View Full Version : Hi all, I'm back!

08-07-2015, 9:27am
Hello everyone,

it has been a while since I popped in. I'm looking forward to catching up with what eveyone has been doing. I'm sure there will be some pleasant hours wading through all the great posts since I last visited.

Looking forward to once again sharing with you all,

regards Kim.

Mary Anne
08-07-2015, 10:40am
Hello Kim and Welcome back..

08-07-2015, 12:17pm
Hello Kim and Welcome back..


08-07-2015, 1:32pm
Welcome back,

11-07-2015, 11:25am
Welcome back. It must be about 40 years since I have been to Bingi but I remember it as a beautiful part of the world. Look forward to seeing some posts.

12-07-2015, 11:19am
Thank you everyone for your welcome messages.

Hi Wynny, this is a lovely part of the world, changed a bit since you last visited I expect. We now have sealed roads and the coast line is all national and marine park. No camping anymore. Still no shop, but we like it that way.