View Full Version : Gidget

13-02-2015, 7:03pm
I am not really new, but I have been out of action for a few weeks due to relocating to Brisbane...actually I am now commuting to Brisbane each week. Anyway, life is a tad hectic to say the least.

This is an image from a few weeks ago on a family trip to my partner's home on a beef property called EDEN DALE on the NSW Qld border. This is Gidget. She is a rare Cremello with a white coat but the bluest of eyes. She is a beautiful young working horse.

https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7465/16097573288_9bcc982f58_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/qwugH3)Gigit 1 (https://flic.kr/p/qwugH3) by Bulley61 (https://www.flickr.com/people/91920834@N03/), on Flickr

Aperture: f/5.3
Exposure: 1/200
ISO: 800
Focal Length: 240mm

13-02-2015, 7:46pm
Never seen a horse with blue eyes before, so thanks for that. I don't know whether or not you have cropped this down really closely from a larger image. To my decrepit eyes, it looks a bit out of focus and a little noisy. I like the creative idea with the cropping but I think that eyes need to be tack sharp in any portrait, (even a horse portrait) particularly one where the eye is so obviously the main subject. Have you tried some of the de-noising software available. I find Topaz De-Noise useful. That won't help the focus but will eliminate the noise. Of course, that is just my opinion. If you were seeking a grainy image for artistic purposes then well done. Thanks for submitting and I hope that you don't think that I have been too harsh.

13-02-2015, 9:06pm
Thanks Hawthy...always keen for feedback! I will check original but I don't think this one was particularly cropped. Yes I was looking for a blurry background and the green countryside certainly provided that. But I agree that it is a little soft. I guess noise to be expected at 800 ISO but it was late afternoon so needed it. Will certainly have a look at the software you suggested...

Mark L
14-02-2015, 10:39pm
Good to see you back Julie.
If I had to live near a big city, Lota may be, possibly, maybe alright.
If only Mudgee had a beach.:(