View Full Version : Meta data
25-01-2015, 3:34am
I want to enter a competion but as part of the entry criteria I need to add my copyright details into the meta data. How can I add my details into meta data?
I tried changing details in the properties when you right click on the picture but any details I add can also be changed by anyone so I assume thats not what their after.
I dont have any computer software other than the free Picassa download. After searching on net found out that Picassa doesn't have the ability to add meta data anyway.
Does the picture need to be shot in RAW?
Many cameras will allow you to enter copyright details ( and more ) via the menu system of the camera.
You only have to save the details once and they are there permanently until re edited by you in the camera menu.
Once those details are added to the camera they show in every image taken by the camera when viewed with software that shows the meta data.
What camera do you own?
25-01-2015, 9:59am
I have a Canon 400D. The picture is already deleted off the camera.
25-01-2015, 10:17am
if you download a copy of lightroom you can set it to add copyright details etc. But if you have not used lightroom before you are about to go on a learning curve.
25-01-2015, 11:37am
You can easily edit (to add to) EXIF using ACDSee, (but not that I can find in Faststone Viewer, unfortunately) and in Photoshop (CS2 for me),
but CS5 illustrated here ( That link shows just what you want to do.
Presumably, it's available in Adobe Elements, and - who knows? - maybe in IrfanView as well.
Have you got any of these?
PS: Just tried (an old version of) IrfanView. You can add comments in the tab called IPTC data.
So, IFV is free.
25-01-2015, 4:02pm
I think the one thing missing in Faststone is the ability to edit exif information. You can add information to jpegs as a description and put copyright information there. The trouble is that will not put the copyright information in the expected position.
Exiftool combined with exiftoolgui (if you are not into command line) will allow view and changing of exif information. This is free software that does not need to be fully installed.
You need to have both pieces of software to edit metadata. Instructions and links are at
I normally do it in Photoshop via File/file info , but that is no use if you don't own photoshop.
25-01-2015, 4:08pm
So summarising:
1. In camera (in future).
2. Lightroom.
3. Adobe Photoshop and probably Elements.
4. ACDsee (not free).
5. IrfanView (free).
6. Farmax's suggestion.
7. Google "free exif editors"...:D
25-01-2015, 7:57pm
Thanks guys. Will have a play around
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OK. I down loaded IrfanView and could add copyright things, but if you right click on the picture, go into properties and details, you can still overwrite that detail. How can I get it to not let the details be changed? I can do this sort of change just thru MS office picture manager.
Thanks for helping
25-01-2015, 8:01pm
Hmm! Got me thinking --- OK, I give up. Have to set it to "read only" somehow.
For subsequent shots, set it in your camera. See if you can change that using IFV.
25-01-2015, 8:02pm
Thanks guys. Will have a play around
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OK. I down loaded IrfanView and could add copyright things, but if you right click on the picture, go into properties and details, you can still overwrite that detail. How can I get it to not let the details be changed? I can do this sort of change just thru MS office picture manager.
Thanks for helping
You can't. Cause software lets you edit the copyright, I could edit the copyright. Cause software exists to do this, then anyone with the software can do it. One of the downsides of being able to edit it in the first place.
26-01-2015, 1:36am
So does that mean I need photoshop or along those lines to add the data, ricktas?
26-01-2015, 7:30am
no, set your camera up to add it.
what I am saying is that cause editors exist, anyone can edit it. the ability to edit it is not just yours. Anyone with a copy of a photo and the right software can edit it
26-01-2015, 10:06pm
Can I set my Canon 400D up to add it? I checked my manual and cant find out how I do it.
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Just went onto web and it doesn't look like I can set it in camera. All the screen pictures of camera menu's I see actually has a copyright selection. Mines doesn't.
26-01-2015, 10:23pm
I have found how to do it using Canon EOS utility. You tether the camera to the computer and set it on screen. It transfers to camer.
It's not a very good video. I'm checking the manual now.
Hang on a bit.
In the meantime ANYONE with a Canon DSLR should be able to help.
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Here is the (silent) video that shows how to do it using the EOS util:
See if that makes sense. You might as well look for hens' teeth!!!
26-01-2015, 10:25pm
..... . How can I get it to not let the details be changed? .....
if the question is one relating to the security of the image .. as Rick said!
You can edit any info in the image as you please .. you just need the right tools.
If the question is related to security, ie. the possible theft of your images being added into a comp, then for proof of ownership, having the raw file in your possession is a fairly strong argument for claiming ownership!
One of the benefits of shooting in raw format is that it allows this proof of ownership to a degree.
Reason is, that while you make derivative copies fo a raw file into almost any other (commonly used) file type, you can't do this process the other way around.
That is, you can't take a non raw file and convert it into a (proper) raw file.
Some software do allow you to save a non raw file as a raw file, but this saved raw file is not the same proper raw file as that created by the camera.
Any 'software' created raw file is a mock or pseudo raw file .. it's not real.
So if you post an image in jpg format to a comp and someone steals it and claims it's theirs . if you have the original raw file(and they obviously don't!) and a legal argument ensues .. the person with the raw file should hold the upper hand!
Just don't share or distribute raw files.
In all practicality .. any other reason for concerning about this issue isn't worth it.
26-01-2015, 10:30pm
AK. He wants his name to appear in the image metadata. Originally it was for a competition elsewhere, and (I think) he used
some exif editor like IrfanView to set it in that image. Now he wants it set in-cam for every image.
Am(having a deuce of a time looking for it myself:rolleyes:)..
26-01-2015, 10:54pm
Ahhhh .. OK(ish)
I'm a bit confused.
I thought that the ability to edit the data was the issue(too)?
FWIW: no matter if the data is set in the camera or not .. it can still be edited out .. if this is a concern.
O'm not sure if this next bit of info helps or not?
Note that if the image is a raw file, and you want to add embedded data(such as tagged info, or copyright data, etc) .. Lr is not really helpful for this task.
Lr only adds metadata in raw file into it's catalog via their proprietary XML sidecar files system.
That is, if you add metadata into your raw file via Lr only this program can recognise this information in the raw file.
If you open or view the raw file(to which you add metadata) in any other software, none of the added metadata will be visible(simply because it's not there. (it's in the linked XML file instead).
I think the added metadata is added when you export to a new file of some other type.
26-01-2015, 11:16pm
In my canon 50D, you can use the EOS utilites software what should have come on one of the CD's packed with the camera. In it is the software used to tether the camera to a computer/laptop. You need to have the camera tethered to add the information. I don't know if it is available in the 400D.
Instructions for some of the canon cameras using the EOS utilities are at Instructions are about halfway down in red writing.
Here are also instructions from canon ( to do it via menus if your camera will permit that. It does say there :
"make sure its Mode Dial is set for a Creative Zone mode — P, Tv, Av or M. If not, the camera simplifies operation and menu choices and no choices for setting copyright will appear."
27-01-2015, 12:31pm
Just to clarify. Yes I did want to add meta data to my picture so I could enter a competition. But going by what Rick has said above if I can change my details in the software so can other people. I have emailed comp and asked whether its ok to add it like that, even though it is changeable.
I never knew I could add copyright inside the actual camera, so am working on that too so this is not a problem in the future. So everyone's right!
Is this true of watermarks also. If I watermark a pic in Picassa can someone else remove it through Picassa or any other software?
And it's she, but you could never had known that..:flowersnap:
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Also. I tried changing the in camera settings to add copyright, but unfortunately I don't get the copyright setting. I just have Oow
27-01-2015, 12:44pm
Use the Owners setting. Copyright is (usually) the Owner's.
Watermarks cam be removed more-or-less successfully, but it's part of the picture, so it usually looks messy
when someone has tried to remove it. There is a way to put "invisible" watermarks on images which are (I think) hard or impossible
to remove.
Google "invisible watermarks" for some leads.
27-01-2015, 1:11pm
Above is what happens when my computer locks up. Whoops.
I just have Owner's details , format , date/time inputs. Bugger. Guess I cant do it that way either.
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Ok so I put info into Owners bit. I cant see that info in right click properties through MS image viewer but I can see it the photo software that came with camera. So I guess that is ok.
Will look up watermarks for future reference too. Thanks.
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