View Full Version : One result in that google thing

Mark L
01-06-2015, 9:18pm
Not sure but I think there's a name been given to when you google something and you only get one result?
It happened tonight because of a word I wondered about in an AP members signature.
CANTAMRONIZED ........ https://www.google.com.au/search?q=CANTAMRONIZED&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&gws_rd=cr&ei=KUpsVf73DNfv8gX6_YHwAg
Glad you're back Geoff. Hope your not contaminated.:)

01-06-2015, 9:24pm
hahaha. Does that make me Niksigmatized? And I hope there is a pill I can take to make it better. :lol:

Geoff Port
02-06-2015, 6:41am
Well golly gosh Mark, how in the heck did that get to google? I've been unknowingly imortalized. :D:D:D
Now I'm back on AP I have been thinking of changing my signature cos I'm a bit disillusioned with the Tamron 24 -70. I think its way too heavy for the 60D. I can't seem to get really crisp results off tripod. I'm going back to the kit 18 - 55 and try a set of comparison shots of a static subject. Beautiful lens, spent a lot of money on it and filters but no good if I can't get results. :(:(
thanks for the heads up on the Google thing. Just goes to show once you tangle with the web you are no longer anonomous.
Geoff Portbury

Mark L
02-06-2015, 7:04pm
Now I'm back on AP I have been thinking of changing my signature cos I'm a bit disillusioned with the Tamron 24 -70. I think its way too heavy for the 60D.

Not sure but I think there's a name been given to when you google something and you only get no result?
CANKITLENSIZED ....... https://www.google.com.au/search?q=CANKITLENSIZED&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&gws_rd=cr&ei=lH9tVYi4GIbAmwXzh4GYAg:D:D

02-06-2015, 7:09pm
Well, whatever yers do, don't bovver with "ASDF".

Mark L
02-06-2015, 10:02pm
...don't bovver with "ASDF".

ASDF? 9,530,000 results (0.26 seconds), nope won't be bothered.;)