View Full Version : Remember when...?

24-02-2015, 2:01pm
Remember when black and white was the norm and the most common point and shoot was a Kodak Box Brownie? No? Well, I'm sure most members of this forum won't, but I'm one of the few (?) who do:)

My interest in photography began about 55 years ago. At that time I bought an Agfa 120 roll film camera that had an f4.5 lens but no rangefinder or exposure meter. Simple? Yes, but a big step up from a Brownie nevertheless.

I started developing my own films and doing simple contact printing until (much later) getting an enlarger. Eventually I traded the Agfa for the first Yashica 35mm that came out. Further down the track I acquired a Pentax Spotmatic and a few lenses which I still have. I also have two other film SLRs (Minolta and Canon).

Unfortunately, our lives have had a lot of twists and turns, with the result that photography has been an on again, off again affair, revived briefly and then forgotten for long periods except for family photos. The last time that happened was about fifteen years ago with the result that a large amount of film (mainly b&w) and a load of printing paper went into the freezer where it has remained until now. When the weather cools a little the enlarger will be dusted off and the paper resurrected.

I joined the digital revolution a few years ago with a Fujifilm S5500, a little camera I've really enjoyed using. I have recently bought a Nikon D5300 and two kit lenses (18-55mm & 55-200mm), also an Epson V550 scanner. I've also only recently acquired PSE12, but I'm still on the trainer wheels with that:)

Cheers, auz80

I @ M
24-02-2015, 2:48pm
Welcome to AP auz, pull up a chair and join in.

The ozone layer degradation hasn't destroyed the light yet so I am sure that you will be able to assist less advanced members with exposure technique as nothing much has changed with the digital revolution other than ISO / ASA becoming a whole lot easier and cheaper to change mid shoot. Oh yeah, forget about F/64 as well, does horrible things to pixels. :D

Post some of your images for critique and offer your thoughts on other members work.

Remember when black and white was the norm and the most common point and shoot was a Kodak Box Brownie?

Yes. :)

Further down the track I acquired a Pentax Spotmatic and a few lenses which I still have.

Me too.

I've also only recently acquired PSE12, but I'm still on the trainer wheels with that:)

Persevere young fella. ;)

24-02-2015, 3:00pm
Hi Auz80.

So you live in Memory Lane as well!!

As for the PS12, think of what you're wanting to do, if you can figure it out, OK, if not, ask here.

And welcome aboard generally.


24-02-2015, 5:03pm
Welcome to another oldie!
I remember those days well. My Mum gave me her Franka rangefinder to play with when I was 7 and I have been hooked for 57 years. Can't remember how many cameras I've had but I did print all my own B&W at one stage.
I love the digital age and have progressed from 4 shots on a small floppy disk to today's awesome media card capacity.
My latest acquisition is Fujifilm X-M1 and I love it - great quality images.

24-02-2015, 5:10pm
I've still got my box brownie. Pull up your chair. Join in.

25-02-2015, 12:37pm
:gday: & Welcome to AP!
- lets see some photos in the main CC forums (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/forumdisplay.php?5) maybe try a competition or 2 and have fun!

25-02-2015, 5:37pm
Thanks Andrew! I tried to reply to you with the quotes broken into sections as you have done but was unable to work out how to do it. I particularly wanted to respond to your 'Yes' to the question 'Remember when black & white...'with a 'Thank God, I'm not alone after all' ;)

Cheers, Don

- - - Updated - - -

Hi Auz80.

So you live in Memory Lane as well!!

As for the PS12, think of what you're wanting to do, if you can figure it out, OK, if not, ask here.

And welcome aboard generally.


Thanks Am! But remember, the beauty of memory is you can edit it :) With the PS12 I'll be scouring the site and will probably also be asking questions.
Cheers, Don

- - - Updated - - -

Thanks Analog, there's more of us here than I thought ;) I love the digital age too, but apart from family/holiday shots have done very little in the way of what you might call just photography. I still have film cameras (one only recently acquired) and a load of film in the freezer, so will not depart from that completely. I read some reviews on your latest camera and it sounds like it's a cracker.

- - - Updated - - -

:gday: & Welcome to AP!
- lets see some photos in the main CC forums (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/forumdisplay.php?5) maybe try a competition or 2 and have fun!

Thanks for your welcome Kym. I'll post some pics as soon as I get things sorted.

Cheers Don

- - - Updated - - -

I've still got my box brownie.

Are you still using it? :p

Pull up your chair. Join in.

Thanks Rick, I will :) Don

25-02-2015, 6:47pm
Yes I still use it at times.