View Full Version : Anyone familiar with the Seymoure Rail Line? Steam Rail Photo Op!

16-07-2015, 9:07am
This Sunday, there will be a triple headed steam train running from Melbourne to Seymour, so anyone who likes steam trains should get out and have a look.

My problem is that I am not familiar with the lines, and yet I want to find some good vantage points along the way - particularly on the first half of the journey (I don't think I'll drive all the way to Seymour).

Anyone know some good spots to take photos as it goes by?

If you want to get out there yourself, it's this Sunday and the times are shown at

16-07-2015, 9:27am
Hmm! Having recently passed by Seymour (well, in April and on the M31:o) I got interested in this event.
Much less will I be driving from Sydney, though:eek:. I found it's GOSH HARD to find rail info on GOogle,
but I eventually found Seymour rail and followed it towards Melb. ODDLY, and of no help to you, I guess,
was a railway crossing not far S of Seymour, on Schoolhouse Lane here. (https://www.google.com.au/maps/place/Seymour+Railway+Heritage+Centre/@-37.0604869,145.1229252,3128m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m2!3m1!1s0x6ad7f52bcb1f4a3f:0x35b078a14ab927dc!6m1!1e1)

Or, see if you can find some suitable location using this railway map here. (https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/8c/Victorian-rail-map-2007.png)

All I can suggest, s:orry, but I hope you get some good pics.

16-07-2015, 9:38am
Thanks for that ... I'll check it out.
I haven't chased steam trains for years, but back in the day I was a mad keen steam train follower and when I saw a triple header advertised I figured I had to see it!

Of course my wife thinks they're polluting, environmentally dangerous boy's toys - but all my sound ecological principles go out the window when I see clouds of black smoke, steam and the sound of pistons!

I love the smell of steam trains in the morning ...... :D

16-07-2015, 3:54pm
This Sunday, there will be a triple headed steam train running from Melbourne to Seymour, so anyone who likes steam trains should get out and have a look.

My problem is that I am not familiar with the lines, and yet I want to find some good vantage points along the way - particularly on the first half of the journey (I don't think I'll drive all the way to Seymour).

Anyone know some good spots to take photos as it goes by?


Good vantage points is a relative term!

Do you want lower down(ie. looking up at) perspectives, or higher up(i.e. looking down on) the train images.

I assume you will have a hard time trying to get a shot from one spot, to then follow the train to the next vantage point to get another.

I do know of one easily located bridge that crosses over the train line, up near Wallan/Wandong. Straight up the Epping Road(starts off as High St, Preston/Reservoir .. and after about 30-ish klms it turns into the Epping Road).
The second photo in the website link you posted looks a lot like it was shot up that way(the triple tracks look familiar).

The train line will travel up the Mooney Ponds - Essendon line, up into Craigieburn and then beyond.
Sorry can't think of any of the train stations names, as I'm not much of a public transport user. I live on the other north line (Coburg) but known the area fairly well.

I can't think of any nice looking 'ye olde worlde' stations such as the well preserved Camberwell station where you may get a nicer background from ground level.

If you want a nice country looking distraction free background for any ground level shots, there are numerous a crossing and safe points for ground level shots past Craigieburn .. best that I can think of would be at the Donnybrook Road crossing.
I think there's just a single solitary pub, or general store or something at this crossing, and that crossing is very rough so hopefully the train should slow down to a decent speed for an opportunity to take some photos.
The general area is basically farm like open paddocks.
Very easy to get too: Hume Fwy up to the Shell service station(LHS outbound), take the exit at the Shell and turn right(into Donnybrook). You can't miss it .. maybe 5 or so klms from the fwy.

I suspect that all the stations up to and including Craigieburn will be just your average plain jane suburban stations(I know that Craigieburn is a new space age type), but beyond Craigieburn I have no idea(or can't remember).

My suspicion tho, is that Tallarook may one of the best vantage points, as Tallarook itself is a nice area. Problem for you tho Bob is this is only 10-20k's before Seymore!

Note that there is also a bridge over the rail line on the Craigieburn bypass section of the Hume Fwy.
There is no real safe spot to stop there, and the wind gusts from passing trucks could pose a problem .. so keep it as safe as possible.

If I can get the kids up before 12PM, I'll take them up for a drive too... maybe Tallarook

Anyhow, good luck. If you need more specific info, I may be able to help.

16-07-2015, 8:25pm
[quote]Anyhow, good luck. If you need more specific info, I may be able to help.

Thanks for all that - all useful stuff and I shall start poring over the Melways and see how your comments and suggestions can be organised. It promises to be a reasonably good day for it and I gather the train is totally booked out, so I may not be the only one looking to photograph it! :D

I remember in the old days we used to line the tracks either side, and the train would back off a mile or so, chuck on the coal and then flatten it up a hill with maximum steam and smoke. These days they're probably a little more restrained.

16-07-2015, 8:51pm

Thanks for all that - all useful stuff and I shall start poring over the Melways ......

be sure you have a current(ish) Melways.

A few new roads and road closures and realignments over the past decade or so up that way .. since the Craigieburn bypass.

If you're an 'old fella like myself, and like to hold onto useful paraphernalia to within an inch of their lives .. like Melways'es .. 10 yo version just don't cut it up that way in these modern ... google mapped! :rolleyes: .. times! :p

17-07-2015, 9:24am

be sure you have a current(ish) Melways.

A few new roads and road closures and realignments over the past decade or so up that way .. since the Craigieburn bypass.

If you're an 'old fella like myself, and like to hold onto useful paraphernalia to within an inch of their lives .. like Melways'es .. 10 yo version just don't cut it up that way in these modern ... google mapped! :rolleyes: .. times! :p

Yeah .... Melways seem to be going the way of the Dodo since GPS came in. I haven't used mine since I got my GPS, but the hard copy is still useful at moments like this.

I'm a similarly minded old fart, and I keep everything (except my first wife) - you never know when something will become useful again!