View Full Version : New member

15-07-2015, 2:24pm
Hi everybody!

I'm from Brisbane and joined this great forum. I've been into photography for a long time. Started shooting on good old film days. There have also been periods of no photography at all. Recently I decided to take my snapshoting hobby to the new level. Started shooting more, I've been reading a lot and also watching great video courses. Learned to use Photoshop and Lightroom. And I'm enjoying it more than ever. I love to shoot my family and I also like to shoot products or still-life.

15-07-2015, 2:50pm
Welcome to AP, Oddo.
Join in and enjoy.

15-07-2015, 6:30pm
Welcome, there is a wealth of knowledge here.

15-07-2015, 7:13pm
Welcome, see you on the forums

15-07-2015, 7:14pm
Hey there oddo

I started here on Sunday and have had a great time looking around. My recommendation is to check out the Constructive Critique pages, where you can see the great photos and comments from the AP community. I found the f-stop pages, Out of Focus, Site Matters and Competition pages all good places to learn about the site, pick up advice and have a good laugh at dry sense of humour of the members. Most importantly, you will see comments that the site is safe and supportive of photographers, regardless of their level of expertise and experience. Guess what, from my whole of four days membership, the site is safe, supportive and inclusive.

I am yet to post any of my photos, that's tonight's job.

Have fun with it all


Mary Anne
15-07-2015, 9:17pm
Hello and Welcome to AP.. Sounds like you know plenty so will look forward to seeing what you post on the Forums :2smile:

16-07-2015, 10:38am
Welcome to the forums mate