View Full Version : Best locations for a range of skill levels

24-06-2015, 6:12pm
Hi All,

I am a member of a relatively small photography club at my uni that consists of members of numerous skill levels, and we are trying to plan some photo trips/meet ups as a club (however none of us are overly familiar with Canberra). I just thought I would try and gain some opinions on good locations in Canberra and the surrounding area that would provide good photographic subjects and challenges, yet still catering for all skill levels.

24-06-2015, 9:05pm
The Arboretum
Mount Ainslie
ANZAC Parade
Commonwealth Park
Weston Park
Ginninderra Falls

That should keep you busy for a couple of hours!

24-06-2015, 9:49pm
Don't forget the Carillon. Highly photogenic.

25-06-2015, 11:40am
national zoo and aquarium
the aboretum
the botanical gardens
black mountain
you can't go to Ginninderra falls, it's closed to the public

27-06-2015, 3:29pm
Thanks everyone for the suggestions, I will make sure I check them out.

28-06-2015, 6:46am
National Library both inside and out (you may have to get permission for inside)
Weston Park
Pine Island
Tharwa - and there is a homestead out near Tharwa with stationary engines and old farm implements but the name escapes me fopr the moment.
Canberra Railway Museum and the CSMEE model railway Geijera Place Kingston. You can take lunch to the CSMEE open days and there are nice picnic spots. Great for pics of the model trains ruining, kids playing, machinery closeouts etc
Ask the hot air balloon companies where they are taking off from on a day and go along at sunrise for some balloon inflation and flight shots, and if you care to chase to the end, landing and deflating shots.

28-06-2015, 3:46pm
The other thing to consider is that it is not all about location. How about macro, portraiture, abstract and more. Why not consider genre based meets that give your members a chance to not just shoot scenery and architecture. You could each be one another's subjects for a meet based on portraiture and help each other with lighting, posing etc.

Think outside the box when it comes to your meets.

26-07-2015, 5:51pm
Gibralta Falls and then on up to Corin Forest (waterfall, big rocks, trees and snow)
The Cotter...interesting bridges, playground and dam as well as water and winter tree shots.
Commonwealth Park
Botanical Gardens shouldn't be overlooked for practice of various subjects...waterfalls, lots of birds, flowers...snakes and water dragons in warmer weather close to everywhere and serviced by public transport.
The Lake...lots of architecture and potential reflections etc day and night
The sculpture garden at the National Gallery
Bus Depot Markets and Kingston Foreshore.
Near the bike hire at the lake the swans are raising their signets already (and the adults aren't terribly aggressive...but be careful)....right next to good coffee at the container village.

and what others said above

26-07-2015, 7:15pm
With a bit of car pooling a weekend in Narooma can be great for a few pics. If the budget allows for a trip out to Montague Island to grab some shots of the fur seals and whales etc might be worth a look. There are quite a few whales heading north at the moment but the best time is when they move back down the coast (Aug Oct), theres also a blues festival held here in October which Im not sure on the rules regarding cameras is.

Ive donated the pictures used on the local online site here http://www.narooma.org.au/

Many whales can often be photographed from land, we even saw orcas on Friday and seals have now made their home along the break-wall, also plenty of bird life. Let me know if you need any help on locations down here.


Recent humpbacks heading north

http://i1170.photobucket.com/albums/r538/JonDP/whales/_MG_1056_zpsevvyitdr.jpg (http://s1170.photobucket.com/user/JonDP/media/whales/_MG_1056_zpsevvyitdr.jpg.html)

26-07-2015, 7:34pm
There were whales 50m off Long Beach (just north of Batemans Bay) today...the dogs and I sat watching them for hours...mother and calf....lovely.