View Full Version : How do I re-set my dog's clock after the end of DST

05-04-2015, 3:59pm
OK, DST has ended this year but my little Staffy mate Roxi doesn't seem to be aware of it. :confused013

About 5.40pm DST each day she lets me know dinner time is nigh. Today it was 4.40pm, the nudge with the nose, and the meaningful looks.

I know from past years I have to sneak her dinner time back a bit each day, or she drives me mad.

It must be confusing living a 'dog's life'.

I @ M
05-04-2015, 4:05pm
About 5.40pm DST each day she lets me know dinner time is nigh. Today it was 4.40pm, the nudge with the nose, and the meaningful looks.

No sympathy from me for your 1st world problems Kev because I will happily swap your dog for our cat who at 17 years of age has taken to howling at over 100db for his breakfast at 6 am which of course is now ------ :p

05-04-2015, 4:47pm
haha. Shokan has been whinging and wanting his dinner for over an hour now too. The way to reset their clock is to not give in!

05-04-2015, 5:13pm
No sympathy from me for your 1st world problems Kev because I will happily swap your dog for our cat who at 17 years of age has taken to howling at over 100db for his breakfast at 6 am which of course is now ------ :p

:lol2: You DO have a problem Andrew.

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haha. Shokan has been whinging and wanting his dinner for over an hour now too. The way to reset their clock is to not give in!

I'm hearing you Rick. :lol:

I was watching my beloved Sharks (Yes, I have another problem :lol2:) win their first game for yonks, so I decided that Roxi the wonder Staffy could wait outside.

She sort of copped it sweet, but gave me the evil eye when I fed her.

Mark L
05-04-2015, 6:24pm
mmm, takes our parrot (and me:() some time to adjust.
She has been trained to do as parrots do, and go to sleep just after sunset. That's after our evening meal. And now it's not.
Andrew, enjoy those early mornings.:) Just deserts for having the wrong animal as a pet.:p

05-04-2015, 6:25pm
If you ask me, tell the dog to stop complaining and think about how the fleas feel:cool::eek:

05-04-2015, 6:49pm
Well, Yanni is quite polite, she went for a 30min earlier than usual, which I thought was a nice compromise :) Patience, Grasshopper, eventually they forget lol

05-04-2015, 6:59pm
Interestingly Hudson could not care less. He just waits till I am ready to serve him his dinner, whether that be at 6.00pm or 11.00pm. He doesn't make a fuss about it at all.

05-04-2015, 7:28pm
Interestingly Hudson could not care less. He just waits till I am ready to serve him his dinner, whether that be at 6.00pm or 11.00pm. He doesn't make a fuss about it at all.

Rick, do you think we could hook Hudson and Roxi up via Skype or whatever, so he could share his lay-back attitude with her ?

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Well, Yanni is quite polite, she went for a 30min earlier than usual, which I thought was a nice compromise :) Patience, Grasshopper, eventually they forget lol

Cheers Hawthy.

Unfortunately, patience is not one of my better known virtues.

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If you ask me, tell the dog to stop complaining and think about how the fleas feel:cool::eek:

My dog doesn't know what fleas are.

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mmm, takes our parrot (and me:() some time to adjust.
She has been trained to do as parrots do, and go to sleep just after sunset. That's after our evening meal. And now it's not.
Andrew, enjoy those early mornings.:) Just deserts for having the wrong animal as a pet.:p

Mark, she's doing her best to get in touch with her avian roots. She has pulled a couple of feral doves and the odd Indian minor out of the air. Just doing her best to eradicate the feral imbalance.

05-04-2015, 7:41pm
Rick, do you think we could hook Hudson and Roxi up via Skype or whatever, so he could share his lay-back attitude with her ?

His laid-back attitude is refreshing. For a Labrador that in general are four-legged garbage disposal units, he could not care less about food. If I go into the kitchen, Shokan is there, looking at me with a hungry, starving to death, expression. Hudson hardly ever comes into the kitchen, and often if I go find him to give him a treat, he looks at me like, nah..but if you insist. Nothing unusual for him to still have it in his mouth 5 minutes later, not eaten.

I am not sure if he is just not that food orientated, or if he is just lazy! But either way it is something completely different to every other dog I have owned. Chilled, relaxed or lazy.. all work for me.

05-04-2015, 9:26pm
Dogs, ya just gotta luv 'em.

Mine's been here before, and mostly just plays with me. She knows what I'm doing, and where I'm going, before I do. :confused013