View Full Version : A Warm Hello

05-09-2015, 12:08am
Hi everyone

I am a newbie from Darwin
We are experiencing an early start to the build up here, hence the "warm" hello.
The site looks great with a wealth of info and experience within.
I am new to DSLR and going through a steep learning curve, with my new gear, i.e Pentax K50, a DFA 100mm macro lens and just arrived this week a more versatile 16-85 DA pentax lens.
Have always loved photography and come with an artistic eye thats needs to understand the tech side of my brush (so to speak).
Macro holds a special interest for me but just love image capture and art.
I hope to learn, make friends and even contribute at some stage :)


05-09-2015, 4:02am
Hey Andy.

Haven't really been here all that long myself, but welcome and hope you get from here what you're looking for.

I've found jumping in and offering some cc has really helped with the learning curve... not just compositing a shot, but making me focus on what settings make a shot great.

Cheers Dude.

05-09-2015, 6:53am
Welcome to AP. See you and your photos on the forums soon.

Mary Anne
05-09-2015, 7:59am
Hello Andy :action66: and Welcome to AP. I can imagine it warming up there already so there will be plenty of Bugs and Insects to preform for you.
So join right in and start posting on the Forums for cc and have a go at commenting on other Members Post also :2smile:
Need to know how do do things click on that Library button up top then How Do I. I like shooting Macro when I can so will be able to Help if needed..

05-09-2015, 10:18am
Welcome to AP Andy, and definitely a great set of gear you have to start learning photography and expressing your creative ideas :)

05-09-2015, 2:02pm
Welcome, lots of very good photographers here.
You are in a great part of Aus with great sunsets. Hoping you can share a couple with us.

Mark L
05-09-2015, 7:18pm
G'day Andy, welcome to a good place to learn and play. Don't be afraid to ask questions and generally get involved.
strangely this is really good advice.

I've found jumping in and offering some cc has really helped with the learning curve...
It actually makes you think about what you do and don't like in photos. This helps your photography.
"I really like the ....... . ow did you do that?'
"I not really sure about ..... . Why did you do that? Think I would prefer ....... ."

And if your looking for some reasons to try different this it's never to late to get involved in the weekly members challenge. Themes at the first thread here ..... http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/forumdisplay.php?190-Member-Challenges-52-2015

06-09-2015, 10:43pm
Wow what a great welcoming party.
Thank you all for making me feel so invited and for the advice.


09-09-2015, 9:55pm
Hi Andy and welcome to AP:tog: