View Full Version : Connecting my 7D to my iPhone

22-04-2015, 2:19pm
What's the best way to go about this? Cables are not an issue, especially given that I'm not gonna fork out hundreds and hundreds of dollars for a wireless transmitter.

Basically, I would love to be able to review my photos on my iPhone as I go ideally, but also to be able to make brief edits to get the photos on social media and the likes as I go (for our local football club)

22-04-2015, 2:25pm
An interesting Q. The Iphone should be clever enough to recognise and external drive, such as you camera, when
plugged in via USB. Have you checked whether the IPhone can do this? Somewhere in the manual? Ie, you IPhone
acts as a "computer" for the operation.

Also, what model IPh?


- - - Updated - - -

It would appear this is what you're after. (http://store.apple.com/us/product/MC531ZM/A/apple-ipad-camera-connection-kit)

22-04-2015, 2:33pm
iPhone 6

22-04-2015, 2:34pm
The other issue being a cf card

22-04-2015, 2:35pm
Never mind, I didn't look properly

22-04-2015, 2:42pm
Solved? If it is, just give a brief expl. so that others can see.

What's with the CF card, tough? If it's the recording media in the camera it shouldn't matter.

22-04-2015, 4:53pm
I'll find out if it's solved when the item arrives,

the issue with the cf card was that I didn't read it properly, and thought it was just like a card reader for your iPhone... (See img)

22-04-2015, 4:53pm
Will post results when the item arrives

22-04-2015, 5:02pm
Oh, right!! Unfamiliar as I am with Apples, I didn't realise it was a card reader. I really thought it was a USB connector from cam to IPh.:rolleyes:
(Must learn about Applry.)

22-04-2015, 5:45pm
It is, but there is another attachment with it that is an SD card reader for iPhone, which is what confused me

22-04-2015, 6:24pm
OK, ta for that. Let us know what gives.

22-04-2015, 6:28pm
For editing download the Photoshop app it's free, with in app purchases, from memory I bought a noise reduction plugin which worked unbelievably well.

22-04-2015, 8:43pm
I view and control my Canon 50D via an android tablet. Originally I had them joined by USB cables, but then some smart cookie worked out how to hack a $40 portable wireless router to plug into my camera to create a wireless hotspot. This means I can now control, and view what is on my 50D wirelessly, and up to at least 30m from my camera. I also have it set so the 50D wirelessly sends a copy of each photo as it is taken and leaves a backup copy on the tablet. Creating the backup on the tablet does slow things down a little, because it takes about 10 seconds for a 20mb raw file to be transmitted wireless from the camera by this method, but is very handy.

On the Android tablet an App called DSLR Controller handles all this. Until recently this was android only, but now there an iOS version. As yet the iOS version only permits viewing on the ipad/phone, and not control of the camera, but I'm sure that will happen before long. I'm also sure someone will also come up with a way of turning your 7D into a hotspot similar to my 50D so iOS can talk to it.

Here is the DSLR Controller (http://dslrcontroller.com/) website. And the link to adding the wireless support is http://dslrcontroller.com/guide-wifi_mr3040.ph (http://dslrcontroller.com/guide-wifi_mr3040.php). This had been a stable setup for me. Hacking the wireless remote was very easy and took about 5 minutes. No, I wouldn't use it taking birds flying or most animals, but for anything stationary, closeups and macros it is excellent. With a 10 inch screen in front of me, it is very easy to compose a scene. Focusing can also be done via the tablet (depending on your lens), and as the image can be enlarged 10X on the tablet screen, the focus is easy to get sharp. It has dropped the amount of photos I take dramatically - probably at least by 80%, so I don't really mind the extra time taken to wirelessly send the file to the tablet.