View Full Version : Staff photos and group photo, how much to pay?

28-01-2015, 8:43am
Hey all,

I need new indivdual photos, group photos, location shoot photos of staff and general staff photos (for marketing). We're a real estate agency.

I was quoted $600 for all this by the photographer we use for all our house shoots. They are very well priced for what they do in terms of the real estate shoots, but I don't know if that is cheap, expensive or about right for the portrait work?

Any opinions on it? It isn't a set number of photos either, they just take as much as required.

28-01-2015, 9:30am
You'll only know if you seek other quotes from other photographers. This site is not where I'd be shopping for quotes. Don't take this personally, because I don't know you. Just saying that asking for pros to give you a quote will at least have people putting their money where their mouth is rather than opinions from all and sundry here.

28-01-2015, 9:34am
Nah thats cool. I assumed pro's would be here given this is the business section of the forum. Other local photographers I asked for a quote from never got back to me, so gave up on that idea. Will go with these guys regardless since we have an existing relationship, they prioritise our property shoots as we give them a lot of work so I just don't want to harm that relationship by asking for a discount on a fair price already.

28-01-2015, 9:44am
I'm sure that some-one here would probably offer to do it for the experience, but as you list yourself as an advanced shooter, I gather you want some-one better than yourself. In any case, as you say, you have a business relationship with the photographer already. Getting some-one else in to do this one job would probably put my nose out of joint if I was the photographer. If it's too hard for you to do, or too much trouble, then $600 for top quality work is about right. If the work is not up to scratch then tell your photographer and ask for a re-shoot or discount. No doubt he values the relationship too.

28-01-2015, 9:50am
I'm sure that some-one here would probably offer to do it for the experience, but as you list yourself as an advanced shooter, I gather you want some-one better than yourself. In any case, as you say, you have a business relationship with the photographer already. Getting some-one else in to do this one job would probably put my nose out of joint if I was the photographer. If it's too hard for you to do, or too much trouble, then $600 for top quality work is about right. If the work is not up to scratch then tell your photographer and ask for a re-shoot or discount. No doubt he values the relationship too.

Thanks for the advice. I do have the gear and could have given it a go myself, but its less awkward for the staff to have pro's do it rather than their boss. Plus it'll make it tricky for various group shots and portraits of myself when it has to be done on a tripod with timer. That and I haven't done portrait work in years :o

Mark L
28-01-2015, 8:21pm
I'm sure that some-one here would probably offer to do it for the experience,

If only I lived near Melbourne.:lol2:
Seriously though, I'd have done it for half the price so we both got experience.;)
Best to get it done right by someone that hopefully knows what they're doing.

31-01-2015, 8:08am
If you find someone willing to work "for experience", just do the right thing and pay them at least at McDonald's rate.
... however paying $600 to your photographer might be a cheaper option..


31-01-2015, 9:38pm
Depends on location, here in Narooma I was getting around $400 to $600 for a wedding where in the city you can add another 0 or more. A day of running around covering a story for the national press dropped down to $150 or less from $400 -$500 about 4 years ago.

02-02-2015, 5:28am
I was getting around $400 to $600 for a wedding

Another "burglar"? Still "Intermediate"?

02-02-2015, 8:57am
Another "burglar"? Still "Intermediate"?

Not quite sure what you mean by the comment?

As for intermediate, thats where I would place myself on the technology and manipulation side of things and going by some other intermediates on here. Qualified as a photographer in the UK around 20+ years ago.

If by burglar you mean Im undercutting any other photographer in my area, there are no others working here which is why I get asked to cover such a wide area by the press. Ask for more money down here and you have no chance of work (not that theres much anyway).

Heres a link to another one of my latest jobs where there was $0 in the kitty to pay a photographer but living in a small town you try to help out when you can http://www.narooma.org.au/

I could quite easily sit back and say I wont work unless I get $$$$ but in this day and age theres always someone who will do it for free, often on their mobile (news story's).

Just had builders at my house for the last week, the one guy had so many tools he needed a truck and trailer to carry them all. His day rate was $300 and the work first class, even the electrician and plumber rates were $40 per hr each. Am I worth more than them because I take photo's?


02-02-2015, 9:29am
"Burglar" is a golfing term for someone whose official handicap is much higher than their ability. They typically enter club competitions and play better than their handicap suggests, thus stealing all the prizes. I think you'll find that Rick tends to rate anyone who gets paid to shoot weddings as Advanced. That was my meaning. No more and nothing less.

02-02-2015, 9:38am
freelancer Congrats! You are now advanced

04-02-2015, 9:17am
Thanks for the explanation (never played golf).

As with many photographers these days Im now on the scrap heap and haven't done paid work for the last two years and have only recently got back into it to help my kids improve their skills. I tend to only use my camera gear to photograph things Im selling these days including most of the camera gear.

My trade is bricklayer and photography was only a hobby (though I had qualifications in it) until I suffered a broken neck and back injury's about 10 years ago. I didn't plan or even want to work in photography but ended up there for a few years. I now work odd days with a plumber and my kids sell far more photographic work than me at age 12-14.

I did a shoot for real estate about 3 years ago down here which included office shots with people, shots with portable fold out back drops and a few shots of staff at some of the prominent locations around town. The price was fixed by the real estate at $120 take it or leave it, at the time they were paying $200 for another professional to shoot their property's including full room measurement for floor plans (he's now working in aged care:)). I believe a company from 120km south now do property shoots here for $220 but need at least two jobs to drive up here (I was offered the job).

To sell a property here in Narooma most real estate charge around 4%+ which I believe to be much higher than city prices.


04-02-2015, 12:08pm
i am a professional photographer doing similar work. IMHO i would say, all depends on the average hourly rate for services. On an average for such gigs, I would say the average is anywhere form 100 AUD per hour and above. So lets say if it is a 5 - 6 hours job, it is quite reasonably priced.
cheers, Josh