View Full Version : Hi everyone

14-06-2015, 7:38am
H all my name is Marc, I have been involved in photography in one way or another for the past 30 years or so. I originally took up photography at school using the old Olympus Trip, from there I enlisted in the Army, and learned the trade through the defence force. Using M43 screw mount equipment, I used an old Zenit, it was a tough camera. From there I went back to my Olympus equipment. I continued with film until the early 2000's where my first digital was the eqivilant of a digital Olympus trip, I was a bit sceptical of these modern digital things, eventually I purchased an Olympus E520 which I have been using since, along with a Nikon waterproof point and shoot.
That said I have recently picked up an old Olympus OM2 which I am shooting film with, and I I'm contemplating going down the caffenol route.

thanks for excepting me.

14-06-2015, 7:44am
Hi Marc and welcome to AP. It sounds like you've been around the photographic traps.
Join in here, and regale us with tales from the dark(room). Hopefully, you caffenol venture
will only make you drunk with success.:D

14-06-2015, 7:51am
Welcome Marc. See you on the forums

Mary Anne
14-06-2015, 8:50am
Hello Marc and Welcome to AP.. What an interesting intro I will look forward to seeing what you post on the Forums after reading that :2smile:

Mark L
14-06-2015, 9:30pm
thanks for excepting me.

I like that.:)

Welcome to a good place to learn and in your case help others Marc.
Since forums work best when people get involved, I hope that's what you do.:th3:

16-06-2015, 9:45am
Welcome Marc and have a great time here :)