View Full Version : looking forward to all your help

16-07-2015, 9:17am
I'm a mad keen sports nut and a footy trainer with our local club. I want to take action shots of the players in full contest so decided I needed more than my iphone to do this. I have recently purchased a Canon 7D and have absolutely no idea what potential it holds for me. I'm heading off on holiday and wont take this camera with me, but the moment I return, I plan on learning how to use it bit by bit. Is there an introduction to photography book that any one can recommend to start the learning?

16-07-2015, 9:36am
Hi PT, and welcome to AP.
You will certainly receive any help you ask for on AP, however, the real key is to interact on the forum.
Congratulations on your recent purchase - the 7D (old version, or 7D-2?). Either way, it's not a bad

You haven't said why you are not taking it with you on holiday, and it sounds like a missed opportunity
to get to know it, especially here on a photography forum.

Well, the initial help you seek is available right here, as a guide to beginner photographers. Have a look in
the Library, and in particular the:
New to Photography (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showlibrary.php?title=Indexes:New_To_Photography_Book) section
but also "How do I" and the Tutorials".


16-07-2015, 10:36am
Welcome to the forums

As Am has mentioned, definitely a missed opportunity not taking the camera on your trip, but if it's certain weight or location based reasons, understandable

AP has a great section about all the basics to photography which Am has linked

My site has a couple of articles with examples that can help also

Mark L
16-07-2015, 9:35pm
G'day and welcome to a good place to learn ptannie3.
Don't be afraid to ask questions and make comments. plenty of members here are willing to help.:th3:

You haven't said why you are not taking it with you on holiday, and it sounds like a missed opportunity
to get to know it,
Maybe not taking the camera 'cause the holiday is climbing Mount Everest or kayaking down a wild river.:D

16-07-2015, 9:55pm
Gi'day Pt, Welcome - :th3: There's a bloke called Micheal-the-Mentor (http://www.canontrainingvideo.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1&products_id=17) who has a good DVD that explains the workings and focusing on the 7D so you can set it up for sports, you can also find a lot of his clips on uTube. (https://www.youtube.com/user/MichaelTheMentor/search?query=7d)
Hope you enjoy your 7D...it's a great camera.

Cheers - :beer_mug:

16-07-2015, 10:10pm
Hi there Gaz and welcome to AP:)

Mary Anne
16-07-2015, 10:15pm
Hello and Welcome to AP.. Hard to believe you have a new camera and are not taking it on holiday just look at what you will be missing out on.
Perhaps before you go just get out there in the Great Outdoor and try Av if thats too hard then put it on P or Auto just to see how you go.
I have the 7D MK11 if you do then download the 548 page Instructions Manual on this link > http://support-sg.canon-asia.com/contents/SG/EN/0301661501.html
It makes interesting reading even if it takes a while.. And have fun in that holiday.

17-07-2015, 6:46am
Welcome to AP. Enjoy your holiday and stick around here and you will learn a lot about photography and soon be taking some great sport photos. What lens(es) did you get to put on that 7D?