View Full Version : Second camera to cover full event?

09-02-2015, 1:26pm
Hi All,It is my first post after introduction and need your expert advice.In order to cover the complete coverage of an event, I want to buy a second camera and don’t want to swap lenses.Currently I have Canon 5 D Mark III with 2 lenses both f2.8 24-70 & 70-200mm IS II.Please advise - what type of second camera should I buy? How about 7D ? Buying another 5D is out of picture.- Which Lens should I use on which camera?

09-02-2015, 2:06pm
Something to consider.... I use 5 different camera bodies - not all at once of course. When I use multiple bodies on say a wedding. I often find it difficult to remember where in the different menu systems to find a setting I want to use, or to remember what custom functions I have already put into each body. I often think that if the bodies I was using were the same model, it would be so much easier. If you're using zooms., I really don't think the old excuse of have different focal lengths for the same lens really matters. Sometimes, I really wish Canon would stick to a menu and control system for more than two models in succession.... :rolleyes:

09-02-2015, 2:16pm
Probably the 7d is a good choice, menu settings and knobs are pretty much the same. Quite often when doing events I will have my 7d with the 70-200 being used by the second shooter to catch candids etc from a little further away, with the 5d 24-70 being used for all the must have in close and group shots. 24 mm on full frame allows you to cover reasonable sized groups without too much trouble or getting the distortion towards the edges that happens when you go to wider.

09-02-2015, 2:47pm
Well said Cris, agree with you.
5d being full frame is a right choice for wide angle 24mm and
7d being cropped sensor fine for telephoto.

Warbler - 5 cameras ..that's a lot ..I am sure it is confusing from the controls point of view.

09-02-2015, 2:54pm
I personally have hired a second body the same as mine when the need required.
That way you don't have to learn a new set of controls and everything is second nature.

Otherwise depending on the event I'd also consider the 6D as your second body.

09-02-2015, 4:43pm
If you can't do the 5d3 then I'd go 6D to keep it full frame and have better iso performance than the 7D

09-03-2015, 12:00pm
I've tried a few different setups...
My last setup for weddings and events was a 5D3 as my main, usually with my 70-200 on as I use that lens most. Then I'd have a 7D with a 10-18mm on as I love using the ultra wide angle as a nice contrast to the tele candid shots at around 200mm.

But, the 7D annoyed me for various reasons - noisy compared to 5D3 quiet mode, not great in low light, plus having a full frame and a crop body made things tricky depending on the venue (e.g. sometimes having the 70-200 on the 7D was just too long...)

So. I just sold my 7D and associated APS-C lenses, and picked up a 6D (as I couldn't really afford another 5D3 either!). I'm now loving having both full frame bodies, as I have a 16-35mm 2.8 and want to make the most of that lens, along with the 70-200 on my 5d3.

Yeah, the button layouts are different between the two bodies, but I think I'll get used to it.

I also love that the 6D has GPS and wifi, and a smaller lighter body - could be a good body to take OS when I travel next, instead of the 5D3...

Anyway, hope that helps some :)

09-03-2015, 3:20pm
I may have missed this but to me the first question is to ask what is the event type. If you are choosing for say a sports even, I would go the 7d2 and place the 70-200 on the crop and the other on the 5d3 for the portrait style shots of those in the shorter focal lengths. In this instance I would not purchase a 6D as it may not have the features required for sport. Think seriously about what you are shooting with two bodies - FF is a blast but is it required. Sports in good light with a crop are fine and with the new 7D2 even not so good light can be workable.

If you are talking weddings etc - I agree , go the 6D but be warned - the controls and feel are very different. If you are talking low light, I believe the 6D has the edge.

I do a lot of horse events and in good light my 50D was a cracka but in low light and under cover it wasnt so great with ISO over 800 and was a struggle to maintain a sutable shutter speed. Hence teh 5D3, FF and sport shooting capabilities plus I wanted to keep the control function I was used to.

I thinkj the real question is - what are you shooting at these events and which body best covers that shooting - for me, I am looking to buy a 7D2 to compliment my FF body and then will mostly use for portrait type shooting and the 7D2 for the sport events type photography.
One thing I missed when mving to FF, the reach of my 70-200.