View Full Version : C/2014 Q1 ( PanSTARRS)

11-07-2015, 8:31am
This comet is visible in the low western sky just after dusk. The 4th graphic down on the S&T page has a star map for Southern Hemisphere viewers. As time goes on, it will get higher in the night sky. All you need, other than a camera and a tripod, is a low clear western horizon and clear skies. Some volcano in Sth America is chucking a bit of dirt about so colourful sunsets will prevail for a while.

Happy hunting.

11-07-2015, 9:04am
Ta for the update, Mike. I have taken the following excerpt from the caption to that 4th graphic and highlighted the salient point.
Also, I have moved the thread to f-stop forum, as it is not a picture for CC.

Comet C/2014 Q1 PanSTARRS is now best seen from the southern hemisphere (Alice Springs, Australia here) during the winter months of July and August. On July 18th (shown here) the comet joins the crescent Moon, Jupiter, and Venus for a scenic gathering in the west at nightfall. Stars to magnitude 6. Click for large version.
Chris Marriott's SkyMap software - See more at: http://www.skyandtelescope.com/observing/comet-q1-panstarrs-bright-but-tight070920150907/#sthash.f0FZATRW.dpuf
Source: http://www.skyandtelescope.com/observing/comet-q1-panstarrs-bright-but-tight070920150907/

11-07-2015, 1:53pm
Also, I have moved the thread to f-stop forum, as it is not a picture for CC.

No worries. Sorry, my bad.

11-07-2015, 2:54pm
Not at all.