View Full Version : joke of the day, an oldie but goodie

29-07-2015, 12:01pm
Japanese scientists have
created a camera with such
a fast shutter speed they
now can photograph a
woman with her mouth shut.

29-07-2015, 12:20pm

29-07-2015, 1:23pm

new possibilities beckon!

29-07-2015, 3:23pm
Who knows in a few years it may be quick enough to get an entire gathering of women all with their mouths shut. Fractions of a nano second I'd expect !!

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29-07-2015, 6:12pm
Who knows in a few years it may be quick enough to get an entire gathering of women all with their mouths shut. Fractions of a nano second I'd expect !!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

you still may need multiple shots processed using the median option in CS6

29-07-2015, 10:48pm
absolutely and mask city

Mark L
29-07-2015, 11:00pm
new possibilities beckon!
Seems like you don't have to worry about that fast shutter speed,;):p

06-08-2015, 8:30am
can photograph a
woman with her mouth shut.[/QUOTe

I bet it was "photoshopped"!!!!!!

06-08-2015, 5:59pm
A bloke goes into a quarry and says to the foreman.. "gee that's a big rock" the foreman says "Boulder"
The bloke reply's "GEE THAT'S A BIG ROCK"

Mark L
06-08-2015, 9:08pm
An aside. Most of the women I know talk more sense than most of the blokes I know, so

Japanese scientists have
created a camera with such
a fast shutter speed they
now can photograph a
man with his mouth open making sense of an important issue.

07-08-2015, 8:35am
has anyone noticed that all posts here are blokes?:confused013

07-08-2015, 11:05am
My bet that Mark L's better half reads these?:D

07-08-2015, 11:23am
My bet that Mark L's better half reads these?:D

and then he gets the bird:D

Steve Axford
07-08-2015, 3:11pm
I think it's only blokes because it is a sexist joke.

Mark L
07-08-2015, 10:41pm
My bet that Mark L's better half reads these?:D
She has no interest in AP.:(
Now if only she'd talk to me so I could try a high shutter speed.

09-08-2015, 4:27pm
It is a joke about a female. Not sexist at all. The same as you have mother-in-law jokes or blonde jokes or one legged man jokes or blind umpire jokes. (dare I say aboriginal jokes) It is just a joke!!!!!!!! It is taking the mickey out of someone or something. Not everyone gets it nor think it is funny. cheers Brian

09-08-2015, 6:38pm
I'm not a masoginist, I just hate women that won't do what they're told. (Glad my wife doesn't read this!)

Mark L
09-08-2015, 10:21pm
It is a joke about a female. .........

It is a joke based on some peoples perceptions of females.
Why wasn't the last line "bloke with his mouth shut."?
Wouldn't be the same would it?