View Full Version : Warning: Lifestyle Photographers Pty Ltd are evil

21-09-2015, 7:51pm

A PHOTOGRAPHY company could be facing up to $1.1 million in fines over allegations it systematically tricked Aboriginal consumers into paying up to $10,000 for family photographs, with the money coming directly out of some consumers’ Centrelink payments.

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has instituted proceedings in the Federal Court against Lifestyle Photographers Pty Ltd, alleging the company made false or misleading representations and engaged in unconscionable conduct when selling photography products.

The ACCC alleges in court documents that between 2012 and 2014, Lifestyle Photographers operated kiosks and pop-up stores in shopping centres around Australia, where it would offer customers a free photo shoot or free photographs, claiming they would be able to receive the photos at no cost and without entering into a contract.

The consumer watchdog claims Lifestyle Photographers used these promises of free photographs and other inducements to then pressure the customers into signing expensive ongoing contracts, some of which ranged from $2800 up to $9900, often without explaining the total amount payable.

According to the ACCC’s court documents, high-pressure sales tactics were allegedly used both in inducing the consumers to have the photographs taken, and in the contract negotiations, including informing the customer the photographic prints would be destroyed if they did not buy them.

Totally unconscionable! They should be shut down.

Mark L
21-09-2015, 9:34pm
The article has some things more disturbing than what Kym has quoted.:(:(
An aside, I’m not surprised a News Ltd story disturbs me.;)

22-09-2015, 4:58am
Too many people prey on the more vulnerable members of our society. Hope these are convicted, made to repay all monies and huge fine to send a message to others

24-09-2015, 10:41am
The world is full of scammers and Australia is no different. I don't often praise the Yanks for their morality but this sort of offence in the US would see a gaol term of 20/30 years plus enormous fines. Consumer protection in that country is well ahead of ours. About time we got tougher on those players who hurt the vulnerable.