View Full Version : Short Video

06-09-2015, 1:53pm
I have just received a new lens a 55 - 200, I did not realize until I started playing with it, that my old lens was really sloppy. I wanted to put a video of the movement on here to get some advice, but I do not know how to go about it or were.

06-09-2015, 2:04pm
TG. Have a look at this thread. (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?118330-Videography-ForAm.um)

Basically, you will have to upload your video to a 3rd party site and then link to it using the "[video]" tags.

I can't remember, but don't you have a Flickr or PhotoBucket site? Up load the video to there 1st...


06-09-2015, 2:46pm
OK I have tried them all. Can I link it here or do I have to go the Videos thread. Which link in Photobucket do I use, Do I need to go to Advance. Does the link come up as a video or just a link to Photobucket. Nothing seems to work for me.

06-09-2015, 2:50pm
For a start, if it's relevant to the topic of this forum - Nikon - post it here. If it's just a video of something else, post it in the video forum.
But I think its relevant here.

Now, can you post a link to where you have it on Photobucket? We'll try to get it from there.

06-09-2015, 2:55pm
try one of the below


06-09-2015, 3:13pm
TG. OK, use the first link....
Go to it, then in the Share Links box, Left click on the IMG line.
It will come up "Copied" and the proper link will be in Clipboard ready for pasting.
Now go to your post, do a right click, and Paste it there.
Lastly, place an before the link line, and an at the end of it. Don't put anything else on that line.

When you save the post a little image of the first frame in the video will appear. You click on this and run the video.

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AWW, GOSH! YOu got it right while I was typing!!!

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Meanwhile, edit out all the redundant text you have there.

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AAGHGHHH! Woddidja do? You haddit right.

06-09-2015, 4:05pm

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http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x86/thegrump179/th_20150906_142834_zps5tf1higp.mp4 (http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x86/thegrump179/20150906_142834_zps5tf1higp.mp4)

06-09-2015, 7:06pm
Not unusual I would think for the early generation kit lenses. My canon lenses that came with a 350D from 10 yrs ago where as sloppy as what you show.
Its taken a while for the kit lens to loose its very average quality reputation, which is probably a legacy of these early examples.

It came as a shock to me also having come from std issue 50mm 1.8 primes that came with film SLR's that had no play what so ever, it did not even occur to me to inspect the digital kit lenses back then based on past experience.