View Full Version : The obligatory 'Hi, This is me' thread... Jdude...

30-07-2015, 10:55am

As I mentioned briefly on my profile details...

...I have been an active amateur photographer for near, ever.
Only recently, I have come across a problem that has led me to seek out new skills and better equipment.

While bushwalking a short time ago, I took one of many pics that I was using to post on web sites to rub in to Americans and other over-there-ians just how beautiful Australia is.
A favourite hobby of mine.

The pics and video I have been taking up till recently have been more than adequate for the intended purpose. There was an adequate river of foreign drool to give me a sense of satisfied contentment. A job well done.

Lately though, I found that using the same pics on a local web site provided a less than satisfying result. Australians have seen Australia and the pics need to be quite outstanding to evoke the slightest indication of having made an impression.

My work was ho hum, so so.

in my attempts to lift my game... I was so impressed with a couple of my pics... I decided to take them to the local printer and have them printed large enough to join the Rainforest and waterfall pics I have hanging on the walls of the house.

Shocker... my pics, at full size... were a severe disappointment... and the only thing that saved them from being burned in a sacrificial fire pit was the resolve to keep them around as a reminder of just how far away I am from being able to produce anything remotely like that produced by my inspiration... Ken Duncan.

So... I now knew that I needed to upgrade my equipment. Spent a month searching the internet and reading almost endless amounts of sales quotes and reviews on all the current and past models of Digital SLR's.

Medium format = too expensive in every way.
Any cropped sensor is not going to produce gallery sized quality of the subject mater I'm interested in.
The D810 would suffice... but still out of my comfort zone in regards to parting with money.

The Sony A7R may be the compromise I have to make to enter the next level of this game.

So... what do I need a forum for?
I've done my research... made my decision.

Good question, I'm glad you asked.

I took another pic just the other day and it looked like a failure. Just a jpeg taken with my HTC M9 mobile phone... no tripod and not even a selfie stick.
But what I produced in pp... using nothing but GIMP and some luck... was something that caught my eye and kept me captivated.

Posted it on a local site and waited for some critique. Nope. Did some further editing... posted... nothing.

So I spent 2 days checking out dedicated Australian forums to join and...

...here I am.

Totally amateur and not in a financial position to buy the equipment that would see me being able to quit my day job... let alone having the pp experience to make anything taken with said equipment worth publishing.

I am, however... interested in improving my technique and skills... but most of all... I am here to find out what it is I see when I look at a pic and see something... something that I can't describe.

I am here to look and learn and to show and discuss.

Hoping this is the place for me.

JDude... Duding Around.

30-07-2015, 11:02am
Dude! I hear ya!

Is this the place for you? If you join in and participate, why! who know where you'll find yourself!!

Now just a small matter about your level of experience...

From all you have said the level of Beginner is clearly not for you. In fact, Intermediate sounds like a goood starting point.
So I'm going to recommend that and...

...what was I gunner say?...

Ah, yes! Welcome to AP.


30-07-2015, 11:13am
Thanks Am.

While I'm still reliant on using the 'auto' settings of a camera... I'm likely to continue to consider myself as a beginner.

With Google as my ally... I might sound like I am knowledgeable in the ways of the photo... but there is much to learn.

looking forward to diving into all the info here and trying not to drown in this sea of knowledge.

30-07-2015, 11:17am
Yep. One aspect or several of inexperience amid many of the opposite. We all have much to learn, at any level.

30-07-2015, 11:32am
Glad you could make it JDude and this is definitely the place to improve your photography skills. :)

30-07-2015, 12:36pm
JD. (See, I knew I'd come up with an abbr. soon!)

Use the Library link (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showlibrary.php) as a lifebuoy.

While waiting for rescue, duck your head under and see how many of the "New to Photography" fishes you recognise.
For the site, look in "How do I..."

30-07-2015, 1:53pm
Glad you could make it JDude and this is definitely the place to improve your photography skills. :)

Thanks David. This place does have quite a bit of activity and knowledge base.

- - - Updated - - -

JD. (See, I knew I'd come up with an abbr. soon!)

Use the Library link (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showlibrary.php) as a lifebuoy.

While waiting for rescue, duck your head under and see how many of the "New to Photography" fishes you recognise.
For the site, look in "How do I..."

Thanks for the pointers Am.
A large site and a lot to navigate through.

I'll also post a pic when I can.
The pic that drove me to finding this place.

Edit: Pic posted here... http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?140955-The-Path-the-led-me-Here

05-08-2015, 11:04pm
:gday: & Welcome to AP!
- lets see some photos in the main CC forums (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/forumdisplay.php?5) maybe try a competition or 2 and have fun!