View Full Version : Internet usage, software and AP

Battery Hen
09-02-2015, 3:00pm
If we subscribe to Lightroom, do we use more internet data than when it was on a disc?
And does looking at photos on AP chew up MB?
I'm curious as to where my usage is going.

09-02-2015, 3:34pm
anything you look at on the net, download or upload is going to use up data. Photos that are uploaded direct to AP are 250KB or less, so you need to look at 4 of them at the maximum size to have downloaded 1mb of data.

Most songs are about 3-5mb. Movies can be 700MB and upwards. Most HD movies are 1-2gb.

Listening to music online, like spotify, etc, each song you listen do is going to take up 2-5mb of download.

Basically every website you visit, the page content has to be downloaded to be displayed on your screen. Sites and browsers have some benefits. Take AP, the site banner etc is downloaded to your computer once. That file is then stored on your computer in browser cache, and rather than download it again, it just grabs the copy downloaded before and uses it. Most websites and browsers work like this to keep you usage levels as low as possible.

As for Lightroom, photoshop etc being subscribed to and using the cloud, I am note sure as I have not gone to that model yet. I am still using the copies stored locally on my computer and have not upgraded.

09-02-2015, 4:41pm
If I am correct, PS and LR are just validated on regular intervals over the web, the actual programs are still on your hard drive, its just your subscription that get validated.

09-02-2015, 4:50pm
If I am correct, PS and LR are just validated on regular intervals over the web, the actual programs are still on your hard drive, its just your subscription that get validated.


09-02-2015, 6:25pm
IIRC, you have an option to save images to the cloud using CC.
(I dunno personally, as I don't use it)

Many net providers now charge for uploads as well as downloads.
Some do, some don't .. you need to check with yours.

I can't imagine many of the net connections CC does such as validations and suchlike will use all that much data allowance.
But if there's some new cool super tool added, it will probably mean a major upgrade ... and therefore a lot more data.

Battery Hen
10-02-2015, 7:30pm
Thank you for all your responses. Rick's response seems to correlate with my data - just about every upload/download counts, including each photo. If there is only validation of the software, it happens frequently and uses a lot of data, so I'm not convinced using Lightroom is as simple as validation. I obviously need to do more research, but I've also learnt since this request that each Internet provider has different terms for what counts as metred data. It's all very confusing for a computer 'foreigner'.
As it's useful information, I'll follow up with anything of note I find and post it here.
thanks again everyone, you responses are much appreciated.

10-02-2015, 7:57pm
If you have a router in your network (most net providers will issue you with a modem router) .. some have the ability to watch data throughput to and from your net connection.

You can download some software to do the same thing too if you're really interested in tracking the cause.