View Full Version : I have been a bit naughty.

10-06-2015, 8:13am
I signed up quite a while ago but have neglected to post anything in the interim. For this, I am truly sorry. Recently my photography has taken a back seat as my wife and I had to move house. Moving from a small town to the Styx has taken some adjustment. My primary photographic interest is astrophotography but since moving several months ago, the night skies are turned to custard. While this goes on, I'm missing out on auroral activity. I am currently "modifying" my telescope so I can use a dslr at prime focus and upgrade the scope mount so I can track them thar little lights. As well for Xmas, my wife gave me a dedicated camera for planetary use but I have not had a chance to use it. Another set of mods. :scrtch: Off to the Man Cave. Cheers.

Mike :pentax:

10-06-2015, 8:48am
Don't worry I have done this serveral times... This is probably my 10th time coming back

10-06-2015, 8:56am
Cheers. Not the only forum that I neglected. All good in the end. :th3:

10-06-2015, 2:09pm
Welcome Mike. Plenty of astrophotography on here to keep you interested. Sounds like your a bit of a handy man with all that modifying. cheers Brian

10-06-2015, 6:35pm
Welcome back. If you came back cause of the email yesterday, a reminder that our competitions are linked to forum participation, so you will have to be a regular active member if you want to be eligible to win.

11-06-2015, 8:46am
:gday: & Welcome back to AP!

Staying active is easy and fun, just post an image for CC once a fortnight and
post 2 or 3 CC comments to other images in the same fortnight.