View Full Version : Happy 54th Birthday Mark L! (4th of June)

04-06-2015, 5:04am

Happy 54th Birthday Mark L (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/member.php?u=12103)!

Hope you have a wonderful day, and very best wishes from everyone here at Australian Photography.

(4th of June)

04-06-2015, 6:56am
I'll drink to that! Happy Birthday Mark.

Mary Anne
04-06-2015, 8:13am
:party6: :party5: Happy Birthday Mark and All The Best on this Special Day :bcake::party5::party6:

04-06-2015, 8:50am
Instead of singing :party5: I found THIS (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gazW7MOqHzQ) for ya...sounded better

Lance B
04-06-2015, 8:54am
Happy Birthday, Mark! Have a great day and I hope you get lots of photographic goodies. :party5:

04-06-2015, 10:01am
:party5::party6::food04: Woo Hoo!! Have a great day! :food04::party6::party5:

04-06-2015, 11:20am

04-06-2015, 11:29am
Happy :beer_mug::beer_mug::beer_mug: Birthday Mark.

Get a couple of coldies into ya, or maybe some of that grouse Mudgee vino.

Have a :party5: and a great day Mate.

04-06-2015, 3:45pm
:party5::party6: Enjoy your day. :party6::party5:

04-06-2015, 4:09pm
Happy Birdsong to Yo-oo-oo-oo-u!:D

Mark L
04-06-2015, 7:17pm
Thank you friends for taking the time to make a comment, though Gazza is pushing the envelope.
This thread is nearly more exiting than my actual birthday.:D
Nearly? Would definitely be, except I think I got some good photos of kites in flight and some close ups of a White-plumed Honeyeater today!!
Jayne's away tonight and tomorrow night so her present to me was two nice pieces of steak for me to cook for myself.
Some of us lead such exciting lives.:(:D

04-06-2015, 9:04pm
Happy Birthday! Steak sounds pretty good to me. Trust you still have Nosey there to keep you company. Hope you got some great pressies. :party5:

04-06-2015, 9:08pm
Happy Birdday Mark :)