View Full Version : Lightroom 5

16-02-2015, 8:54pm
I have acquired a Nikon D750 and now my light room has a lagging problem. Computer is last gen i5 - 16gb ram, ssd for lightroom and an older HD for storage of pictures.
When I move the sliders, the screen takes a while to catch up with the input. This is not all the time, but quite often. Do you think an upgrade to a new 1tb HD would solve the problem?
Looking to upgrade to a new MB and CPU later in the year, maybe a nice new 30+ monitor as well.

16-02-2015, 9:00pm
Got the same issue with Lightroom. I'm trialling Capture One to see if it's a problem specific to Lightroom, but the delay's are phenomenal compared to my D700.

17-02-2015, 12:18am
Strange thing is:

I have LR 4, have had for a while now.
I find it to be a complete slug in terms of operational speed.
All other software ... even CNX-D runs faster .. if CNX-D even runs at all that is too.
This is mainly with D800 files, but not exclusively.

load any jpg images tho and it works fine. It's fast enough.

So I loaded Lr5 in trial format. I think it lasted about 60 days, but I never got much of a chance to use it as much as I'd have liked.

Lr5 was noticeably faster than 4 for me tho.

I can't remember the sliders loading/moving slowly tho .. more so the changes to the image, zooming in and out.
That is I'd move a slider, and it seemed to move fluidly and quickly. But no change for a second or so at least. The it would try to effect a change to the image on screen, the image would blur and then change.

This (for me) is mightily annoying, especially for doing USM on any image. Trying to do comparative before and after reviews is frustrating.

Needless to say I very rarely use it .. mainly to see other raw file types and the occasional touch up on someone else's jpg file if trying to offer PP advice.

John. Do you have a graphics card installed, or do you use onboard graphics.

The reason I ask is that I reckon my issues could be that I only use the onboard graphics on my PC. Graphics card was donated to another computer.
When the graphics card was in the PC tho, I can't remember it feeling any faster .. that is VNX2 and CNX2 were faster for me by comparison.

I remember back when I did have the graphics card installed .. I also tried to use the two screen mode .. image on one screen, main page of the interface on the other.
It just crashed in this mode .. actually froze and then crashed.

I think LR has some software bit that leverages the power of your graphics card to boost it's speed.
That is, it uses your graphics card cpu as an additional cpu to do some of it's internal stuff .. for the benefit of greater speed!

17-02-2015, 12:52am
Take a look at THIS (https://helpx.adobe.com/lightroom/kb/optimize-performance-lightroom.html) from Adobe re optimising performance. Last computer I had ran 8 Gb of RAM and an intel i7 2600 LGA1155 CPU. The current Macbook pro has the i7 2.8 Ghz processor and 12 Gb RAM. Both of these run LR and PS fine, including multi layer PSD files of very large size. I think fast processor and lots of RAM are the way to go with these programs, I was told that fantastic graphics cards are less important.

17-02-2015, 5:31am
I agree with Hamster and AK. Slowing down of a computer usually relates to RAM, processor and graphics card, rather than HDD unless the HDD is on its way out (hint, make sure you have a backup of all the photos etc on it). The other this is how full is the SDD or HDD, as a drive gets closer to full, it slows the system down.

How often do you do a clean-up of your computer. You could try downloading the free version of Glary Utilities and installing and then running the 1 click maintenance. On computers that have not had it used before, Glary can make a world of difference.

17-02-2015, 10:39pm
Thanks all for your replies,
Rick : I do have a double redundancy backup, and clean fortnightly. Both drives are less than half full, and I do have a 2gb graphics card

17-02-2015, 11:34pm
I have a pretty healthy system with an i7-5820, 32GB RAM and 2GB GPU. Small SSD but all pics on an old 2TB HDD with backup to another 2TB HDD in a NAS. I get LR5 to send the pics to both locations on upload. Main drive is getting pretty full, 80% so will archive soon.

No performance issues at all either in LR or CS.