View Full Version : Pentax K3 ii just arrived

29-08-2015, 7:14am
After an eight week wait (!!) my Pentax K3 ii has finally arrived. The K5 had died early in July (card reader failure) so I was without a camera for eight weeks which was a real trial as I was on holidays at the time - another story there. By the way my first impressions are while using a pentax 18-135 WR lens.

My first impressions of the K3 ii. It looks very much like the K5. Noted differences - it is slightly bigger and heavier. The grip is bigger and for my hands it has more comfortable grip & balance - it actually fits my medium large hand really well. I miss the on-camera flash but in truth I rarely used it on the K5. I have purchased a cheap-ish Metz 36 AF 5 flash so I suppose will get better results with a bit of practice. Unless I plan ahead flash-fill in the field will probably not happen now as I won't have it sitting on the camera all the time.

Of course I had to try some of the headline acts, so I have put the shutter speed up to 2,000 and held the trigger down for that rapid fire click click of the fast frame rate - I know I am just a child.

Went to the botanical gardens to try the pixel shift function on a tripod. Took some rubbish photos with a surprising result. The raw files were between 100 - 133 MB. Ouch. My laptop really struggled with 'pixel peeping' on this file size. The Mac Pro (about 2 yrs old) has never looked like struggling before but it made all sorts of new noises when I was panning across the photos. It has always been 100% silent so that was new. And a bit disturbing. Does this mean I need a new desktop machine as well? Probably not going to happen.

To my (inexperienced) eyes the photos did contain a lot of information and I could see a fair bit of detail at 400% but not sure how much more than a non-pixel shift image. I will need to be more systematic about comparisons before passing judgement here - at the moment I am too distracted by "new toy" syndrome to compare things systematically. Sorry.

Having two card readers could be very useful. I have set it with one on Jpeg and one for Raw files. But of course I didn't think to mark the cards and I mixed them up when downloading so there are now some raw and some jpeg on each.

Other impressions? The shutter is definitely quieter and I like this. The GPS log works and now that I realise that it pin points my home location I have taken it off again - a bit paranoid. Will be useful for my bushwalking & camping photography so I can keep track of where I have been.

Most excited bout the Astro tracer but haven't had a chance to try it yet.

I will post a photo as soon as I work out the best way to compress without losing all the resolution...

29-08-2015, 8:03am
I will post a photo as soon as I work out the best way to compress without losing all the resolution...

Upload a full resolution file to a file sharing site, like dropbox, or flickr etc and then just link it into AP

29-08-2015, 12:26pm
Thanks for the advice. I have signed up to Drop Box. If you have time, could you please let me know if this works?


29-08-2015, 1:28pm
It "sort of works". When I clicked on the link it first gave me a log-in box, then a message saying there was a problem.
When I closed the log-in box a picture appeared. I could not get any BB code and could not link it here.

To link to an image so that it appears here you need the BB code, which ends in a ".jpg". You then paste that between
"IMG" tags, or use the small button which shows a tree in it located amongst the icons on a "post quick reply" window.

29-08-2015, 7:19pm
Thanks again. Hope I am not trying your patience... When I use drop box to create a link on a different photo, this is the file it gave me:


When I put this into this box using the Insert Image command, this is what results:


Not looking good. Any ideas? BTW I do not know what a "BB" code is. I expect that I am missing something very simple...but after a dozen attempts I seem to be no closer to getting it to work.

05-09-2015, 8:09am
This latest Dropbox link works OK here, I see your image and see a download button.


I @ M
05-09-2015, 10:37am
Slowtour, you should have 2 or 3 different folders in your dropbox account and one of them should be labelled "public".

Upload your photos to there and then when you locate the image that you want to insert here on AP all you need to do is to right click the image and select "Copy public link", you then paste that into the reply panel here and "wrap" it with image tags and the photo will appear.

As an example if I select a photo on my dropbox and copy and paste the public link it looks like this ------


And when I "wrap" it with the tags it looks like this ( I have left spaces between the "wraps" to illustrate the sequence )


When those spaces are removed you end up with a linked image as shown below


05-09-2015, 2:09pm
Thanks for the advice. I will give this one a try.


I @ M
05-09-2015, 2:11pm
Thanks for the advice. I will give this one a try.


Look at the last image wrap --- It has to have the back slash

It also has to be in your public folder so that the address looks similar to the one I linked.

05-09-2015, 2:49pm
Sorry for missing the backslash - I will add it next time. On the matter of a Public Folder, Drop Box for me started without any folders, so I created a folder that I called "Public Photos" but it then asks for email address to share the folder with. Is there an AP email address that I add? I have been through the Drop Box tutorial again but it is very basic. I am aware that this is getting into more drop box help rather than photos...thanks for your perseverance. Here is my current link with the backslash.


I @ M
05-09-2015, 3:11pm
Don't worry about taking the thread away from the photos, there is no problem trying to get the linking sorted out here.

When I open dropbox on the PC I see the view I have just taken a screen shot of below.
The folders are just as dropbox installed them a few years ago.

If I create a folder in the "photos" folder I can then share that folder that I created with a person by entering their email address within the dialogue box that comes up when I right click the folder and select "share this folder". You cannot share individual files within that folder.

All images that I link to AP are in the "public" folder and that is where you can select images individually.


05-09-2015, 4:09pm
Screenshot 2015-09-05 16.59.15



Three attempts to show you what my Drop Box screen looks like. There are two folders there but I created them myself. I have a MacBook with the latest operating system so maybe drop Box hasn't caught up yet.

- - - Updated - - -


05-09-2015, 4:22pm
make sure the folders where you have put them are listed on dropbox as public folders, if not, you cannot share anything from within them

05-09-2015, 4:47pm


Three attempts to show you what my Drop Box screen looks like. There are two folders there but I created them myself. I have a MacBook with the latest operating system so maybe drop Box hasn't caught up yet.



Quite a few things wrong here as to why this is not working. The first link starts with 'file', all links and images to work properly must be www or http://

The second link ends in png?dl=0, links must end in a file type, eg .jpg .png with nothing else after that

The third link has some really odd webkit-fake-url, so there is no way that will work

What you need is www.*webaddress*/image.jpg

1. So the first bit is this tells the AP software that the bit of code after this is going to be an image file

2. So the middle bit is the web address for the file and must end in an image format jpg / png / gif / bmp and will look like this www.testimagelink.com/images/image456.jpg

3. The last bit tells the software to stop looking for the link, it closes the code off and it is . The / tells the software that it has reached the end of the code.

So your link should look like www.testimagelink.com/images/image456.jpg

Hope that helps