View Full Version : Hi from Perth, WA!

09-03-2015, 12:21pm
Hi!! :D

I've been here a few weeks now, thought it was time to introduce myself!

My name is Sharnee, im 22 and im neewwwwww to photography.
I've always loved taking photos but only ever used a regular point and shoot or my phone camera.
I had a thread on the "new to photography" section on here to pick everyone's brains about what i should get for my first DSLR - thanks to everyone who replied to my questions and put up with my "decision paralysis" :lol:

Anyway I ended up going to the shops for a "look" the other day and came home with a Nikon D5200 (oopsie hehe) and just the kit lens for now.

Let the fun and learning begin!! :pentax:

09-03-2015, 12:24pm
Well, welcome at last, Sharnee. Congs too on your purchase. I don't think
you'll shed many tears over that.:D

09-03-2015, 5:37pm
:gday: & Welcome to AP!
- lets see some more photos in the main CC forums (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/forumdisplay.php?5) maybe try a competition or 2 and have fun!

09-03-2015, 5:41pm
Thanks Kym & ameerat42 :)

I actually just posted a photo in one of the comps haha probably no where as good as other people thatll enter but oh well :D all funs

09-03-2015, 6:02pm
Welcome. Looking forward to seeing some of your work.

09-03-2015, 6:04pm
Belated welcome, but glad you are getting so much from the site.

Mary Anne
09-03-2015, 7:34pm
Hello and Welcome to AP.. Glad you got what camera and kit lens you were after.

Mark L
09-03-2015, 8:32pm
G'day Sharnee.
The journey begins. Enjoy it.:th3:
There may be times when you think "why aren't I getting better at this?" That means you are getting better and setting higher standards.
Anyway, now you have something decent to take photos with, it may be worth the time to work through this free photography course, ........ http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showlibrary.php?title=Indexes:New_To_Photography_Book :th3:
Was going to say don't be afraid to ask question and get involved, but .......:D
See you around AP occasionally.

12-03-2015, 6:46pm
Welcome Sharnee and congratulations on your purchase :)