View Full Version : New Nikon D750 firmware version(21-05-15)

21-05-2015, 2:23pm
Nikon have issued a new C firmware update for the D750 to v1.02 .

you can get it here (http://downloadcenter.nikonimglib.com/en/download/fw/141.html)

I love the description of the changes ... "camera operation is now more reliable" :confused013

I'm curious as to whether any D750 owners/users ever felt that it was unreliable for them.

21-05-2015, 2:56pm
Don't think I have had anything unreliable that couldn't be marked against my lack of photography skills rather than the camera. Will let you know if I suddenly become more reliable after the update. Maybe I've been blaming myself all along when really I was pretty damn perfect as a photographer. :D Pulitzer here I come!

21-05-2015, 3:28pm

..... Will let you know if I suddenly become more reliable after the update. Maybe I've been blaming myself all along when really I was pretty damn perfect as a photographer. :D Pulitzer here I come!

Almost certainly the camera was to blame ... blasted things they can be.

.. ps, if this turns out to be the case, then you should have updated to a DSLM camera instead of the D750 ;)

21-05-2015, 6:53pm

Almost certainly the camera was to blame ... blasted things they can be.

.. ps, if this turns out to be the case, then you should have updated to a DSLM camera instead of the D750 ;)

The problem I have with DSLM is they are just too easy. I like the true feel of the mirror slap like I like a gear shift in a car.

Plus I have major concerns on what will happen if I use a DSLM. I had a mate who was a footy playing, beer drinking, ute owning masculine individual. When his DSLR broke, he replaced it with a DSLM and last I heard he'd given up footy for lawn bowls and chess, was driving a Prius and the only time I hear from him is to invite me to come over and play checkers or monopoly on a Friday night. He even converted from beer to alcopops!!

I don't want that to happen to me! I still wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat after having a nightmare that my wife had bought me a DSLM and a man bag for Christmas. I have to climb out of bed and hold my DSLR just to get the panic attack away. It's scary stuff them DSLM. We shouldn't be worrying about ISIS, DSLM is the real threat. Today DSLM, and all of a sudden using facial cream and moisturizer is okay! Is that what we really want for our kids? Is that the freedom we fought for as Australians?

22-05-2015, 4:40am

You call living under the current government .. freedom!! :confused013
Take to the streets, stop voting for them(all .. not just the current morons 'supposedly' governing) remove all traces of bureaucracy and incarcerate them all! Lock em up for good, now, and hopefully the damage they've already done can be undone at some point in the future.
Vote with your feet. Exact justice with your boots! Solidarity brother! We march on them soon(actually maybe next March, my schedule is a bit full till then) so get ready to take to our streets, to take them back.
(hang on .. how'd we get from a camera firmware discussion .. to the topic of anarchy and revolution? :confused:)
Anyhow, don't forget to bring your camera .. just make sure you load that v1.02 C firmware to be sure of "more reliable operation" .. whatever that means.
(ah! back on track now .. bloody revolutionist spotlight hogging sensationalists! .. they take over at every opportunity when they can).

now that we're back on the topic of photography and taking to the streets .. we should start the seed of a thread on a possible meetup idea. I'm interested in checking out parliament house!

13-07-2015, 5:43pm
I've had the D750 "freeze" on me on a engagement shoot but I don't think it was as much the camera as the memory cards ability to write information. New cards, no issues:)

13-07-2015, 7:48pm
I've had the D750 "freeze" on me on a engagement shoot but I don't think it was as much the camera as the memory cards ability to write information. .....

Yep! .. that'll always do it for 'ya.

I don't know the buffer fill rate/level for the D750, but even with the fastest card you can acquire, you can still hit the buffer limit and the camera can still freeze up for a very short time on 'ya.

In general tho, if you shoot in jpg mode, you can usually fire off literally 100 or so(maybe more) images and still not hit the buffer limit.