View Full Version : Sirui K-40X ball head initial thoughts.

I @ M
17-06-2015, 1:49pm
Received it in the post today and after mounting it and adjusting ball lock and friction to suit one lens on a body the initial thoughts are all positive.

It arrives in a neoprene bag that will serve as a cover for the ball head whilst mounted on the tripod, the other contents of the box it is packed in are an instruction sheet ( well written with no Chinglish guesses required :D ) covering mounting to the tripod, friction and lock adjustment procedures, panning base adjustment and locking, a camera plate, allen head screw + key to replace the "finger lock" screw if required, warranty card and a couple of silica desiccant bags to keep it all fresh.


Mounting to a tripod is by "the normal" 3/8 bolt and from there it is easy to adjust the ball lock and friction controls with a body and lens mounted.
Different body / lens combinations will require the friction control to be adjusted to suit your needs but it is a very quick and painless process.
The supplied camera plate and mating screw lock clamp are arca swiss compatible and when I had mounted the head on the tripod I undid the plate lock screw just enough to remove the plate from the clamp, inserting my lens with a different brand plate attached required zero movement of the plate lock knob from when I had removed the supplied camera plate and without getting the verniers out I would say that they would be within 10ths of millimetres difference. Whilst the supplied clamp plate is well made with good locking knob I may swap it with the Hejnar Photographics plate on my old head as I like the length of both the Hejnar Plate and the clamp screw. Certainly as the Surui is supplied it is a workable product within 10 minutes of unpacking it.
Overall build and finish on the ball head, clamp and plate seem excellent. The price is very competitive in that ballhead size range. The locking knob requires a very small amount of turning to go from totally free to solid as a rock, likewise the friction control on the ball has adjustibility from as slippery as a silicone coated eel to almost unmovable at the turn of a thumb screw. Ball friction is even over the entire range of movement with no sudden sticky spots encountered.
I don't intend to use this head as one that requires millimetre precise framing and in a couple of reviews it was noted that the pre lock and post lock point of aim differences were higher than some other brands but in a "casual test" today I can see pretty negligible difference.
Photo below shows it mounted to a set of legs, panning scale is visible, the panning lock knob is 180 degrees from the scale. Ball lock is accomplished by the big knob and ball friction is done by the small silver thumb screw situated at about 7 o'clock in the big knob.


The ball head was purchased from Mainline Photographics in Sydney, their service was excellent. One phonecall to check stock availability and then ordered on line with instant receipt of payment and then Aus Post tracking emails within a couple of hours of ordering.

17-06-2015, 3:25pm
I had one of their monopod heads.

It was also extremely well made but probably not suited for the weight I was putting on it.

Sirui seem to be producing some quality gear.

17-06-2015, 4:00pm
The ball head was purchased from Mainline Photographics in Sydney, their service was excellent. One phonecall to check stock availability and then ordered on line with instant receipt of payment and then Aus Post tracking emails within a couple of hours of ordering.
Looks great. Dealt with Mainline many times and am visiting them on Friday to pick up some new kit.

27-06-2015, 1:16pm
Bought the same from them 2 yrs ago along with their tripod (C/F) I have travelled with it Istanbul to Beijing in a truck for 90 days then Canada for a further 30 days and every time i used it it was perfect!
I agree Mainline are a pleasure to deal with and only found out about them when recommended by a rep at one of the larger retailers:)
Not quite the range of equipment but what they do have is first class
they even have a dedicated plate for the 5DMKiii which is something special
Would visit them more often if they were close by :D:D

I @ M
27-06-2015, 4:21pm
Thanks for your input about the head standing up to some use Bob, always reassuring to hear from first hand experience.

Would visit them more often if they were close by :D:D

You are a lot closer than me and being as far away from them as I am stops the credit card from groaning. :D That is a good thing.
I wandered into their shop a few years ago when I was in Sydney for a few days, lots of tasty gear but I didn't buy anything then.

Still, I have a photo taken outside their shop to remember them by.


27-06-2015, 5:19pm
Got the same head on Sirui M-3203X legs.

Great products, drag on the ball head remains consistent.
Got them from Mainline also.

Though the legs are substantial with just 3 segments and good diameter, I probably could have opted for the next size down head.
But on one ever regretted too much solidity in a ball head.
I'm sure you will enjoy it's use like I have, with its simple dependable no nonsense operation.

Bear Dale
21-03-2018, 4:47pm
Just want to add to this thread that I bought a Sirui K-40X ball head about a month ago. I've had a lot of ball heads over the years and this one is absolutely brilliant and the best I've ever owned.
I haven't been able to fault it so far, not a featherweight married to a Manfrotto 055XPROB, so I'm glad I'm not a photo hiker.

Holds the Nikkor 70-200mm and the Nikkor 200-500mm with ease and not the slightest of movements.

The Sirui K-40X is nice and big for big gruff hands :)