View Full Version : Evolution of Photography

23-08-2015, 6:47am
An interesting graphic exploring the evolution of photography

Click the link, then you can zoom in to read further.

Evolution of Photography (http://payamrajabi.com/portfolio-images/071221_conceptmap/01L.jpg)

Mary Anne
23-08-2015, 7:42am
Yes Very Interesting Rick.

23-08-2015, 7:47am
Yes Very Interesting Rick.

--The time-line on the left certainly is. The "?chart" on the right caused me to devolve into an amoeba:eek:

Lance B
23-08-2015, 10:08am
How did Facebook get on there??? Facebook isn't a way of taking a photo. Did I miss something?

23-08-2015, 11:10am
Notice its position, Lance. It's at "the end of the photographic timeline":(

Oh, well! Photography was good while it lasted:rolleyes::rolleyes:

- - - Updated - - -

PS: A sad indictment: the pinnacle of human achievement:rolleyes:

(I can feel a broadside: :pircannon: :eek:coming on!!)

23-08-2015, 6:21pm
LOL! O had to laugh when I saw that listing on the chronology tree of photography ... Facebook!? :confused013:

As if Fb had some sort of influence on the history of photography.

But have a look on the flow chart at the process steps that lead to the Facebook relevance! ;)

.. the one step immediately prior to the Fb landing port is listed as ... "photos with degraded form or content" :lol:
(how true is that ;)

Then coming in from the other side to land at the sharing/Fb endpoint .. is the "anyone can be a photographer" strand, and from the other side is the "more photos are taken, good or bad"

While George Eastman invented the notion that anyone can be a photographer, as it still cost something to create the images, there was still a very high awareness that you shot, or shared with some diligence and a level of awareness of the importance/relevance of the image in some way.

But Fb took this idea into the realm of stupidity and mass hysteria for the sake of fame(and fortune, of course) .. where people started to shoot and share images of themselves clipping their toenails, or some other infuriating inanity.

So while Rick posted the link as an interesting evolution of photography(which it is) .. the inclusion of Fb in this evolution is one of worrying significance!
And that is that there is a great danger that from the point where Fb is marked in the evolution of photography .. it reverses this trend and begins the slow(and probably painful) process of devolution.

Mark L
24-08-2015, 10:29pm
^ even if it's posted on FB, isn't it still photography?
And for each million that doesn't have a clue (but is encouraged to take a photo of some sort) if one becomes an excellent photog?:);)