 2:26pm
It will be while before I am after a teleconverter (hopefully :) )

23-10-2015, 2:47pm

Definitely try one out in a shop first:eek:

I wouldn't even bother with that.
I'd be inclined to use that time to play with some other more interesting stuff on whatever other shelf they have going.

You can bet your last dollar that the 2x TC will not yield much in the way of IQ at all, especially when the aperture is going to be diffraction limited from the get go! :D

Even taking into account the ETTR process, you could somehow manage to get a good exposure at some point in the future tho.
(maybe not just yet, even tho many cameras do have very nice IQ at ISO25K ... eg. Nikon Df, D4/D4s .. etc)

I reckon that teleconverters still have a way to go before they have exceptional quality abilities, and hopefully one day that will come too.
I don't know much about most of them .. never really been all that interested, but of the two I've (accidentally)read about Nikon's latest 1.4(the TC14IIIe) and Canon's integrated TC in the 200-400/4 lens appear to be almost perfect in many ways.

I'm sure that one day, manufacturer's will start to push each other on the teleconverter quality front too.
They seem to have spent many years doing this with lenses, and us consumers have ended up with many fantastic lenses at the moment! ..

Only a few years ago(say 3 or 4) .. who'd have thunk that a Sigma super tele zoom lens would even be as close as excellent as they are now .. same with Tammy too! :th3:

I think it's only a matter of time now, that both Tamron and Sigma will really start to push the TC effort(probably starting with Tamron first, as they probably have a bit more to prove to the world)

23-10-2015, 10:51pm
I have the dock for the 150-600 and was pleasantly surprised that the focus adjustments are available for my '24-105 A' lens. Another + for Sigma in my books.

25-10-2015, 2:59pm
Well, just ge-e-e-tting back to teleconverters, Wets, I found an interesting POINT TO NOTE
- and one I don't like much, either. Your lens will retain both AF and OS with a Σ1.4X teleconverter,
but it will retain ONLY OS and you will have NO AF with a Σ2X. See the table in the link below...

The link below. (http://www.sigmaphoto.com/lenses/lens-resources/teleconverter-compatibility)

That's the case with my 50-500, no AF with the 2X:(:(

So that limits you to 840mm FL if you go that way.:(:(

- - - Updated - - -

PS: Don't tell anybody I mentioned teleconverters again :cool:

25-10-2015, 3:29pm
Yes, teles seem to cause problems with AF. Some say you might get it to work up to f/8. Not a good thing generally.