View Full Version : How about .. Vic meetup for June 27th(Sat) @ 7AM start

28-05-2015, 4:03pm
It's been a while between meets.

I'm thinking sometime in June.

Easiest dates for me(in terms of freedom) in June will be


Also Monday 8th Jun(being Queen's Birthday is coming up quickly) .. a lot of folks seem to have this day off too.

Something to note too, is that the Winter Solstice is due on or about the 20th( I think, but can't confirm, 22nd this year).
Anyhow .. there is a Winter Solstice doo at Fed Sq (http://fedsquare.com/events/solstice-celebration) on the Sat 20th.
While I have my kids on that day, and they have their normal activities they attend during the day .. maybe a slightly later evening meetup to coincide with the Fed Sq doodad could provide alternate interests for some folks.

Just putting some ideas out there if anyone is interested.

As usual, all other suggestions are welcome :th3:

29-05-2015, 11:07am
Hi Arthur,

Sounds like a great idea! I can do the 13th/14th, 20th, or 27th/28th at this stage! Didn't know about the solstice doothingy, so that could be interesting as well.


29-05-2015, 4:17pm
I would like a chance to redeem myself after hanging mudman out to dry in Canberra. The 8th is ok or any of the Sundays suggested.

29-05-2015, 5:58pm
I'd be up for something, could do 20th 21st.

30-05-2015, 9:52am
Good start;

We currently have members interested for a 21st(Sunday) catch up. The 21st is hard for me, in that I have to be mindful of the kids needs .. get them home, fed, and bed early, as Monday is a school day.

But for that weekend there is a broader spectrum of photo opportunities available on the 20th(Sat) because of the solstice event at Fed Sq.

A word of note too: Sat/Sun 27/28 June is the first week of the school hols(here in Vic). Traditionally, this means that the city is a lot less populated, as many families head out for a break of some sort.
So there is a chance that there will be less traffic(vehicular and pedestrian) on this first weekend of the school holidays.

31-05-2015, 9:53am
I will watch with interest and hope that I can be available on any date chosen. Although retired there are still many demands for help and I am only too happy to do so. cheers Brian Ps I am an ameteur in the first degree.

08-06-2015, 5:59am

08-06-2015, 6:47am
Sounds all good to me... Any of the dates. I may have a friend who might even want to tag along...

08-06-2015, 3:02pm
I'm good for any of the above at this stage, will follow with interest.

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08-06-2015, 4:20pm
Also waiting for the date & time to be picked...

08-06-2015, 4:33pm
Count me in. Re dates am flexible. Karen

08-06-2015, 7:30pm
Because I almost totally forgot about this thread :o .. and only just got reminded .. 13-14 is only a few days away and probably short notice for some members(ie. who have yet to notice this thread)

So how's about the 27-28 weekend as a confirmed date

I'm putting my hand up for the 27th, being a Saturday but would also be happy for Sunday 28th too.
I'm thinking Saturday would also be easier on Geoff too, as he has to drive about 4 hrs each way.

this also gives me time to try to figure out a way to alert any other potentially interested Vic members in the list
(yeah, I must be the worst moderator in the worst house .. in the best street! :p)

08-06-2015, 7:49pm
Sounds great Arthur.. It's in the diary.

08-06-2015, 8:08pm
If it's Saturday I can only hope the meet up goes into the evening as I have a sports club commitments, any time Sunday is ok. Please don't arrange a night session just to fit in with me, it will be a tad cold eh...

08-06-2015, 8:23pm
I'll be there for part of the night as well, so all won't be lost.

08-06-2015, 9:35pm
Yeah, I'm in for a bit of later evening hanging about too.

Later evening city wandering is worth doing.

08-06-2015, 10:23pm
Might be worth doing a touristy thing like the Zoo at some point. I normally only do it with the kids which kind of confines your ability to relax and take photos. Not saying that for this trip, but it may be worth it for a trip in future.

09-06-2015, 10:29pm
.... Not saying that for this trip, but it may be worth it for a trip in future.

Sounds like a plan.

I personally haven't been to the zoo for about 25 - 35 years(or so) .. can't remember actually.
My ex used to take the kids when they used to go(during down time).

I guess my kids may be interested in something like that too ... actually probably not my son .. unless there is some way to participate via an online stylised massacre of creatures exhibition going! :p
My precious little animal hugging princess would jump at the opportunity for a trip to photograph her favourite cuddly animals tho.

ps. are you coming in on this one?

09-06-2015, 11:56pm
I'm in Sydney that weekend for a vacation with the family. It will be the first time my 2 yr old has been on a flight so I'll be doing a video of her reaction.

15-06-2015, 8:10pm
Have we got any Meeting times thought out, and duration?

16-06-2015, 10:14pm
We could set it for early-ish morning again like last time .. coffee and/or a spot of breakky if you're into that kind of thing.

Geoff! .. make an offer for an estimated starting time, and I'll be there.

Some info to keep in mind:

Sunrise for this date is 7:37AM .. Sunset 5:11PM
(moon times/phases aren't particularly noteworthy tho)

So, an evening shoot, would technically be starting at about 5-5:30 or so .. so it won't be a very late day if anyone wants to hang about.

The more pertinent question is WHERE we all start the meetup .. as well as (roughly) what time.

I'm thinking, because of the parking and close proximity to town and surrounding nice garden-ish area .. up near the botanical gardens again :confused013
Free all day parking along those side roads between the gardens and St Kilda Rd.

Leave the car there .. walk down to the river again .. coffee .. breakky(if you need it) .. etc, etc ... and then just mosey along without any sense of direction, nor a plan .. as we always seem to do it.

Once we work out the where and what time .. I'll edit the title of the thread to reflect this in the title.

I'll post my phone number in the thread(later) as a point of contact for the committed .... but also for those who may be unsure of whether they want to come not, but do decide at the last minute that they do want to join up.

In the mean time, all we can do is hope that the weather is kind to us.

19-06-2015, 3:26pm
I'm still keen, will see what the wife has to say. Need to keep the boss happy!

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19-06-2015, 3:42pm
I'm happy with any starting time... I'm planning on staying on in the city, as last time I was knackered when I got home... (Very long day)
I also have a friend who wants to join in. He has just got himself a FF Canon 5D Mark III, and would love to discuss lens options as opposed to his old cropped lens camera.
There is also another girl who might want to tag along, as she is doing a photography course, and has a really good eye for photography.

19-06-2015, 9:17pm
I've missed the confirmed date, what was it?

19-06-2015, 10:08pm
Sat, 27th Jun.
I'll probably start at about 7ish or so(I guess for any sunrise opportunities)

most likely, I(at least) will hang out for the entire day .. till about 6PM or so

I'll re edit the thread's title to reflect this too.

- - - Updated - - -

My mobile number is(I'll get it right this time!! :p)

---- --- ---(yep, got it right!)

Anyone that isn't sure whether they'll make it or not has a way to contact the meetup group to see how and where we are.
So no excuses for not coming, if you are sitting on any fences! :p

If you do use that phone number to try to contact me/us, send a txt. Reason is that most likely I'll be probably doing something already, and(by implication) will almost certainly be ignoring the phone completely.
Also, being that my attention span is measured in nanoseconds, whatever is spoken about on the phone is immediately cast to one side to allocate more memory cells in the pursuit of greater photography.
txts are easier to remember, because you don't have too.

So the convention for communication is best represented as something like this:

member: "hey, it's <insert member name here> .. where are you guys at the moment"
( ... 10minutes later ... )
me: "hi <member name> we're at <location> heading over to <another location>"

If you haven't fully understood the gist of the above .. I really hate phone conversations! :D
They almost invariably come at the most inopportune moments.
My mum is notorious for this.

20-06-2015, 9:24pm
look what's on for Saturday.... Plenty of photo opportunities there I think... https://www.showclix.com/event/OzComicConMelbourne2015

21-06-2015, 7:18am
yeah .. sounds like a bit of a laugh. tickets are a bit expensive, but definitely worth a look-in at least.

21-06-2015, 8:09am
yeah .. sounds like a bit of a laugh. tickets are a bit expensive, but definitely worth a look-in at least.

You would not have to buy tickets. There is an outside area everyone congregates that is non-paid

21-06-2015, 10:03am
Yeah, in the foyer.

You get the occasional looney teen dressed up hovering in the foyer, but the serious ones are all inside.

I'll see if I can manage to scam a few tickets if we get our regular customers with their regular deliveries this coming Wed-Thu.

21-06-2015, 10:45am
That sounds like it could be a plan. MM may fit in..:lol:

21-06-2015, 11:36am
Because I plan to get an early-ish start(hoping for a sunrise) .. my plan is to park the car near the botanical gardens(free all day parking on weekends .. IIRC)

Gardens opening times are 7:30AM to sunset every day.
So maybe a short jaunt around the gardens could see us start the day and an easy location to gather.

There are two cafes in/at the gardens. One on the St Kilda Rd side at the main entrance, and another in the centre of the gardens at the lake.
no idea what time they open tho.
I'm pretty sure that the one on Birdwood Rd (St Kilda Rd side) is called the Observatory cafe, as it's close to the old domed observatory building. But can't find any opening hours info.

So far, the long range weather forecast is saying cloudy, rain and top temp of about 15°C.
(but weather forecasters can't be trusted for truly accurate forecasts beyond about 12 hours .... so I expect it will most likely be sunny, clear and a top temp of about 25°C :p)

22-06-2015, 8:33pm
If people want to post their phone numbers etc that is their choice, but please consider that your personal information then is available to ALL members and in some forums, publicly visible to anyone on the net who decides to view the forum/thread.

Site Rules

[15] All information that you disclose may become public information and caution should be exercised when deciding to share any personal information or discussing another person, website or organisation on the site. This includes providing your address, phone number or other personal information to another member. Please exercise caution. You are legally responsible for all content that you load to the site. The Administrator(s) reserve the right to access any or all content that you transmit using the site or that may be stored within the site and its databases.

Just something to consider

22-06-2015, 8:35pm
If people want to post their phone numbers etc that is their choice, but please consider that your personal information then is available to ALL members and in some forums, publicly visible to anyone on the net who decides to view the forum/thread.

Site Rules
[15] All information that you disclose may become public information and caution should be exercised when deciding to share any personal information or discussing another person, website or organisation on the site. This includes providing your address, phone number or other personal information to another member. Please exercise caution. You are legally responsible for all content that you load to the site. The Administrator(s) reserve the right to access any or all content that you transmit using the site or that may be stored within the site and its databases.

Just something to consider

At our age, we'd consider ourselves lucky if someone sees our number and starts making obscene phone calls to us :lol:

22-06-2015, 8:36pm
It happened to us once. It was not pleasant.

23-06-2015, 11:40am
It happened to us once. It was not pleasant.

You're obviously better looking than me. I even accept reverse charge calls from obscene phone callers :D

In all seriousness I do know what you mean. I'm not sure if it may be a better solution to try organise a whatsapp vic meetup setup used for these kinds of scenarios so people request access along with their user name and all users can interact on the day. That way people don't have to give out their contact details.

23-06-2015, 12:15pm
There's always the PM method. A person could coordinate the meet, collect phone nos by PM,
then send the same PM to all other participants. Like, if you coordinate, you send all interested parties the same PM
via multiple recipients; they reply with contact details to you; then you collate and re-distribute.

Just an idea, maybe not the best, but it eliminates the need for whatsapp.

23-06-2015, 3:12pm
As the post that was said....
All we need now is names of those attending...
You can PM your phone numbers to Arthur if you wish. Just in case you have trouble finding us.

A meeting point could be the entrance to the botanical gardens on the War Memorial side. Here parking is free for the day. So will be a great spot to start off from.

24-06-2015, 5:56pm
I will edit out the phone numbers listed here either Friday night, or Saturday morning(just before I leave).
It's only there for anyone that hasn't yet decided whether they want to come along .. and may decide at the last moment.

As for the weather .. it's looking likely to be fine, rather than the rainy, inclement weather that the idiots at the weather bureau had initially predicted.

24-06-2015, 8:20pm
Going to have to pass this time ladies and gents, at camp diabetes with my daughter (which my wife just reminded me about). Let's start planning another pretty soon.


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25-06-2015, 2:56pm
I just cannot catch a break with these meet ups. Usually, it's on a day that's not good for me but this time, even though I have time off from work (night shift), I have the beginnings of a sore throat which usually heralds the onset of something that ain't good. One day, I'll make it to one of these things - even if it kills me :crzy:.

25-06-2015, 4:42pm
Well if you start feeling better. You know were we will be

25-06-2015, 5:55pm
Well if you start feeling better. You know were we will be

Not looking good at this stage. Cough and runny nose as well as a 'diagnosis' of man flu from my beloved partner and her daughter who have had it for a day or so now before I got it. Will see how I am by the weekend and try and get there.

25-06-2015, 6:11pm
After all the FANFARE about the FLU on TV NEWS tonight, maybe you'd better STAY away:eek:


25-06-2015, 6:23pm
After all the FANFARE about the FLU on TV NEWS tonight, maybe you'd better STAY away:eek:

We breed em tough down here AM.... No woozy man flu can hold us back.

(By the way... How do you spell "Woos" .. Is it like "wood" replace the "D" for a "S". Or is it like "Would" replace the "LD" for a "S"...... Hmm Interesting...

25-06-2015, 6:35pm
Sounds like the makings of an epitaph, Geoff:D

- - - Updated - - -

Having just read your edit, I found wuss (https://www.google.com.au/?gws_rd=ssl#q=wuss), so I suppose "wussy"?:D

- - - Updated - - -

However, you'd be w:crzy::crzy:zy too:nod:

25-06-2015, 6:38pm
You know what I mean... :lol:

25-06-2015, 8:27pm
Count me in.
I assume we are looking at 0700 for meeting at the entrance on St Kilda Road

26-06-2015, 8:54am
See you at 7am tomorrow at the cafe on the top side! I'll PM Arthur my mobile to share with the others. Cheers! -Ern

26-06-2015, 2:35pm
Happy snapping folks, maybe next time for me.

26-06-2015, 3:18pm
Looking good. I'll be leaving home around 3am. So a nice coffee will sound pretty good.

28-06-2015, 8:33pm
Had a great day out.

Here is Arthur (arthurking83) & Karen. (Kwaal)


Arthur (arthurking83) Ern (Euskadi67)


Karen (Kwaal)