View Full Version : Anyone having problems with Error 2 messages on the 7D Mk 11.

Mary Anne
19-02-2015, 4:44pm
Used my SanDisk Extreme 16GB 120MB/s CF Card once when I took it to Australia Zoo a few weeks ago it went in the camera and I got it out the next day ok.
Worried about the 36GB SanDisk SD card falling apart like my other two so yesterday I put the CF back in the Camera to format it and I could not shut the door so I left it, had another go later same thing.
This morning I tried again the door shut ok this time but I get a Error 2 message telling me to format the card and the camera wont let me do that.

I ring Canon did I get much Help NO after taking my phone Number and email address was told by that person he would email me right back with info on how to send it back to Canon.
Six hours later I was still waiting.

Rang Photo Continental where I bought the camera, spoke to a lovely young man who gave me so much help
Tried out different things and different CF Cards with no success then the door would not close again so he told me to get a torch and magnifying glass and have a look at the pins.
I told him that was the first thing I did yesterday and none looked bent to me, and they still dont look bent, I am taking it back there next week they are going to look as my eyesight is not 100% anymore.
And if needing repairs they will send it to Canon for me. I have found here and on line where the older 7D was having the same problem with CF cards. Not having much luck with new cameras in the past 12 months.

19-02-2015, 8:57pm
Sounds like Err 2 stands for 100% BAD!

Don't think me a pot stirrer, but did you have it the right way around? It can be done, just ask me:o

Else, did you: try another card?; try offending card in another carrier (eg, a card reader)?

Knowing you, the answers would all be "Yes".

Mary Anne
19-02-2015, 11:46pm
Yes and Yes .. Tried lots of other things too.

20-02-2015, 6:19am
Sometimes we need to leave things for an hour or two, then go back and bang it goes straight in and you wonder what the trouble was? Can you try the cards in another camera? It would appear strange that it suddenly does not fit. Just re-read your post and it looks like you have tried again. I have not had any problems like that with my 7D in many years of use. I am pretty sure it will be a minor glitch in owning any of these high tech gadgets these days and it will long be forgotten once you have it working 100% again cheers Brian.

Mary Anne
20-02-2015, 11:42am
Brian Thank You. Reading through all of this link http://photography-on-the.net/forum/showthread.php?t=921353 it seems many people have experienced this problem with the first 7D camera.
The fault was fixed when the CF Pin FPC assembly was replaced though it seems strange that sometimes I can get the card in the slot and shut the door other times I cant.

I have tried the SanDisk Extreme 111 CF 4 GB 30MB's from my 40D also tried the SanDisk Extreme CF 16GB 60MB's cards that I use with my 5D MK11 and none of those cards will go into the 7D MK11 camera.
Yet I have no problems putting that newer SanDisk Extreme 16GB CF 120MB's in the other two cameras taking photos and looking at them on the computer putting them back into the different cameras and formatting them.
No Problems using the SanDisk 36GB SD card in it as I have been using that one all the time. And the 7D MK11 is going to Canon.

21-02-2015, 7:11am
Yes let Canon find and fix this problem. I did a search on the net after reading your link and found this link
http://www.canonrumors.com/forum/index.php?topic=8194.0 This is said to be error codes for most EOS cameras. Might be helpful to somebody.
I use mainly 32 gb cards so don't have to change them too frequently unless we go on holidays. let us know the result when you get your camera back. cheers Brian

Mary Anne
21-02-2015, 9:11am
Thanks for that link Brian there are more errors there now than years ago, the only one I have had before is the error 99 on the 40D.
Easy to fix by cleaning the battery terminals with an eraser, only had to do that once so no damage to any parts of the camera
If it stops raining by Monday afternoon I will take it back to Photo Continental they will send it back to Canon at no cost to me.
And Thanks for replying again Brian and Yes I will put the results on here, it could be a while though :D

21-02-2015, 11:41pm
I am sorry to hear of your problems Mary Anne. I am going to buy the new 7D MK II but was going to wait until around July before our trip in August, but I may have to buy one sooner and make sure I have no problems. My 7D died while we were in South Africa last August after replacing the CF card due to one being full. Luckily I had taken my 5D MK III with me so I didn't have to change lens from the 100-400 to the 24-105, so in the end I just used the 5D. After sending it to Canon for a quote, I decided not to go ahead as the quote was nearly $500, Canon sent the camera back to me. Guess what, it has been working since it arrived back, so not sure what happened there. I was told the whole top cover cabinet of the camera needed to be replaced, but that wasn't done.

Mary Anne
22-02-2015, 12:16am
Thank You Ann I am not doing well at all this past year with either of my new cameras, then there was the SD cards falling apart still waiting for them to be replaced.
I remember reading about your 7D and the problems you had with it, such a shame when you were on holidays glad you had the 5D3 though.
Seems that CF card problem is well known. I can understand you not wanting to pay that much for the repair sometimes better to buy a newer model.
Strange that it works well for you now, it is so good to read that and whatever you decide to do I hope you wont have any problems with the new camera.

23-02-2015, 4:38pm
Hmm, not good to hear you are having issues with your new 7D2 Mary Anne. I was considering getting one as a second body to put my 70-200 on for event shooting but I am a little unsure now as I have heard a couple of times now about the card issues. I rely liked the reviews of the 7D2 also. Hopefully they will fix the problem going forward and you will be happy again.

Mary Anne
23-02-2015, 5:17pm
Mick not long come back from taking the camera to Photo Continental where I bought it one of the Salesman managed to get the CF card in and said to me there is nothing wrong with it
Twice he took the CF out and put it back in again and told me to put it in and I did, he even said to me Mam with no disrespect did you put the card in back the front :D
You are joking I said there is only one way the card goes in, I never knew it would go in back the front anyway how would I know if I have never tried it. I just tried it and it wont go in at all
Though what he didn't do was click that shutter button.. Imagine my disappointed when I tried the camera a half hour ago to find it will not take a photo.

Message on the screen * Err 02 Card 1 cannot be accessed Reinsert/change card 1 or format card 1 in camera* I cannot format card 1 it wont let me. So back we go again tomorrow.

23-02-2015, 5:29pm
Can't you return it under the condition that the product does not function properly?
Hiittim with it: He did not test the shutter. - Very wanting!!! - Like a true salesman (only).

Mary Anne
23-02-2015, 5:38pm
No because I have had it since Nov 3..
He was an old fellow Am I reckon a couple of years younger than me. My fault really as I should have done it myself while I was there.
Though when an experienced Salesperson tells you it working then you assume he is right.. Never again.

Mary Anne
24-02-2015, 4:31pm
Got the same Salesperson today and after trying three of my CF cards in my 7D Mk11 and finding they wont work and still getting the Err 2 message tried those same CF cards in their 5D MK111
Of course those three cards worked in their camera so he admitted that yes there is something wrong with the camera so back to Canon it goes.
He checked the pins in the camera and told me they looked straight though he noticed those three cards of mine are marked underneath in the centre, at least those cards work ok for now.

13-03-2015, 7:45pm
How did you go Mary Anne??? I relented and bought one the other day second hand would you believe for $1,750 - local pickup. I asked why he was selling and he said he wanted to upgrade to a full frame.

Mary Anne
13-03-2015, 8:02pm
Hello Ann. I am on holiday at Yamba at present and as from last Saturday 7th March had not heard anything.
Going home on Thursday so I will give Photo Continental a ring and see if its back yet from Canon.
That sounds like a good buy for a camera up to four months old.

28-03-2015, 4:03pm
The suspense is killing me. How did things turn out, Mary Anne?

28-03-2015, 4:10pm
Me too Mary Anne, I have been following this post as I am considering a 7d2 for a second body so please, please give us an update. Quote "The suspense is killing me" Unquote :-)

Mary Anne
28-03-2015, 6:11pm
Will get back to you both tonight I tried a few times in the past two hours to get on here, and now that I can its time to go and think about cooking dinner :2smile:

Mary Anne
28-03-2015, 10:13pm
I rang Photo Continental last Friday to be told by the Salesman Declan they had not heard anything, Declan said he would get on to Canon and ring me back which he did within 15 minutes.
He told me they had just sent him an email and he will forward it on to me if I would give him my address so I did.

I read it while Declan waited on the phone as Canon said this repair was not covered under warranty as the pins have been damaged by some kind of external force and they quoted $263.30 not including Freight to put a $33.18 part in it..

Declan told me to ring Canon and tell them exactly what happened and about the ERR message so I rang them.
Turns out the person at Canon who answered the phone was the one that sent the email..
He told me to send him a email writing exactly what I told him, I also mentioned I have never had any problems like this with my 20D, 40D, or 5D Mk11.

Still waiting for an answer a week later so I will ring Photo Continental on Monday and if they have not heard anything else I will ring Canon and tell them to send the Camera back and I will pay the Freight..

I don't care if I cannot use the CF card slot as I have been using the same SD Card since I have had it except for that one time., and have not had any problems.

29-03-2015, 8:48am
IMO it would be worth pointing out that yours is not an isolated case and that there are many references to the same problem on the NET. Canon should have designed their CF socket in such a way as it is impossible to bend the pins, from a quick google search it appears as though the design of the CF mechanism allows cards to be inserted incorrectly. If they still insist on payment then I'd be lodging a complaint with consumer affairs. This article describes how the 5DIII CF slot won't allow incorrect insertion of the card whereas the 7DII slot will. http://www.the-digital-picture.com/News/News-Post.aspx?News=13892

Mary Anne
29-03-2015, 12:51pm
Thank You Phil. Yes I told the Canon Serviceman on the phone and by email that I had found many references to the same problem on different Forums on line.
I had all intentions of finding out more from Consumer Affairs as to what I can do, though was waiting for the reply to my email from Canon.
And Thank You for that link as I never knew that and I appreciate you taking the time to let me know.

30-03-2015, 9:28am
Don't get too frustrated MA. (I know I would) The wheels of industry turn slowly sometimes and maybe they don't have the part yet? I'm sure they are trying their best to fix and repair all things that come into their shop. As for paying for the repair that is another thing. Don't let them stand over you and next time tell them you will go to consumer affairs. That generally helps to put a rocket under them. As you have done nothing wrong in the use of the product, stick to your guns and give them both barrels. Look forward to hearing a positive result in due course. cheers Brian

Mary Anne
30-03-2015, 10:33am
Thank You Brian.. I have just this minute got off the phone to Canon and getting ready to resend that email..
The Gentleman I spoke to on the Phone was sorry but told me my email has been overlooked could I please send it again, he took my phone number and told me he will get back to me this afternoon.

- - - Updated - - -

WOW!! That was quick I have already got the reply from my email to Canon I also added that link above about the 7D MK11 CF Card Slot

Canon Reply: Thank You for your email, forwarding it to the workshop for review, will notify you once the feedback has been received..

And about time as it is five weeks tomorrow since it was send away to get fixed..

31-03-2015, 1:39pm
Sorry to hear about your problems, Mary Ann. I have the 7D11 but only use the SD cards in it at present. I am a bit disappointed that the battery life is shorter than I had expected!

Mary Anne
31-03-2015, 2:52pm
Hi Everyone..I have just got off the phone after a very long chat with the Serviceman from Canon and I was told once again that this problem does not get fixed under warranty.
He went on to explain why as the centre pins are longer that the outside ones and the only way they could have got bent would be if someone put the card in on its side.
As I know I did not do that as I could not get the card in the second time I used it, I asked him then why do Canon make a card slot like that in the 7D11, I dont know he replied.
I said fine I do not have the money to get it repaired and if you wont fix it under warranty please send it back to me and I will be getting in touch with Consumer Affairs

Then things changed and he said well Mary-Anne in this case your camera will be fixed under warranty and if it ever comes in again with bent pins in the slot you will be charged.
I Thanked him and asked if it is better if I dont take the memory cards out that way at least nothing will happen to the camera, he said you can but it will be a lot slower.
Though with Easter later this week there is no way I will be getting that camera back for a while yet :( Will let you know when I get my camera back

- - - Updated - - -

Hi lenscap Yes I had only used the SD Card myself except for that one time when I used the CF Card.

About the Battery life Believe me it will get better my first time use of Battery #1 I only got 338 shots as I used the camera Flash a little to try it out .. Battery #2 .. 375 shots
Next recharge #1 .. 513 shots .. #2 .. 682 shots, and the last recharge which was the 4th one Battery #1 took 735 shots so its getting better.
Though looking on line when I first got my camera I found the most you can get from a recharge was 850 shots.

I have used my two LP-E6 batteries from my 5 year old 5D MK11 with only one bar left on each, on one I got 375shots and the other 515 shot sso that make me wonder if the LP-E6N is as good.

31-03-2015, 5:58pm
Hi Everyone..I have just got off the phone after a very long chat with the Serviceman from Canon and I was told once again that this problem does not get fixed under warranty.
He went on to explain why as the centre pins are longer that the outside ones and the only way they could have got bent would be if someone put the card in on its side.
As I know I did not do that as I could not get the card in the second time I used it, I asked him then why do Canon make a card slot like that in the 7D11, I dont know he replied.
I said fine I do not have the money to get it repaired and if you wont fix it under warranty please send it back to me and I will be getting in touch with Consumer Affairs

Then things changed and he said well Mary-Anne in this case your camera will be fixed under warranty and if it ever comes in again with bent pins in the slot you will be charged.
I Thanked him and asked if it is better if I dont take the memory cards out that way at least nothing will happen to the camera, he said you can but it will be a lot slower.
Though with Easter later this week there is no way I will be getting that camera back for a while yet :( Will let you know when I get my camera back

- - - Updated - - -

Hi lenscap Yes I had only used the SD Card myself except for that one time when I used the CF Card.

About the Battery life Believe me it will get better my first time use of Battery #1 I only got 338 shots as I used the camera Flash a little to try it out .. Battery #2 .. 375 shots
Next recharge #1 .. 513 shots .. #2 .. 682 shots, and the last recharge which was the 4th one Battery #1 took 735 shots so its getting better.
Though looking on line when I first got my camera I found the most you can get from a recharge was 850 shots.

I have used my two LP-E6 batteries from my 5 year old 5D MK11 with only one bar left on each, on one I got 375shots and the other 515 shot sso that make me wonder if the LP-E6N is as good.

Pity you have to almost threaten them to get a reasonable response. Nice to know though that now you are getting it fixed, under warranty.

31-03-2015, 6:17pm
Un-believa-BABBLE from that rep, M A.

Put it out there about the problem.

Am(still shaking my head!!).

PS: Know what? (Betcha do.) Go to consumer affairs anyway. Tell 'em the go.

Mary Anne
31-03-2015, 9:15pm
Am I agree as I was taken by surprise I would have thought if Canon were told about that problem they would be happy to do something to fix it.
Apparently not probably cost to many $$$ and I feel sorry for people who do buy the 7D MK11 and have the same thing happen to them with that CF card slot.
Though if people can find things like that on the link up top you would think Canon would know about it.
I don't think I will use the CF card again even if that part is replaced I will keep using he SD cards as I have not had a problem with the one I have been using.

03-04-2015, 1:32pm
Thanks for the reply Mary Anne. I think I will take your advise and use only the SD from now on. As for the battery life I do hope it does improve with use.

05-04-2015, 2:55pm
I was disappointed to hear about the problems that you have been having with your 7D II and about the issues that you have had with Canon.

I have a few friends that have bought the 7D II and have not had any issues yet, and hope that yours was an isolated case.

I would love to upgrade from the Mk I but have not been in a financial position to do so and while my old 7D is still working fine is harder to justify the update when I also have the 5D III.

Mary Anne
05-04-2015, 3:11pm
Thank You Steve.. Luck of the draw I did not have a good year last year with new cameras, I think this will be the last one for me, so I hope nothing else goes wrong.
I needed a new camera as my 40D is 6 years old and the 5D MK11 is five years old, both with high shutter counts, shame they dont last forever.
If I had a later model I would not have bought this one, I wouldn't be upgrading if I had the 5D 111 either, it is a great camera from what I have heard.

15-04-2015, 7:52am
Well Mary Anne? I think it is time to put a rocket under Canon if you have not received your camera back yet. At least a phone call might do. cheers Brian PS Good luck

Mary Anne
15-04-2015, 1:17pm
Thank You Brian. Have you got ESP or something
Not long come back from Photo Continental and have picked up the 7D2, I put a SD card in it and went out and took a few pics of my Granddaughters Dog Mikey we are Dog sitting for a week
It feels a little strange in my hand now as I have been using the the smaller Olympus E-M1 more lately though still using the the 5D2 occasionally for the Birds.
It works well though I have dont think I will be using the CF card again..

Thank You Everyone for commenting and all the Help You have given me during these 7 weeks much appreciated :2encou:

15-04-2015, 6:06pm
Great news :tog: cheers Brian

Mary Anne
15-04-2015, 8:53pm
And Thank You Brian its really great to have that camera back at last..

18-04-2015, 1:39pm
I am so pleased that you have your camera back Mary Anne. I am really enjoying my new 7D MK II and hope that I don't any any problems like you have had. I have lost faith in Canon after the quote that I got to fix my original 7D - they said that the whole top section had to be replaced at a cost of nearly $500. The quote for the part was around $250 from memory and someone told me to check on Ebay and they were selling there for $50 - probably not Canon, but the same part. I decided not to go ahead with their quote as I found a local repairer who said they could do the job for around $200-$250 and told Canon to send the camera back to me. For this I was charged $50 for the quote and postage. When it arrived here, I decided for some reason to check it out again and it was working and has been working ever since, so apparently taking the top off and putting it back on did the trick. I could have just paid out nearly $500 for the same result.

Mary Anne
18-04-2015, 4:37pm
Thank You Ann, yes its good to have my camera back, I never send my cameras to Canon for repairs they take too long I send them down to a repair shop in Sydney its cheaper and faster.
Thats strange about your 7D though good. Glad to read you are enjoying your 7D MK11, I have not had much of a chance to try mine out on the Birds yet, maybe next week :D

18-04-2015, 6:24pm
I am so pleased that you have your camera back Mary Anne. I am really enjoying my new 7D MK II and hope that I don't any any problems like you have had. I have lost faith in Canon after the quote that I got to fix my original 7D - they said that the whole top section had to be replaced at a cost of nearly $500. The quote for the part was around $250 from memory and someone told me to check on Ebay and they were selling there for $50 - probably not Canon, but the same part. I decided not to go ahead with their quote as I found a local repairer who said they could do the job for around $200-$250 and told Canon to send the camera back to me. For this I was charged $50 for the quote and postage. When it arrived here, I decided for some reason to check it out again and it was working and has been working ever since, so apparently taking the top off and putting it back on did the trick. I could have just paid out nearly $500 for the same result.

To the everlasting shame of large organisations that are quite willing to take your money for a product that they then abscond quickly enough from warranting. I don't care if it's Canon or anyone else.

I am glad that it has worked out well for you - so far!
