View Full Version : Predictions That Have Come True???

17-08-2015, 7:33pm
Can you think of any predictions that have come true in recent times - ie, back-fired? How about miracles? Fix-alls? Etc?

1. From the 80s-90s: We are evolving to a PAPEROUS office (thanks to computer technology).
This has become pretty true. Look at all the junk mail that we still get.

2. Soon we will have driver-less cars.
This one shouldn't qualify, as most people behind the wheel can't drive anyway, so it's always been true.


17-08-2015, 8:14pm
3) We will have flying cars
True if you watch the TV-series "Cobra 11 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fDs-3gDZjz0)". Otherwise: no cigar.

Mark L
17-08-2015, 8:44pm
Mark will make another comment in this thread.;)

19-08-2015, 10:18pm
Well, I'm still wondering "how to wine friends and affluent people"?