View Full Version : hi to all ( newbie on this site )

The Viking
12-10-2015, 12:41pm
Hi all , new to this site Looking forward to seing some of your photos :) I have been taking photos for 30 + yrs , I like all Genres , I shoot mainly in manual , 7D , im semi pro so its nice to be able to take photos that peoples are willing to buy , im not so much into over processing as in my own work ... I try and get the composition light etc etc correct in camera , I crop sharpen and contrast mainly ... in saying that I do like the work of others that spend a lot of time processing , but mainly I prefer realism in My photos , hmm what else can I tell you all lol as I notices I had to say something lol , anyways like I said looking forward to viewing others work :)

12-10-2015, 1:53pm
Welcome aboard (in a loosely historical sense even) Viking.

That sounds pretty good so far. Well, join in and start swabbing the decks - unless you're the Captain.:D


12-10-2015, 5:17pm
Welcome to AP. Pull up your chair and join right in

The Viking
13-10-2015, 7:33am

Mary Anne
13-10-2015, 7:35am
Hello Viking and Welcome to AP.
Good to see that you shoot most Genres so will look forward to seeing your work.. Want to know anything click on Library up the top

13-10-2015, 12:04pm
Welcome to AP

14-10-2015, 12:31am
Hi Viking, and welcome to AP