View Full Version : Help me name my budgies

29-03-2015, 8:58pm
Hey guys!

Got two young budgies (not sure of sex yet - too young to tell) today - been going crazy trying to come up with cute names!! Thinking maybe something to do with photography!

Help?! :D

No names like sunny and casper please lol!


29-03-2015, 9:10pm
Sid for the male? - as in ... 'Sid Vicious' You'll have to warn your visitors not to go near him:confused013

Nick Cliff
29-03-2015, 9:11pm
My wife had a white budgie named Polar and a yellow budgie called Fizz, food for thought.

29-03-2015, 9:18pm
I had Macro and Zoom in my head but I dont know lol!!
So hard to pick! They are such little cuties - they havent had any training or anything they are just young aviary birds.
Already getting used to me being around them, tilting their heads and listening to my voice eeheehe! So stinkin cute lol

29-03-2015, 9:27pm
How about Nik & Kon

29-03-2015, 9:27pm
Snel & Osi (Ozzie) ...

"Lens and ISO spelt backwards"

29-03-2015, 9:35pm
Oooo i like that one Gazza!

30-03-2015, 12:28am

Mark L
30-03-2015, 10:12pm
Pay attention to the bit of flesh above the beak (staying untechnical here). If it starts to turn blue, it's a male.
Since you have them so young, spend plenty of time with them. Talk to them (your already doing that:)). Put your hand as close as they will let you and leave it there for a minute. Next time they'll let you get your hand a little closer, etc. Always approach them from their level. A big person standing above them is a worry to them (you're a giant). Say "well done" or "good on you", general words of encouragement.
Once they are not worried about your hand in the general area, start holding their favourite food in your fingers (start putting apple in the cage to see if they like it). Some longer grass seed from the garden is good. It means they can't approach your hand without getting to close. Then each time bring the seed closer to your fingers. They'll eventually get on your fingers to get the seed. Talk to them, don't move your hand to much.
Slower is faster with birds. If you take your time you will have two birds sitting on your shoulder in a few months.
Keep most of their food in the cage and they will always go back there.;)
If you want them to say a phrase, you have to repeat it over and over and over.
My parents wanted a budgie. So I got a young one, calmed it down and gave it the name Budgie.:) Then for the two weeks before he went to my parents place I started saying "budgie from Mudgee." Whenever I visited it used to look at me and say "budgie from Mudgee" over and over.:lol2:

Now names.
White Balance and .....?
Whitey and Bally.:)

The ey, ie, ee or y at the end of the name actually helps grab a pets attention. (think it's called inflection). 'tis the same with dogs. Lilly, Buddy. It seems to help them understand their name.
Sorry to go on, but you and they deserve better than to have two birds just sitting in a cage that are not part of your daily life.
They are highly intelligent and deserve more than bored. The banksia in the photo is a wonderful sign.:)

30-03-2015, 10:45pm

And of course Tony/Toni for the other one.

30-03-2015, 10:51pm
DOF & Bokeh

Mark L
01-04-2015, 7:36pm
Apy and Exy.
Milli and Filty
Flashy and Lightey.
Tri and Pody.
Bugga and Stuffit.